1. 电商大战美黑色星期五
2. 国防和军队改革同推进
3. 以分钟计算的克强节奏
4. 2020年普及签约家庭医生
5. 公安部研究黑户落户制
6. 北京拥堵时间成本最高
7. 天津拟建最大克隆工厂
8. 美国发布全球旅行警示
1. 黑色星期五
Black Friday
Major Chinese e-commerce platforms are offering promotions for the Black
Friday shopping event, which follows the US Thanksgiving holiday, providing a
new channel for Chinese consumers to buy imported items at a discount.
"黑色星期五"标志着圣诞购物季的开始(the start of the Christmas shopping
season),这个说法是零售商在20世纪60年代创造出来的。在繁忙的圣诞礼品采购季中,这一天正是商店生意开始好转的时候。英语中in the
red表示亏损,into the black则是财政上变得有盈余的意思,Black Friday由此而来。
gifts),所以"黑色星期五"跟中国的"双11"不同,不是纯粹的人造购物节(not really a made up shopping
e-commerce platforms)对黑五的追逐空前热烈,例如,亚马逊宣布下调亚马逊欧洲网站直邮中国的邮费(shipping
costs),降幅最高可达50%(provide reductions of up to 50%)。
网络星期一(感恩节假期后的第一个工作日的网购促销活动) Cyber Monday
剁手党 hands-chopping people
限时抢购 flash sale
礼品卡 gift card
现金礼券 cash coupon
直邮 direct shipping
海淘 buy products from overseas websites
冲动购买 impulse buying
2. 国防和军队改革
defense and military reforms
President Xi Jinping said deepening defense and military reforms is a
crucial step for the military's future, a sure path to a strong military, and a
call of the time to realize the Chinese dream as well as a strong military
习近平强调,要动员全军和各方面力量(call on the military and related sectors),全面实施改革强军战略(the
strategy of strengthening the military through reforms)。
深化国防和军队改革(deepen defense and military reforms)要着力解决体制性障碍、结构性矛盾、政策性问题(break
down systematic, structural and policy barriers),推进军队组织形态现代化(modernize the
organization of the military),进一步解放和发展战斗力、进一步解放和增强军队活力(further unleash the
combat capacity and vigor of the
military),建设同我国国际地位相称、同国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队(build a firm defense and strong
military commensurate with China's international standing and interests in
security and development)。
中央军事委员会(军委) the Central Military Commission (CMC)
军委集中统一领导 the CMC's centralized and unified leadership
军委管总 the CMC takes charge of the overall administration of the Chinese
People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police
战区主战 battle zone commands focus on combats
军种主建 different military services pursue their own construction
军委—战区—部队的作战指挥体系 a three-tier "CMC - battle zone commands - troops" command
军委—军种—部队的领导管理体系 administration system that runs from CMC through various
services to the troops
非战斗机构人员 non-combatant personnel
裁军(动词) cut military personnel; slash troop numbers; cut troops
裁军(名词) reduction in troops; troop cut
3. 克强节奏
Keqiang rhythm
Premier Li Keqiang's tight schedule in Suzhou continued after his
fast-paced diplomacy in the just concluded Malaysia trip for the ASEAN annual
meeting. Chinese media dubbed Li's diligent working style "Keqiang rhythm".
affairs)无缝衔接、密不透风的日程安排(intensive/tight schedule)还前所未有。我们简直不知道该怎么安排!"
schedule)便可发现,20日至23日,他出席了在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的第十八次中国—东盟领导人会议(the 18th China-ASEAN
leaders' meeting)、第十八次东盟与中日韩领导人会议(the 18th ASEAN-China, Japan and South Korea
leaders' meeting)和第十届东亚峰会(the 10th East Asia Summit),并对马来西亚进行正式访问(official
visit)。期间,他还在几个网站发表主旨演讲(keynote speech),并穿插若干场双边机制性会议。
随后,他于24日凌晨飞抵苏州,出席第四次中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤(the Fourth Leaders' Meeting of China and
Central and Eastern European Countries),并于当晚连轴与爱沙尼亚、波兰、斯洛文尼亚等中东欧国家领导人举行双边会谈(hold
bilateral talks)。
克强经济学 Likonomics
外交场合 diplomatic occasions
高铁外交 high-speed rail(way) diplomacy
熊猫外交 panda diplomacy
乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy
尿布外交 diaper diplomacy
4. 签约家庭医生
signed-up family doctor
The National Health and Family Planning Commission said local health
authorities should make efforts to ensure every family is signed up with a
qualified doctor by the end of 2020.
practitioner)转岗培训,充实全科医生队伍。以提高实用技能为重点,加强社区卫生在岗人员(medical staff at
community-level hospitals and clinics)培训和继续医学教育,社区卫生技术人员每5年累计参加技术培训时间不少于3个月。
hospitals)的医疗水平有限。这种观念不仅会导致看病更难更贵,而且会加剧城乡医疗资源分布不均(worsen the imbalance in the
distribution of medical resources between rural and urban areas)。
医疗证明 medical certificate
医疗用品 healthcare products
医疗资源 medical resources
检验结果 medical results
分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system
住院 hospitalization
转诊 referral