digital services tax
The UK is to hit tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple
with a new digital services tax from 2020.
英国财政大臣(UK Chancellor of the Exchequer)菲利普·哈蒙德29日在发表年度预算讲话(annual budget
speech)时宣布,英国政府将对亚马逊、谷歌和苹果等科技巨头(tech giant)征收"数字服务税(digital services
tax)",征税范围包括它们通过广告和流媒体娱乐(但不包括在线销售)等数字服务在英国赚取的收入(revenues earned in the UK)。
哈蒙德指出,数字服务税不是会转嫁到用户头上的在线销售税(online sales tax that would be passed down to
users),也不会加重初创企业(startup)的负担,而是专门针对全球年收入(worldwide annual
rate)为2%,预计这项新税将给英国政府带来每年4亿英镑的财政收入(fiscal revenue)。
tax)",以期在经济活动日益向线上转移之际从数字服务中获得收入(capture revenue from digital services as
economic activity increasingly shifts
online)。各国考虑征税的理由在于,科技巨头将应税利润转移到低税率国家(shift taxable profits to lower-tax
countries),造成本国税收损失(losses in tax
taxation of corporate profits),从而阻碍国际贸易和投资。
公司所得税 corporate income tax
纳税申报单 tax returns
税单 tax bill
退税 tax rebate
减税 tax break