发表于 2017-11-2 20:45:58
另外,还可以通过位置调换法来实现语义转换,尤其是定语成分和状语成分都可以调换来实现语义转换。例如:The rose is planted in the garden。可以通过位置调换变为:The rose, in the garden, is planted。因为定语和状语的位置比较灵活,所以我们可以不按照原句的顺序进行改写。
He is looked upon with the utmost scorn, both by his own kindred and also by his neighbours.
同义词转换:He is watched with the extreme disdain, both by his relatives and by his neighourhood, too.
词汇、短语和从句之间的相互转换:He is looked upon utmostly scornfully, and his own kindred and also his neighbours did that to him.
词性的变化:He get a look with the utmost scorn, both by his own kindred and also by his neighbours.
合并法或者拆分法:He, is looked upon with the utmost scorn, both by his relative, and by his neighbours.
位置调换法:Both by his own kindred and also by his neighbours, he is looked upon with the utmost scorn.
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