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发表于 2016-7-14 15:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  We now must address two questions:
  Firstly,where on Earth is the population problem the worst?
  It is my opinion that the world's worst population problem is right here in the United States. This is because of our high per capita resource consumption. It has been estimated that a person added to the population of the United States will have 30 or more times the impact on world resources as will a person added to the population of an underdeveloped nation. Indeed, resource consumption in North America is roughly the same as resource consumption in the entire rest of the world.
  Secondly,where should we apply our efforts to have the most beneficial effect in helping to solve the population problem?
  The answer is, right here in the U.S..
  For many people, the population problem is a problem of "those people" in distant undeveloped countries. In early 1997, many people successfully lobbied Congress to restore family planning assistance in the U.S. foreign aid programs. This was a great victory, but it treats "those people" as though they were the big problem.
  Unchecked population growth in the Third World means depletion of water resources. It means famine. It means suffering. It pushes populations to clear rainforests. It pushes populations to go out and graze on land that cannot sustain cattle, and that leads to expansion of deserts worldwide. We all have a stake in the global environment.
  It is so easy to blame the problem on others and to identify what other people should do to solve the problem, while we ignore our own responsibilities and avoid doing anything to reduce the population problem in the U.S.. We need to work to stop population growth in the U.S..
  There are two sources that contribute approximately equally to population growth in the U.S.: the excess of births over deaths, and immigration. Both of these must be addressed.
  Let's compare three aspects of efforts to stop population growth in other countries with efforts to stop population growth in the United States.
  1) When we give family planning assistance to other countries, we are dealing with countries over which we have no legal jurisdiction and where we have little or no immediate political responsibility.
  When we confront population growth in the United States, we are dealing with a country where we as citizens have full and complete jurisdiction, and where we have political and family responsibilities. It should be much easier to solve our problem than it is to solve other peoples' problems.
  2) The negative effects of runaway population growth in an underdeveloped country are generally felt only in that country and in its immediate neighbors.
  The negative effects of population growth in the U.S. are felt throughout the entire world, because of our enormous per capita consumption of resources. Indeed, one of the aims of the many free-trade agreements about which we currently hear so much, is to open up the world's resources for consumption by consumers in the U.S..
  3) In countries receiving family planning assistance from the U.S. there will always be individuals who will claim that this assistance is a form of "genocide." They will be strengthened in this belief if we in the U.S. fail to take steps to halt our own population growth. As Tim Wirth of the U.S. Department of State has said, the best thing that we in the U.S. can do to help other countries stop their population growth, is to set an example and stop our own population growth.
  As you think about addressing the problem of population growth in the U.S., please ponder this challenge:
  Can you think of any problem, on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way, aided, assisted, or advanced, by having continued population growth at the local level, the state level, the national level, or globally?
  So we can see that Pogo was right:
  "We've met the enemy, and they're us!"
  1.What did the author mainly talk about?
  [A] The population problem in the world.
  [B] The population condition in the western world.
  [C] The population problem in Europe.
  [D] The population problem in the U.S.
  2. According to the author, which place should solve the population proplem?
  [A] The US
  [B] Europe
  [C] Underdeveloped countries
  [D] The Third World
  3. What did the Congressman think about the population problem?
  [A] He thought that the problem was worst in America.
  [B] He thought that the problem caused many other problems in the world.
  [C] He thought that the problem cannot be solved easily.
  [D] He thought that the problem in the Third World was to be blamed.
  4. Why are the negative effects of population growth in the U.S. felt throughout the entire world?
  [A] Because people around the world are all concerned about it.
  [B] Because per capita consumption of resources in America is enormous.
  [C] Because the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world.
  [D] Because the U.S .has great influence on other countries.
  5. Which is one of the reasons for the Americans to pay attention to their population problem?
  [A] Because some people always claim that the American assistance for family planning in other countries is a form of "genocide".
  [B] Because there are too many migrants nowadays.
  [C] Because once the population is too large, the American government will adopt unfavorable policies to limit migrants' coming to it.
  [D] Because America is now facing a lot of problems.
  1.where should we apply our …effect in helping to solve the population problem?
  2.For many people, the of those people in distant undeveloped countries.
  [注解]这句话是一个引子,作者的目的是用它表明错误的观念,用以引出自己的见解。“in distant undeveloped countries”是用来修饰“those people”的。
  3.In early 1997, many people successfully …as though they were the big problem.
