发表于 2018-12-8 13:04:49
Section III: Writing (30 points)
We are looking for volunteers to help a tth eInternational Conference on
Globalization, which is t o take place on this campus on Jan. 16th, 2010. This
conference will attract over 200 business, academic, and governmental leaders
fro m 50 countries. Volunteers will have the opportunity to gain exposure and
knowledge as well as network with leaders and experts all over the world. In
dividuals with excellent language skills in English, French or Spanish are
encouraged to sign up. Those who have communication skills and experiences in
inter ——cultural communication will he preferred. If you are interested in
joining this program to help us with the conference, please email to
volunteer-4- conference @ yahoo. com. cn with your phone number and time
Postgraduates’ Association
For the past three decades, Chinese people have wit nessed a never—in
creasing exchange of Chi nese cult ure and western culture . As ill ustrated in
the picture, differentelements from both Chinese culture and western culture
like B uddhism , post一modernism , Confucian philosophies , Einstein , Lao She ,
Shakespeare , Chinese Gongfu, Opera of Swan Lake , and Beijing Opera , etc. are
being added into a hotpot . Certainly enough, this hotpot will be delicious and
Such a tendency of cultural exchange can obviously be attributed to th e
Opening-uppolicy and globalization. For the past thirty years, western ideas and
values, literature, arts, movies, and all sorts of cultural products have been
in troduced to China. Such an interaction of different cul tures, values and
traditions has broadened Chinese people’s visions and enriched their life.
Meanwhile, many foreigners get to know Chinese culture by trave ling to China,
reading Chinese bo oks, watching C hinese movies, or simply surfing the In
ternet. Confucius Inst itutes set up throughout t he world and the Year of China
celebrated in fore ign countri es also help the spread of Chinese cul ture.
Indeed, people not only in China but also throughout the world benefit
enormously by understanding and admiring each other through this “hotpot” of
different cultures.
To my mind’s eye, as people recognize and enjoy the a dvantages brought by
th e cultural exchange, they will surely hope to see more exchange, not just in
terms of culture but also in all aspects of human civilization.
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