Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others
like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits.
Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain
There are those who prefer things to stay the same, while there are others
who prefer change. My personal preference is to establish a routine and stick to
it, though this has not always been true of me.
When I was younger, I wasn’t a creature of habit. I enjoyed change. When
summers came and I was free from the responsibilities of school, I would travel,
take off with friends at a moment’s notice, and make decisions from day to day.
In this way, I had lots of new experiences, met new and interesting people, and
learned a lot about life.
These days, I enjoy sticking to a routine. This is partially due to the
fact that I am a mother of two small children. I find that their lives are
happier if I don’t upset their schedules too much. For example, we give the
children a bath every night at 8:00, put them in their pajamas read them stories
and put them to sleep by 9:00. There are times when this is inconvenient, but
everyone in the household is happier if we stick to our routine. In addition,
our friends know when to find us at home and when we are free. This makes
visiting easier.
In conclusion, the type of person I am has changed with the circumstances
of my life. The obligations of my family force me to have a routine. When I was
young, I enjoyed the suspense and adventure of living a crazy life. Now the
stability of a household routine suits me better. I think that while most people
need a minimum amount of security, those who depend on you often make a
difference in your lifestyle.
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