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发表于 2017-10-23 17:03:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      When does your life go downhill?
    What’s the perfect age? For some it’s the carefree teenage years or time at
university. But 35 may in fact be the pivotal turning point, both personally and
    Not only is 35 the age when we’re perceived to no longer be "young",
according to a study from the University of Kent, but also when men reach "peak
loneliness" and women hit "peak boring." And if that wasn’t bad enough, 35 is
also the age at which we start hating our jobs, according to a survey of more
than 2,000 UK employees by human resources company Robert Half.
(Robert Half)对2,000多名英国雇员进行的调查还显示,35岁的我们还会开始憎恨工作。
    Research suggests it’s during your mid-thirties that family pressure and
increased financial responsibility conflate causing problems both at work and
    Job security also becomes more of an issue. In the first quarter of 2017,
UK workers aged 35-49 were twice as likely to be made redundant as those aged
25-34, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.
    Moreover, this group were less content at work than their younger peers,
the Robert Half UK survey found. It revealed that one in six British workers
over the age of 35 were unhappy in their job – more than double the figure for
those under 35.
    “It’s quite a combination to have a new family and more financial
commitments… all while maturing into a career where you’ve started to go into
leadership roles with more responsibility,” says Ashley Whipman, director at
Robert Half UK.
    Whipman says younger workers often benefit from lower expectations from
their managers and higher aspirations, while workers in their mid-30s struggle
with the nagging question: Have I made it?
    Of course, 35 is also the age when we’re no longer in the same age bracket
as 20-somethings and instead lumped in with the older generations, which could
make it more of an arbitrary marker than studies claim it to be.
    Julia Clark, a pollster with global market research company Ipsos, says,
it’s fair “to consider that some of the ‘under 35’ and ‘over 35’ differences you
find are due to the fact that that’s where we draw the line.”
    However Clark adds it’s a standard practice among the market research
community to use age categories that cut across decades, rather than coincide
with them, to accurately group people by life stage. A 20-year-old and a
29-year-old are often at very different life stages, so the first common
demographic grouping runs from 18 to 24 (then 25-34). Macro groupings use 18-34
and 35-54, making 35 one of the most common dividers between those who are young
and developing a career and those who are older and more established.
    Women who want to have children still face anxiety over their fertility
post-35 although recent research suggests fertility doesn’t drop as sharply as
once imagined. In the US, an increasing number of women are now postponing their
first pregnancy well into their 30s to continue education and forge careers. The
latest statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest
that, for the first time in recorded history, women in their early 30s are now
having more children than those in their 20s.
    There are also financial reasons for delaying children – a 2011 study
published in the Journal of Population Economics found that every year a woman
postpones having children leads to a 9% increase in career earnings.
    推迟怀孕还源自一些财务因素——2011年发表在《人口经济学期刊》(Journal of Population
    Dilip Jeste, director of the Center for Healthy Aging at University of
California San Diego, says there’s a common misconception that our 20s and 30s
will be the best years of our lives, and that things only go downhill later on.
In reality, these formative years are riddled with the stress and anxiety of
making major life decisions.
    A longer life-span in the developed world, coupled with the overabundance
of choices in a globalised economy, only makes this process of settling into a
career, family and geographic location longer and harder than it was a
generation ago.
    “Previously people made definitive lifelong decisions in their early 20s,
but today’s millennials are continuing to defer decisions,” says Jeste. “They’re
getting married later in life, they’re having children later in life, and a lot
of these stresses that once happened earlier in life are now happening in the
    The good news? “The rest of your life is going to be happier,” says
    Of course, ageing isn’t a glamorous affair but your mental health may
improve as the decades pass “we know ourselves better, we make informed
decisions and we tend to be less selfish,” Jeste says. “That’s the wisdom that
comes with experience, which only comes from ageing.”

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