2.选项特征:态度题的选项一般是四个感情色彩明显的形容词,如:[A] harmful [B] favorable [C] unclear [D] questionable等。
positive adj.肯定的,实际的,积极的,确实的
favorable adj.赞成的,有利的,赞许的,良好的
approval n. 赞成,承认,正式批准
enthusiasm n.狂热,热心,积极性
supportive adj.支持的,支援的
defensive adj.为……而辩护
negative adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的
disapproval adj.不赞成、objection 异议
opposition n.反对、critical 批评的
criticism n.批评批判、disgust vi令人厌恶, 令人反感
detestation n.憎恶, 厌恶的人,嫌恶
indignation n.愤慨
contempt n.轻视, 轻视, 耻辱, 不尊敬
compromising n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷
worried adj.闷闷不乐的,焦虑的
objective adj.客观的
neutral adj.中立的
impartial adj.公平的, 不偏不倚的
disinterested adj.无私的
unprejudiced adj.没有偏见的
unbiased adj.没有偏见的
unprejudiced adj.公平的, 无偏见的, 没有成见的
detached adj. 不含个人偏见的
在文章中,作者在表达其态度的时候通常会使用一些特征明显的提示词或词组来体现出作者的态度,这些提示有:obviously, in fact, of course, indeed等。这些词的出现通常是作者态度的表达,考生在阅读的过程中应该重点注意。
例1:Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade. [1995,Text1]
In the author’s opinion, ________.
[A] advertising can seldom bring material benefit to man by providing information
[B] advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over
[C] there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyer
[D] the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement
【解析】本题从题干上看是作者的全文态度题。在文章对应的段落中出现了of course这个词,是明显的感情色彩提示。这里应该会表达作者的态度,作者的态度是advertising seeks to persuade(广告就是用来劝说人们购买的)。四个选项中,只有C选项和文章意思相同,广告劝说购买者没有不对的地方。其他选项A:广告几乎不通过提供信息给人们带来物质利益。B:广告给人们提供信息而不是劝告人们购买(win over)。D:购买者对从广告中获取信息没有兴趣。这三个选项均与文章不符。所以答案选C。
例2:Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock.[2011,Text4]
According to Paragraph 4, the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is
[A] soothing [B] ambiguous [C] compensatory [D] misleading
【解析】从题干和选项上辨析,这道题是一个细节态度题。回文定位到文章中,出现了一个作者态度的提示词of course,此处体现了作者的态度。题干中的关键词是the message conveyed by celebrity magazines,可以定位到文章中的the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines ... present,所以作者的态度是unrealistic,表示的是“不现实的”,四个选项中只有[D] misleading(误导性的)与其是同义词。其他的选项中,[A] soothing(令人欣慰的),[B] ambiguous(摸棱两可的),[C] compensatory(补偿性的)。这三个选项的态度明显与unrealistic不符合,所以答案选[D] misleading。
例1:Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.[2006,Text1]
In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is ________.
[A] rewarding
[B] successful
[C] fruitless
[D] harmful
【解析】从选项中可以判断此题是态度题,因为四个选项是四个表达作者态度的词。从文章中可以判断此段的中心句是最后一句,因为出现了But,转折处出中心。此句中,主句中体现作者的态度的是hardly suggest a dark,出现了hardly和dark两个否定词,属于“双重否定表示肯定”,所以体现出作者对于today’s social indices(如今美国的神会标志)的肯定态度,而today’s social indices与题干的American society为同义词。
四个选项中[A] rewarding(肯定),[B] successful(肯定),[C] fruitless(否定),[D] harmful(否定)。只有A和B选项表示肯定的态度,rewarding在文章中没有体现出来,所以答案选B。
例2:Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”, Sternberg notes that traditional test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with leadership – that is, it predicted the opposite.[2007,Text2]
What is the author’s attitude towards IQ tests?
[A] Supportive.
[B] Skeptical.
[C] Impartial.
[D] Biased.
【解析】本段中出现了一个逻辑关系词Moreover,此处把段落分为两个语义相近的部分,所以段落的中心句应该是第一句和moreover这个两句。两句话中都有否定词体现作者态度,分别是may not assess all the important elements necessary,Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well,体现的都是作者的否定态度。四个选项分别体现出的作者态度是[A] Supportive(肯定),[B] Skeptical(否定),[C] Impartial(客观中立),[D] Biased(否定)。所以只有B和D是否定态度,[D]Biased是不会选的错误选项,所以答案选[B]Skeptical。
2019的考生们,在距离考试还有40天的时间里,请你们保持冷静,再拿出多一心的时间和心思,为自己的阅读多积攒一些能量。愿你们走上考场的那天,没有白学的知识,没有无用的功夫。在最后有限的复习时间里,希望大家抓住重点,杜绝常见错误,愿每一位2019的考生都能学有所获! |