  [译文] 在 1997 年早期,很多人成功地说服国会恢复了对外计划生育援助计划,这是一个巨大的胜利,但这使得“那些人”(的问题)好像已经是大问题了似的。
  [注解]“family planning”是计划生育的意思。
  4.It is so easy to blame the problem on others… and avoid doing anything to reduce the population problem in the U.S.
  [ 注 解] “ blame the problem on others ” 这 个 短 语 在 文 中 是 指 把 问 题 归 罪 于 别 人 .“ ignore our own responsibilities”是指忽视我们自己的责任。
  5.The negative effects of …per capita consumption of resources.
  1. [D]文章开篇就提出了问题:全世界什么地方人口问题最为严峻?然后作者陈述了自己的观点,在他看来,美国是人口问题最严重的国家,因为在全国范围内出生率与高于死亡率,并且近几十年来大量移民涌入美国。后文通篇都在论述作者的这一观点,因此选 D 项。
  2. [A]仔细阅读文章第四、第五段,就能理解题意,找出正确答案。
  3. [D]文章中的第六段和第七段都在讲大多数人在提到人口问题是都将其归究于发展中和不发达的第三世界国家,就如同一位有代表性的国会议员讲的话那样,第三世界国家的人口问题导致了水资源的过度消耗,饥荒,灾难等等问题。因此 D 项为正确选项。
  4. [B]此题是细节题,根据文中第六段所体现的相关信息,就不难作出正确判断了。
  5. [A]文章倒数第五段指出,美国在帮助其他一些国家搞人口控制、计划生育时,总有人会说这是美国的一种“有计划的灭绝和屠杀”政策。因此,如果美国自己不在控制人口增长的问题上做出榜样的话,那些认为美国有屠杀他国人的动机的观点就会得到证实。这是美国需要注意其人口问题的原因之一。因此选 A 项。

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发表于 2016-7-14 17:26:53 | 显示全部楼层
  Europe is often one of the first places people think of when racism is discussed. From the institutionalized racism, especially in colonial times, when racial beliefs—even eugenics—were not considered something wrong, to recent times where the effects of neo-Nazism is still felt. Europe is a complex area with many cultures in a relatively small area of land that has seen many conflicts throughout history. (Note that most of these conflicts have had trade and resource access at their core, but national identities have often added fuel to some of these conflicts.)
  Racism has also been used to justify exploitation, even using “pseudo-science”。
  Debates over the origins of racism often suffer from a lack of clarity over the term. Many conflate recent forms of racism with earlier forms of ethnic and national conflict. In most cases ethnic-national conflict seems to owe to conflict over land and strategic resources. In some cases ethnicity and nationalism were harnessed to wars between great religious empires (for example, the Muslim Turks and the Catholic Austro-Hungarians)。 As Benedict Anderson has suggested in Imagined Communities, ethnic identity and ethno-nationalism became a source of conflict within such empires with the rise of print-capitalism.
  In its modern form, racism evolved in tandem with European exploration and conquest of much of the rest of the world, and especially after Christopher Columbus reached the Americas. As new peoples were encountered, fought, and ultimately subdued, theories about “race” began to develop, and these helped many to justify the differences in position and treatment of people whom they categorized as belonging to different races.
  Another possible source of racism is the misunderstanding of Charles Darwin‘s theories of evolution. Some took Darwin’s theories to imply that since some “races” were more civilized, there must be a biological basis for the difference. At the same time they appealed to biological theories of moral and intellectual traits to justify racial oppression. There is a great deal of controversy about race and intelligence, in part because the concepts of both race and IQ are themselves controversies.
  A short review from the Inter Press Service highlights the rise of neo-Nazism in 2000 in Europe and suggests that “far from being a fringe activity, racism, violence and neo-nationalism have become normal in some communities. The problems need to be tackled much earlier, in schools and with social programs.”
  Ethnic minorities and different cultures in one country can often be used as a scapegoat for the majority during times of economic crisis. That is one reason why Nazism became so popular.
  In France, May 2002, the success of far right politician Le Pen in the run for leadership (though he lost out in the end) sent a huge shockwave throughout Europe, about how easy it was for far right parties to come close to getting power if there is complacency in the democratic processes and if participation is reduced.
