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发表于 2017-8-6 23:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control
假酒 adulterated wine
加快处置不良资产 step up efforts in handling bad assets
加快努力 speed up efforts
假冒伪劣商品 counterfeit and substandard goods
兼并 merge; annexation
见不得人的勾当 under-the-table deal
剪彩 cut the ribbon
剪彩仪式 ribbon cutting ceremony (The day has finally come for organizers and volunteers to open the doors of Beacon of Hope on the west side of Indianapolis. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 8 a.m. July 27. 组织者和志愿者们终于要揭开印第安那波利斯市西部“希望灯塔”的神秘面纱了。剪彩仪式将在7月27日上午8点举行。)
建仓 open a position
检察官 public procurator
检察机关 procuratorial organ
检察长 chief procurator
坚持不懈地进行“扫黄打非”斗争 fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications
坚持对话,不搞对抗 persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation
坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.
坚持统一,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见 persist in reunification, oppose separation, increase understanding and iron out differences
剪刀差 price scissors; scissors movement of price
监督部门 watchdog
尖端产品 highly sophisticated products
尖端课题 frontline subject
减肥茶 diet tea
减肥训练营 weight loss camp (250 traffic police offers in Bangkok, Thailand, have entered a weight loss camp to burn the fat in their plump body from June 30. 泰国曼谷市250名体重超标的交通警察6月30日开始参加"交警减肥营"。)
减肥药 slimming drug; weight-loss drug (Fifteen weight-loss products containing the drug sibutramine have been recalled across the country over concern that the diet pills could lead to an increased risk of heart disease. 因担心会增加心血管病的风险,15种含有西布曲明的减肥产品已经在全国范围内被召回。)
减负 alleviate burdens on somebody监管漏洞 supervision loopholes (Hao's case reflected supervision loopholes in the country's coal sector. 郝(鹏俊)的案子反映出国家煤炭领域的监管漏洞。)
监护权 custodial right
舰舰导弹 ship-to-ship missile
间接选举 indirect election
渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence
渐近尾声 draw to a close
检举箱 accusation letter box
健康保险 health insurance( The Bryants did not provide her with health insurance and she sustained damages of $20000 in unpaid overtime.科比夫妇没有给她提供健康保险,拖欠她2万美元薪水。)
健康带菌者 healthy carrier (In addition to the 19 confirmed cases, one student was diagnosed as a "healthy carrier," or a person who was infected with the cholera bacteria but displays no symptoms. However, "healthy carriers" can transmit the bacteria to others. 除了19个确诊病例外,还有一名学生被诊断为“健康带菌者”,也就是被感染了霍乱病毒但是却没有表现出症状。但是,“健康带菌者”可以把病毒传染给他人。)
健康及意外险 health and casualty insurance
健康证 health certificate (A university graduate who fought discrimination against Hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers for two years has received a health certificate allowing him to be employed in the food industry. 在与对乙肝病毒携带者的歧视斗争了两年之后,一位大学毕业生终于拿到了允许他从事食品行业的健康证。)
建立公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序 build a fair and rational new international political and economic order
建立健全国有资产管理和监督体制 establish and perfect the management and supervision system of State-owned assets
见面会 meet-and-greet
简明新闻 news in brief
减排 carbon emission reduction (China's commitment on carbon emission reduction is scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday. 本周一,在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的。)
减轻农民负担  reduce farmers' burdens; lighten the burden on farmers
建设公债 public bonds for construction
建设社会主义的物质文明和精神文明 build a socialist civilization that is advanced culturally and ideologically, as well as materially; promote socialist material progress and socialist culture and ideology
建设社会主义法治国家 build a socialist country under the rule of law
建设稳产高产基本农田 make primary farmland capable of producing stable, high yields.
