If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use
specific details to explain why this invention is needed.
If I could invent something new, I’d invent a device or pill that could put
people to sleep immediately and would have no side effects. The proper amount of
sleep is important for our concentration, mental health, and physical
Getting enough sleep is a vital human need. For one thing, without sleep
our concentration is strongly affected. We’re easily distracted, we can’t
remember things, and we don’t notice what’s happening around us. For example, a
lot of car accidents are caused by tired drivers. When we get enough sleep, our
powers of concentration are sharper. We’re more focused on what we’re doing. We
perform better.
Mental health is also affected by lack of sleep. It’s easy to tell if
people don’t get enough sleep. They’re on edge, cranky, and out of sorts. They
lose their tempers easily and over-react to situations. In fact, experiments
have shown that lack of sleep over a long period of time can cause a complete
mental breakdown. When we get our proper rest, we’re more alert and responsive.
Our outlook is positive, and we’re much easier to get along with.
Our physical health shows the strain of sleeplessness, too. We have less
energy, and everything seems like a major effort. Over a long period of time, we
become slow and unresponsive. The wear and tear on the body from lack of sleep
can be a very serious health problem. Every doctor will tell you that getting
enough sleep is a basic factor in maintaining good health.
Wouldn’t it be great to go to bed every night knowing you’d have no problem
getting to sleep, no matter what’s going on in your life? Getting enough sleep
is always going to be an important part of how you respond to your situation. I
think this device would be very helpful to all of us.
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