  In various places throughout Western Europe, in 2002, as Amnesty International highlights, there has been a rise in racist attacks and sentiments against both Arabs and Jews, in light of the increasing hostilities in the Middle East.
  In 1997, Human Rights Watch noted that,“The U.K. has one of the highest levels of racially-motivated violence and harassment in Western Europe, and the problem is getting worse.” In April 1999, London saw two bombs explode in predominantly ethnic minority areas where a Nazi group has claimed responsibility. The summer of 2001 saw many race-related riots in various parts of northern England.
  Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities, according to the BBC. Anti-immigrant sentiment has long been high, especially against ethnic Albanians, who form the largest minority. Until the 1990s, the BBC notes, Greece had been an extremely homogenous society. With the fall of communism many immigrants from Eastern Europe came to Greece. Albanians especially have been targeted by a lot of racist sentiment. Some hostage taking by a few Albanians in recent years has not helped the situation.
  1. What does the author mainly talk about?
  [A] Racism in the world.
  [B] Racism in the western world.
  [C] Racism in Europe.
  [D] Racism in the countries other than the western world.
  2. When did the theories about race begin to develop?
  [A] After “the New World” was discovered.
  [B] After the USA was established.
  [C] Before the First World War.
  [D] During the colonial times.
  3. According to the author what is the second possible source of racism?
  [A] The colonial people began to be ultimately subdued.
  [B] The misunderstanding of Darwinism.
  [C] The development of human beings.
  [D] None of the above.
  4. One of the reasons that Nazism became very popular is that .
  [A] ethnic minorities have small impact in the whole world
  [B] various cultures cannot so-exist harmoniously
  [C] ethnic minorities and different cultures are used as a scapegoat for the majority during times of economic crisis
  [D] none of the above
  5. Which country in the EU has the worst record for racism against ethnic minorities?
  [A] The United Kingdom
  [B] Greece
  [C] Albania
  [D] Australia
  1. Europe is often one of the first places people think of when racism is discussed.
  但翻译时为符合汉语习惯需要作出调整。第二翻被动语态时往往需要调整语序,racism is discussed“是被动语态,尽管有时被动语态需要译出被动的意思来但在这里就不能翻作种族主义被讨论,要符合汉语习惯在这里就需要作语序上的调整。
  2.Europe is a complex area with many …many conflicts throughout history.
  [注解]“many conflicts throughout history”指的是在历史上充满着冲突。
  3. Debates over the origins …earlier forms of ethnic and national conflict.
  [注解] suffer 是遭受的意思,而且通常遭受的都是坏的事情。这里在翻译的时候,没有直译。
  4.Note that most of these conflicts have…… identities have often added fuel to some of these conflicts.
  [注解] “add fuel”是火上浇油的意思。
  5.Another possible source of racism is the misunderstanding of Charles Darwin‘s theories of evolution.
  [注解]该句中的 Charles Darwin 是英国博物学家,进化论的创立者。racism 是名词,意思是种族主义者。
  1.[C] 通读全文,可以总结出作者主要是在讨论欧洲的种族歧视问题。第一段的第一句就给全文大意做了个总结。
  2.[A] “新世界”就是指哥伦布发现美洲大陆的时候所用的名字,文章中明确指出了实在这一事件之后,“种
  族“这一观念开始产生了。因此正确选项为 A.
  3. [B] 作者在谈到种族主义的起源时说到,另一种可能的来源是对达尔文的进化论的误解。解答此题注意文中细节。
  4. [C] 这是一道细节题,根据原文不难看出,一个国家的少数民族和非主流文化往往被大多数人用来作为经济危
  机时期的牺牲品。因此 C 为正确选项。
  5. [B] 文章最后一段指出,希腊是欧盟国家中对少数民族持有种族偏见最严重的国家之一。由此不难看出,正确
  选项应该为 B.
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发表于 2016-7-14 17:36:57 | 显示全部楼层
  Pennsylvania‘s colonial ironmasters forged iron and a revolution that had both industrial and political I implications.The colonists in North America wanted the right to the profits gained from their manufacturing.However,England wanted all of the line colonies’rich ores and raw materials to feed its own factories,and also wanted the colonies to be a market for its finished goods.England passed legislation in 1750 to prohibit colonists from making finished iron products,but by 1771,when entrepreneur Mark Bird established the Hopewell blast furnace in Pennsylvania,iron making had become the backbone of American industry.It also had become one of the major issues that fomented the revolutionary break between England and the British colonies.By the time the war of independence broke out in 1776, Bird, angered and determined, was manufactureing cannons and shot at Hopewell to be used by the Continental Army.
