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发表于 2017-8-6 23:18:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or
terminology into their target language respectively. (30 points)

    1. ABS: 获取与共享(access and benefit sharing) ; 防抱死系统 (anti-lock braking
    2. UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural
    3. COD: 货到付款(cash on delivery)
    4. GSM: 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)
    5. VAT: 增值税(Value Added Tax)
    6. CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)
    7. OTC: 非处方药(over the counter)
    8. F.LT. :外语教学(foreign language teaching)
    9. B2B: 企业对企业的电子商务模式(business to business)
    10. go for wool and come back shorn: 偷鸡不着蚀把米;弄巧成拙
    11. by hook or crook: 不择手段; 千方百计
    12. palmtop computer: 掌上电脑;手持式计算机
    13. real estate: 不动产,房地产
    14. National City Bank of New York: 花旗银行
    15. a Herculean task: 艰巨的任务
    16.孟子: Mencius
    17.团购: Groupon; group buying
    18. 贴吧:post bar
    19.《生死疲劳》(莫言作品):Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
    20. 种子选手:seeded player
    22.中国海监:China Marine Surveillance
    23.虚拟经济:virtual economy
    24.弹性退休:flexible retirement;
    25. 徇私枉法:bend the law for selfish ends; bend the law for the benefit of
relatives [friends];Favoritism
    26.桃色腐败:sex-related corruption
    27.上海合作组织:SCO ( Shanghai Cooperation Organization )
    28. 新农合医保体系:new rural cooperative medical care system
    29.国家公务员考试:civil service examination
    30.中国生物多样性保护行动计划:The China Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation;
China’s Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan
        II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their
target language respectively. (120 points)

        Source Text 1: (60 points)
    Translation Studies as a discipline is in many ways still in a state of
flux. Translation can be seen as a point of intersection between many different
academic subjects; it is an area in which many other disciplines have
legitimately expressed aa interest, and conversely one which has provided its
own experts with, insights wMdi can profitably be shared elsewhere. There is for
example a considerable exchange of Jmowledge, insights and methodologies between
Translation Studies and fields as diverse as literary studies, philosophy,
anthropology and linguistics; indeed, such is
    Ae level of intellectual cross-fertilization that some writers have
suggested that the field should be known as an interdiscipline. Similarly, there
are a number of equally Intimate reasons which scholars have had for pursuing an
interest in Translation Studies. For example, some are motivated by highly
practical concerns, such as the need to provide future translators or
interpreters with training which is of the highest possible quality, the desire
to raise the professional profile of translators and krfeipreters, or the wish
to develop increasingly powerful machine translation systems; otibers, on the
other hand, simply seek to provide ever more accurate and comprehensive
explanations for certain phenomena in the world about us, without being
primarily concerned with the possible practical applications which may accrue.
Thus goals and objectives can vary considerably wijhin the discipline. Of
course, Transladon Studies has been enriched by possessing such a multi-faceted
nature. However, at the same time this very nature has meant that there is still
considerable lack of agi-eement on concepts; added to this is the fact that
Translation Studies is a rdadvely new discipline which is in many ways still
“finding its feet”. The result of sack a situation has often been that different
branches of the discipline have at times C3q«imented with widely differing
methodologies. (301 words) (From Dictionary ofTranslation Studies by Mark
Shuttleworth & Moira Cowiei 2004. pp.v-vi)
      Source Text 2: (60 points)

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