Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer
to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you
prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your choice.
Enjoying Time with Mother Nature
If I had to choose where to spend my leisure time, I'd rather spend it
outdoors. I spend all my working hours inside at a desk. When I have some free
time, I want to completely change my environment. Getting outdoors gives me a
new perspective and helps clear my mind.
Being outdoors gives me the opportunity to try new tings, see new sights,
and meet new people. Staying indoors means reading a book or watching
television. Sometimes it involves visiting with friends. Those are all
relatively inactive. Being outdoors means a chance to stretch my mental and
physical muscles. I can go hiking in an area I've never been before. I can go
swimming or rafting on the river. I can go on a nature walk with a ranger and
learn about flowers and trees. I can visit all the outdoor monuments in my city
that I've never seen before. In each case, I'm doing something that help me
relax while also enjoying the excitement of something new.
Of course, weather is a factor. I have a hard time functioning in extremely
hot or cold weather and like to stay indoors when it's below freezing or the
heat is scorching. At times like that, it's fun to sit inside with a good book
or a good friend looking out at the weather and enjoying the comforts of home.
But if the weather cooperates, it's fun to read that book outside on a park
bench or go swimming with that friend.
Enjoying leisure time outdoors can also mean making new friends. Getting
outside my own environment gives me the opportunity to meet new people. All in
all, leisure time Is better when it's spent with Mother Nature rather that a
television set.
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