考研英语长难句是英语考察的重难点,阅读细节题就是对此的考察,还有翻译都要掌握对长难句的拆分和理解。通过对试题的研究,中公考研小编总结长难句的重点考察句型,需要大家在本阶段复习重点掌握。 否定句型结构
1. 部分否定
Not both of them are my brothers .
Both of them are not my brothers .
All is not gold that glitters .
2. 双重否定
肯定型:There are no roses without thorns .
强调型:I just can’t do nothing .
委婉型:I can’t hardly read your hand writing .
3. 几乎否定
She is barely right .
I seldom got any sleep last night .
Few people can understand why he did it . 二、试题举例
There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry .
【重点词汇解析】methodology,n. 方法论;refer to 参考、涉及、指的是; branch,n. 分支 v. 分支、出现分歧
以上就是中公考研为考生整理的“考研英语:阅读中的生词要这样掌握”,功夫不负有心人,只要各位同学好好复习,相信一定会有所收获的。更多精彩内容可查看中公考研英语阅读频道! 相关推荐: