以下是中公考研小编为大家整理的“MTI汉译英政治类话题的表达积累- 以2018政府工作报告为例(3)”的相关内容,希望对考研的同学有所帮助,一起来看看吧!
1、 面对这种局面,我们保持战略定力,坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,/ 而是适应把握引领经济发展新常态,统筹稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险,/ 不断创新和完善宏观调控,确立区间调控的思路和方式,加强定向调控、相机调控、精准调控。
成功拆分后,我们来看一看这句话中,我们需要注意和积累的表达方式。“面对”大家口语习惯用face来表达,书面的话最好还是用confront更显正式。“保持战略定力”指的是“针对经济发展放缓,不能自乱手脚,既要探索方法有所作为,但也要稳得住。”官方给出的相应英文是“maintain strategic focus”。坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激“refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies.”
resort to do sth指的是“采取不好的事物或方法”, a deluge of sth是指某物同时大量出现 。适应、把握引、领新分别对应的是adapt to,address, steer,常态new normal指的是速度—“从高速增长转为中高速增长”,结构—“经济结构不断优化升级”,动力—“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”。相机调控targeted, well-timed regulation,强调政府要根据市场情况和各项调节措施的特点,灵活机动地决定和选择当前究竟应采取哪一种或哪几种政策措施。
In confronting this new environment, we have maintained strategic focus and refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies. Instead, we have adapted to, addressed, and steered the new normal in economic development, and taken coordinated steps to ensure steady growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk. We have made fresh innovations in and refined macro regulation, developed the idea of and ways to achieve ranged-based regulation, and enhanced targeted, well-timed, and precision regulation.
2. 坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,着力培育壮大新动能,经济结构加快优化升级。
供给侧结构性改革treating supply-side structural reform指在调整经济结构,使要素实现最优配置,提升经济增长的质量和数量。
With a commitment to treating supply-side structural reform as our main task, we have focused on fostering new growth drivers to speed up economic structural upgrading.
3. 采取既利当前更惠长远的举措,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,适度扩大总需求,推动实现更高层次的供需动态平衡。
当前 near term,长远long term,总需求aggregate demand,动态平衡 dynamic equilibrium ,一提到平衡大家肯定会说balance,balance指的是稳定的平衡。而equilibrium指的是在两种相反作用力下达到的平衡,所以我们在说动态平衡时用equilibrium更为准确。
We have adopted measures that are good for the near term and even better for the long term, made strong moves to advance supply-side structural reform, appropriately expanded aggregate demand, and worked for a dynamic equilibrium of supply and demand at a higher level.
4. 经过艰辛努力,我们顶住了经济下行压力、避免了“硬着陆”,保持了经济中高速增长,促进了结构优化,经济长期向好的基本面不断巩固和发展。
经济下行压力 downward pressure on the economy,经济硬着陆“hard landing”是指经济增长不仅是短期向下波浪式的运动,而且在2-3年内,无法回到原来的高点这一现象。与之相对的就是经济软着陆“soft landing”,是指国民经济的运行经过一段过度扩张之后,平稳地回落到适度增长区间。
With grit and determination, we have overcome downward pressure on the economy, avoided a “hard landing,” maintained a medium-high growth rate, and promoted structural upgrading. The economic fundamentals that will sustain long-term growth have been cemented and enhanced.
5. 扎实推进“三去一降一补”。
Solid work has moved us forward in the five priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness.
6. 阶段性降低“五险一金”缴费比例,推动降低用能、物流、电信等成本。突出重点加大补短板力度。
五险一金,是指用人单位给予劳动者的几种保障性待遇的合称,包括养老保险old-age pension、医疗保险medical insurance、失业保险unemployment insurance、工伤保险workers’ compensation和生育保险maternity insurance、住房公积金housing provident fund。
The ratio of enterprise contributions to old-age pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance, workers’ compensation, and housing provident fund schemes has been reduced for the time being, and work has been done to lower energy, logistics, and telecommunications costs. We have stepped up efforts to strengthen areas of weakness, with a focus on key issues.