26.豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects
27.投资热点 investment hot spot
28.外向型经济 export-oriented economy
29.按劳分配 distribute according to the work performance
30.打破平均主义 break / abandon equalitarian
31.沿海开放城市 open coastal cities
32.保税区 bonded zone/ area
33.金融改革 banking reform
34.国民生产总值 Gross National Product
35.扶贫项目 anti-poverty project
36.下海经商 plunge into the private business
37.协调发展 coordinate the development
38.住房改革 housing reform
39.社会保障体系 social security system
40.数字时代 digital times
41.信息高速公路 the information super highway
42.虚拟社区 virtual communities
43.“菜蓝子”工程 the “shopping-basket” project ( the non-staple food project)
44.拳头产品 knock-out products/ competitive products
45.市场萧条 slack market
46.中国质量万里行 China’s Long March to Quality campaign
47.冒牌产品 fake brand-name products
48.假冒伪劣商品 fake and poor quality commodities
49.谋取暴力 reap colossal profits
50.提出索赔 lodge a claim
76.商业炒作 commercial speculation
77.扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption
78.拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
79.连锁反应 chain reaction / domino effect
80.竞争优势 competitive edge
81.经济结构调整 economic restructuring
82.经济增长点 economic growth point ; growth engine
83.经济过热 overheated economy
84.经济滑坡 economic downturn
85.集约化经营 intensive management
86.灰色收入 gray income
87.福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
88.分期付款 installment payment
89.从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
90.按揭购房 buy a house on a mortgage ; mortgage a house
91.边际效益 marginal benefit
92.不良贷款 non-performing loan
93.裁减冗员 lay off redundant staff; cut down on overstaffing
94.产品更新换代 upgrade of products
95.创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
96.促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
97.家庭联产承包责任制 household contract responsibility system
98.人才战 competition for talented people
99.脱贫致富 shake/cast off poverty and set out a road to prosperity
100.资源优化配置 optimizing the allocation of resources