  After the War,Hopewell,along with hundreds of other“iron plantations”,continued to form the new nation's industrial foundation well into the nineteenth century.The tufa/landscape became dotted with tall i
  stone pyramids that breathed flames and smoke,charcoal—fueled iron furnaces that produced the versatile metal SO crucial to the nation‘s growth.Generations of ironmasters,craftspeople,and workers produced goods during war and peace——ranging from cannons and shot to domestic items such as cast—iron stoves,pots,and sash weights for windows.
  The region around Hopewell had everything needed for iron production:a wealth of iron ore near the surface,limestone for removing impurities from the iron,hardwood forests to supply the charcoal used for fuel,rushing water to power the bellows that pumped blasts of air into the furnace fires,and workers to supply the labor.By the 1 830s,Hopewell had developed a reputation for producing high quality cast—iron stoves,for which there was a steady market.As Pennsylvania added more links to its transportation system of roads,canals,and railroads,it became easier to ship parts made by HopeweU workers to sites all over the east coast.There they were assembled into stoves and sold from Rhode Island to Maryland as the“Hopewell stove”。By the time the last fires burned out at Hopewell ironworks in 1 883, the community had produced some 80,000 cast-iron stoves.
  1. It can be inferred that the purpose ofthe legislation passed by England in 1 750 was to——。
  [A]reduce the price of English—made iron goods sold in the colonies
  [B]prevent the outbreak of the war of Independence
  [C]require colonists to buy manufactured goods from England
  [D]keep the colonies from establishing new markets for their raw materials
  2. The author compares iron furnaces to which ofthe following?
  [A]Cannons. [B]Pyramids.
  [C]Pots. [D]Windows.
  3. The word“blasts”in(Line 3,Para.3)is closest in meaning to .
  [A]eruption [B]gust
  [C]roar [D]dynamite
  4. Pennsylvania was an ideal location for the Hopewell ironworks for the following reason that————————。
  [A]many workers were available in the area
  [B] the center ofoperations ofthe army was nearby
  [C]che deep—embedded metal ore was easy to acquire
  [D]there was an abundance ofcoal
  5. The passage mentions“roads,canals,and railroads”in order to explain that——。
  [A]improvements in transportation benefited the Hopewell ironworks
  [B]iron was used in the construction of various types of transportation
  [C]me transportation system ofPennsylvania was superior to that of other states
  [D]Hopewell never became a major transportation center
  Raw adj.未加工的 legislation n.立法 entrepreneur n.企业家
  blast n.(一阵)疾风 plantation n.耕地 foundation n.基础
  rural adj.咖乡下的 versatile adj.多用途的 crucial adj.至关紧要的
  domestic adj.家用的pump v.注入 reputation n.名声
  assemble v.装配,组合 stoven n.炉
  By the time the War of Independence broke out in 1 776,Bird,angered and determined,was manufacturing cannons and shot at Hopewell to be used by the Continental Army.
  [点津]该句包含一个时间状语从句,句子的主干是Bird was manufacturing cannons and shot. by…为整句的时间状语,其中thetime与thewar…是同位语;angered and determined为插入语,用于修饰Bird;at Hopewell为shot的地点状语;to be used by…为Hopewell的后置定语。
  1.C推断题。根据题干关键词the legislation passed by England in 1750定位文章第一段。该段前部 分提到英国不仅需要殖民地的矿石和原材料以满足工厂的需要,还想让殖民地成为产品倾 销市场,很显然英国人在1750年通过法案,阻止殖民者制造铁制成品,其目的就在于防止殖民地形成本地生产市场,从而不再从英国购买产品。结合选项可知,只有C“要求殖民者购买 来自英国的制造品”与原文意思一致,故为答案。
  2.B细节题。根据题干中的关键词iron furnaces to…定位第二段…dotted with tall stone pyramids that breathed flames and smoke,charcoal—fueled iron fumaces…,该段提到“乡村密布着冒出火焰与 烟雾的高大石塔以及以木炭为燃料的高炉,这些高炉生产着对国家发展极为重要的多功能金属。”由此可见,作者把tall stone puramids与iron furnaces相比照。故选B.
