发表于 2018-11-17 13:21:02
“Air pollution is becoming a bigger concern for our members and their families,” Adam Dunnett, secretary-general of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, told the Financial Times. “While members leave for all sorts of reasons, we inevitably hear nearly every time that one of the contributing reasons is the air pollution.”
“对我们的会员及其家人来说,空气污染正成为一个更大的关注点。”中国欧盟商会(European Union Chamber of Commerce in China)秘书长唐亚东(Adam Dunnett)对英国《金融时报》表示,“尽管会员离开这里的原因有很多,但我们几乎每次都必然听到,空气污染是其中一个原因。”
Lars Rasmussen, a Nokia marketing executive, and his wife, Michelle Frazier, a kindergarten teacher, have decided to return with their two children to their native Denmark after three years in Beijing. They say one of the most important deciding factor was pollution.
诺基亚(Nokia)营销高管拉尔斯•拉斯穆森(Lars Rasmussen)和他在幼儿园执教的太太米歇尔•弗雷泽(Michelle Frazier)在北京住了3年后,决定带上两个孩子返回老家丹麦。他们表示,最重要的决定因素之一就是污染。
“Our kids can’t play outside or they have to wear face masks when they go out. It’s like something out of a science fiction novel,” Ms Frazier said.
Of the roughly 600,000 registered foreign residents in China, about 200,000 of them live in Beijing, which has a total population of about 20m.
But the expat community is concentrated in high-earning professional jobs and contributes enormously to the city’s economy and the development of advanced industries.
Christian Murck, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said the unprecedented levels of pollution in January had been a “tipping point” for some families and he knew of “many people” who are planning to leave as a result.
中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce in China)会长孟克文(Christian Murck)表示,1月份史无前例的严重污染,对某些外籍家庭来说是一个“转折点”,他知道有“很多人”正因此计划离开这里。
Executives at major companies and diplomats say recruiting new people to move to Beijing is one of the biggest concerns for businesses with China operations and many prospective candidates are now declining positions because of air pollution, especially if they have young children.
Michael Namatinia, the regional president of an Israeli software company, said filling a senior management role in Beijing has been extremely difficult. “We tried to recruit someone to run our north Asia operations from Beijing but after finding a suitable candidate and negotiating for a month the person’s wife vetoed the move because of air pollution,” he said.
以色列一家软件公司的地区总裁迈克尔•纳马提尼亚(Michael Namatinia)表示,极难找到合适人员到北京出任一个高级管理职位。他说:“我们试图招人以北京为大本营来执掌我们的北亚业务,但在好不容易找到一个合适候选人并谈判了一个月后,这人的太太因为担心空气污染而否决了这件事。”
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