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考研英语(二)历年真题阅读要点之2012-Text 2(二)









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发表于 2017-8-29 15:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  英语(二)阅读虽然比英语(一)简单,但是不要掉以轻心。历年考研英语真题是宝贵的复习资料。为了帮助大家更好地复习,文都教育考研英语老师为各位同学梳理一下历年考研英语真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下2012年考研英语真题阅读Text 2,这篇文章主要探讨了营销手段垄断儿童消费市场的情况。
  When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually considered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strength. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity. It was not until the mid-1980s, when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant children’s marketing strategy, that pink fully came into its own, when it began to seem inherently attractive to girls, part of what defined them as female, at least for the first few critical years.
  nursery“托儿所,幼儿园”;masculine“男性的”,名词形式masculinity,反义词feminine“女性的”,名词形式femininity;pastel“柔和的”;be associated with“与...相联系”;strength“力量”;intimation“暗示”;constancy“坚定不移,恒久不变”;symbolise“象征”;amplifying“夸大的”;dominant“主导的”;marketing strategy“营销策略”;come into one’s own“盛行起来”;define...as...“把...定义为...”;at least“至少”;critical“关键的”。
  I had not realised how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. Take the toddler. I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research into children’s behaviour: wrong. Turns out, according to Daniel Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.
  profoundly“深刻地”;dictate“指示”;perception“看法”;core belief“核心理念”;psychological“心理的”;toddler“幼童装”;assume“假设”,名词形式assumption;phase“阶段”;expert“专家”;behaviour“行为”;turn out“结果是”;consumerism“消费主义”,即“用户至上主义”;popularise“推广,普及”;trick“诡计,花招”;clothing manufacturer“服装制造商”。
  Trade publications counselled department stores that, ..., they should create a “third stepping stone” between infant wear and older kids’ clothes. It was only after “toddler” became a common shoppers’ term that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage. Splitting kids, or adults, into ever-tinier categories has proved a sure-fire way to boost profits...
  publication“出版商”;counsel“建议”;department stores“百货公司”;increase sales“增加销售额”;infant wear“婴幼儿服装”;term“术语”;evolve into“发展成”;broadly accepted“广泛接受的”;developmental stage“发展阶段”;category“种类”;sure-fire“一定可以达到目的的,一定会成功的”;boost profit“增加利润”。
  以上就是文都教育考研英语老师为大家梳理的2012年考研英语真题阅读Text 2的要点。实践出真知。想要更好地把握考研英语阅读的命题思路和特点,各位同学应该以真题为主,仔细研究,找出其内在规律。另外,历年真题只做一遍是不够的,完成之后应该加以回顾。

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