合乘公交 bus pooling/bus sharing
The local public transport authority in Beijing is setting up an online
bus-pooling service, that will enable passengers to go online and detail what
their individual needs are for a bus journey.
“合乘公交(bus pooling/bus sharing)”最大的特点是动态服务。通俗点儿说,类似"公交网约车"或者运力更大的网约车(online
car-hailing services with greater transport capacity)。与现有的公交乘车模式(the existing
model of bus riding)相比,"合乘公交"服务的特性是定制化和灵活性(customization and flexibility)。
"合乘公交"这种"准门对门(quasi door-to-door)"公交出行服务可以说是定制公交(customized shuttle
bus)的一个升级。与小汽车合乘类似(similar with car-pooling),乘客可按需设置自己的临时出行需求约公交车,凑够一定的人数(gather
a certain number of
据悉,北京公交集团此次计划推出的"网上预约、合乘出行"公交出行服务,重点围绕大型居住社区(focus on serving large
residential communities),提供小区到单位、到商业区(business districts)、到大型客运节点的公交线路。
Based on the routes, a comprehensive network of public bus service will be
mapped out with smart bus technology and big data platforms.
据交通专家介绍,今后,市民有望像约网约车一样约到一辆公交车,满足乘客的个性化需求(meet the personalized needs of
passengers)。不过,因公交运力更大,"合乘公交"临时凑多人乘坐也比较困难,未来须依赖更精准的算法(algorithms for higher
accuracy)或先进的技术手段(advanced technologies)为市民提供服务。