伴随着暑热天气的到来,2017考研进入最艰难复习阶段(It's so hot),面对这个火热的暑假,小伙伴们一定要稳住阵脚,调整好自己的心态,保持清凉的心情去面对2017考研复习。暑期复习阶段重点还是打牢基础,考研英语复习更要注重基础知识的储备,所以考生一定要全心全意投入到暑期复习中。在此期间,文都名师何凯文依旧为大家奉上每日一句及每日一练,帮助考生在暑期打牢基础。此外,各个高校的推免生夏令营活动也进入火热报名时间了,想要成功保研2017的考生要密切关注哦。
A changed relationship between the schools and the schooled is manifested in students’ interactions with colleges even before they enroll, as those institutions, intent on increasing the number of applications they receive and on snagging as many top ones, class presidents and soccer captains as they can, come at them as merchants, clamoring for their attention, competing for their affection and unfurling their wares with as much ceremony and gloss as possible.
1. snagging students 招收学生
2. clamor for 要求,吸引= claim
3. competing for 博取
4. unfurl= demonstrate 展现
5. ceremony and gloss 形式
6. wares 货品
7. intent on= in order to
8. the schooled 学生=students
9. enroll 入学
10. come at them 来到他们面前
确定主干:A changed relationship is manifested in students’ interactions with colleges.
1.even before they enroll 在他们入学之前
2. as those institutions, intent on increasing the number of applications they receive and on snagging as many top ones, class presidents and soccer captains as they can, come at them as merchants, clamoring for their attention, competing for their affection and unfurling their wares with as much ceremony and gloss as possible.
主干:Those institutions come at them as merchants
状语:1. intent on increasing the number of applications they receive
2.(intent) on snagging as many top ones, class presidents and soccer captains as they can,
3. clamoring for their attention,
4. competing for their affection
5. unfurling their wares with as much ceremony and gloss as possible
以上就是文都教育小编给大家总结的何凯文老师的每日一句,希望考生紧跟何凯文KK老师的步伐,在这个炎热的夏季,做到有条不紊的复习,不要让暑热阻碍你的考研梦。小编相信只要大家用心复习,拿下2017考研英语绝不是问题,加油吧,亲~~让这个暑期因为考研而充实。 |