  4.A细节题。根据题干中的关键词Pennsylvania、Hopewell定位文章最后一段。原文当中提到 Hopewell周围地带有着生产铁制品得天独厚的条件,丰富的铁矿、除去杂质所用的石灰石矿、可用作燃料的广袤的森林、足够的工人等,结合选项可知,答案应为A.
  5.A推断题。由关键词roads,canals,and railroads定位最后一段。文章提到PenIlsylvania加强了交通网络的建设,从而使得Hopewell的工人所生产的零部件更易于向整个东海岸运输,结合 选项,A“交通状况的改善使Hopewell的钢铁厂从中受益”,符合题意。其余三项B“钢铁被普遍用在不同交通设施的建造上”C“Peansylvania的交通系统比其他各州的状况都要完善”,D“Hopewell从来都没成为主要的运输中心”,都属于无中生有。
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发表于 2016-7-14 18:25:32 | 显示全部楼层
  Half the game is 90 percent mental,“ Yogi Berra once said, or something like that, and science is now getting around to putting his aphorism to the test. Researchers including Debbie Crews of Arizona State University and John Milton of the University of Chicago have been studying patterns of brain activation——not in baseball players but in golfers, who make better subjects because they don't move around as much and the electrodes stay stuck to their heads. Yogi might have been surprised by the researchers' conclusion, though: the better the golfer, the less brain activity he shows in the seconds before he makes his shot.
  Crews, a sports psychologist who studies putting——even the minimal agitation of a chip shot can upset her experimental apparatus——has found that a key difference between amateurs and pros lies in the left hemisphere. This is the seat of logic, analysis, verbal reasoning and the kinds of thoughts——Maybe I should just kind of squinch over a little more to the left——that you never imagine crossing Tiger Woods's mind. Professionals, once they've determined how to make a shot, follow an invariable routine that renders conscious thought unnecessary. “How you think is probably more important than what you think,” Crews says. “Quieting the left hemisphere is really critical.”
  Or, to put it another way, when Milton asked some LPGA golfers what they thought about just before taking a shot, they answered: nothing. To test this, he rounded up a half-dozen pros and an equal number of amateurs and had them imagine making a specific shot——a wedge shot of 100 yards to the green, with no wind——while monitoring their brains in a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine. “The professionals are just much more specialized and efficient,” Milton says. “You put in a quarter and you get your shot.” The amateurs, by contrast, showed more total brain activation, involving more areas of the brain. In particular, amateurs activated the basal ganglia——involved in learning motor functions——and the basal forebrain and amygdala, responsible for, among other functions, emotions. “They're not fearful or anxious,” Milton says, “but they get overwhelmed by details, by the memories of all the shots they've missed in the past.” Some of his subjects worried about hitting the ball into the water, which was curious, because he hadn't even mentioned a water hazard in describing the imaginary shot to them.
  Professional athletes, as a rule, know how to keep focus, although there are exceptions, like Chuck Knoblauch, the Yankee second baseman who suddenly lost the ability to make a routine throw to first base. Milton is already trying to apply these lessons to stroke and other rehabilitation patients who have to relearn skills like walking; he recommends putting more emphasis on visualization and improving mental focus. In many aspects of life, it seems, half the game really is 90 percent mental.
  注(1):本文选自Newsweek; 6/2/2003, p14;
  注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题Text 4(个别题目顺序加以调整);
  1. The views of Yogi Berra and researchers including Crews and Milton are ________.
  2. We can learn from the text that the difference between pros and amateurs lies in_______.
  [A]the activity of the left hemisphere
  [B]the way of their thinking
  [C]the ability to control one‘s brain
  [D]the ability to forget the past failures
  3. Tiger Woods, according to the text, is probably ________.
  [A]a professional golf player
  [B]a professional baseball player
  [C]a sports psychologist
  [D]a researcher
  4. What is the key to the success of golfers according to the text?
  [A]Not to think of anything related to your past losses.
  [B]To be more specialized and efficient.
  [C]Try to activate your whole brain.
  [D]Quiet your left hemisphere and think of nothing.
  5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
  [A]What the researchers have found proves Yogi Berra‘s words.
  [B]Baseball player should do as Yogi Berra said.
  [C]Mentality plays a very important role in many aspects of life.
  [D]Sports and medicine share some common principles.
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