41.Andrew Lansleyheld thatthe producers of crisps and candies could contribute significantly to the Change4Life campaign.
出现在原文中的句子是“Lansley has alarmed health campaigners by suggesting he wants industry rather than government to take the lead.He said thatmanu factures of crisps and candiescouldplay a central role in the Change4Life campaign, the center piece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness.”
仔细观察原句,我们应该都不难发现:下划线部分是最容易定位的关键词“人名”,加粗部分则是谓语成分,以及具有相同意义的斜体部分。首先要指出的是,the producers等同于manufactures,是“生产者或者生产商”的意思(第一个同义复现)。其次,题干中的significantly与文章中的a central role相呼应,两者都表达着“重要的”意思。而粗体部分“held that”与“said that”在意义表达上又是一致的。所以,有了这么多明显的“线索”,相信各位考生也不会在定位及选取正确选项上有疑惑。
再如题目44.Dinesh Bhugrasuggested that the government should ban fast-food outlets in the neighborhood of schools.根据最明显的关键词“Dinesh Bhugra”,考生可以很容易的定位到原文中的倒数第四及第五段:
“Porfessor Dinesh Bhugra, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists,said:“If children are taught about the impact that food had on their growth, and that some things can harm, at least information is available up front.”
He also urgedcouncils to impose “fast-food-free zones”around schools and hospitals—areas within which take aways cannot open.”
在这道题目的选择过程中,考生在第一步定位了文中原句的具体位置后,还需要对关键人物“Dinesh Bhugra”的观点再一次进行精确定位。若是考生定位到“said”后的句子,将会被这26个单词的句子弄得抓狂。考生在做题时进行到这一段时,若是不能在7个选项中立刻找到正确的选项,就可以继续向下面的段落中搜索。第五段中的人称代词“He”很明显得指代的是上段中的“Dinesh Bhugra”。谓语动词“suggested”及“urged”可能会成为考生在解题时的拦路虎。当考生把目光移到“around schools and hospitals”时,7个选项中的“in the neighborhood of school”将会给考生一定的提示。因此在选择对应的选项时,考生就算对整个句子完全不懂的状态下,凭借着原文中与题干中相同的部分单词或者同义替换,也可以找到正确的选项。
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