建设有中国特色的社会主义 build a socialist country under the rule of law build socialism with Chinese characteristics
监事会 board of inspectors
减速玻璃(汽车) decelerating glass
荐贤举能 recommend the virtuous and the able
减刑 have one's sentence commuted
减员增效 downsize staffs and improve efficiency
减灾 disaster reduction; disaster mitigation; reduce damages caused by disaster
舰载飞机 carrier-borne aircraft; carrier aircraft
简政放权 streamline administration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization
建筑面积 floorage; floor space
监察合一 the integration of supervision and investigation
坚持国家绝对控股 keeping a controlling share in the state's hands
坚持正确的政治方向 pursue a correct political direction
坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明,毫无动摇 enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth讲诚信,反欺诈: honor credibility and oppose cheating
僵化思想 ossified thinking
将军肚 general's belly; beer belly
奖励工资制度 a bonus wages system; a system of higher pay for better performance
降落伞候选人,外来候选人(应召而来参加本人非所在地区竞选的政党候选人) parachute candidate
江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River
讲排场,摆阔气 waste and extravagance
讲求实效  stress practical results; strive for practical results
僵尸电脑 zombie computer (Malicious code such as Conficker can be triggered to steal data or turn control of infected computers over to hackers amassing"zombie" machines for criminal ends. 入侵者可激活Conficker蠕虫病毒等恶意代码来窃取数据,或使被感染的电脑受黑客控制,进而产生大量的“僵尸电脑”以用于犯罪目的。)
僵尸手机 zombie phone (We can compare an infected cell phone to a “zombie” phone. It will secretly send virus-linked text messages to your friends and colleagues and turn their phones into “zombies”, which will later create more “zombie” phones. 我们可以把染了病毒的手机比作一部“僵尸”手机,它会向你的朋友和同事发送带有病毒链接的信息,然后把他们的手机都变成“僵尸”,之后,这些手机又会发展出更多的“僵尸”手机。)
降息 reduction of interest
降息 reduction of interest rate
讲义气 be loyal to friends; remain faithful to friends
僵持 stand-off (Two hijackers of a Sudanese jetliner surrendered to authorities in Libya after releasing all the passengers Wednesday after a 22-hour standoff. 经过22个小时的僵持,劫持苏丹客机的两名劫机者27日释放了所有人质,并向利比亚当局投降。)
降低消耗 to reduce consumption of resources
建立促进经济社会可持续发展的机制 establish a mechanism to promote sustainable social and economic development
建立更加安全、更加尊重多样性和更加团结的世界 work for a safer, more diverse and united world
建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense
健全国有资本经营预算制度 establishing a sound operating and budget system for state capital
健全国有资本经营业绩考核体系 establishing a sound performance evaluation system for state capital
健全国有资产重大损失责任追究制度 establishing a sound system for assigning responsibility for major losses of state assets for state capital
健全就业,收入分配和社会保障制度 improve employment, income distribution and social security system
减少和规范行政审批 to reduce the number of matters requiring administrative examination and approval and standardize such procedures
建设高素质的领导干部队伍 build a contingent of high-calibre leading cardres
建设统一开放竞争有序的现代市场体系 establish a unified, open and orderly modern market system
建设完整的社会主义市场经济体系 establish a complete socialist market economic system
建设信息化军队 to build computerized armed forces
“简税制、宽税基、低税率、严征管”的原则 the principle of “a more simplified taxation system, broader tax collection basis, lower tax rates and stricter tax collection”
简易过渡房 makeshift shelter (1 million makeshift shelters for quake-hit areas must be finished in 3 and half months, according to the 11th State Council's meeting of disaster relief Tuesday.)
减员增效 reduce staff for greater efficiency
叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel
脚踩两只船 sit on the fence
交叉报复 cross retaliation
交割 delivery
教工 teachers and staff
铰接式公共汽车 articulated bus (World's longest articulated bus makes debut in Brazil--The bus has a capacity of 250 passengers, is 28 meters long, 2.6 meters wide, and powered with biodiesel made from soybeans. 世界最长铰接式公共汽车在巴西首次亮相——这一公共汽车可容纳250名乘客,车身长28米,宽2.6米,采用的燃料是从大豆中提取的生物柴油。)
交流学者 exchange scholar
胶囊公寓 capsule apartment (Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments that have been capturing international media attention since last April. 黄正在拍卖其胶囊公寓的五年专利使用权。这种公寓是他毕生的一个成就,自去年四月以来就得到了国际媒体的关注。)
矫情 use lame arguments
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people
脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
交通补助  travel allowance
交通文明 road civility (The capital released a top 10 of commonly seen bad driving habits at a press conference on Saturday in the hope of raising awareness of "road civility". On the list was using a cell phone, not wearing a seat belt, throwing trash out of windows and overusing the car horn. 上周六,北京市在新闻发布会上公布了“十大交通陋习”,希望能够提高市民的“文明交通”意识。名单列出的陋习包括在开车过程中使用手机、不系安全带、往车窗外扔垃圾,还有乱按喇叭等。)
交通协管员 traffic warden (The new method introduced in the city's downtown area requires traffic wardens to pull a rope across the pavement when the pedestrian's red light is on, to keep back pedestrians and bicyclists. When the light switches to green, the rope is pulled away. 这一新举措在该市城区实行,要求交通协管员在行人红灯亮起时拉起绳子阻断人行道,以阻止行人和骑自行车的人通过。等绿灯亮的时候,就放下绳子。)
焦土政策 Scorched- Earth plan
教务处 dean's office
侥幸球 fluke
教学法 pedagogy; teaching method
教研室 teaching and research division
交钥匙工程 turn-key project
浇一瓢冷水 throw cold water on;dampen the enthusiasm of
教育部社政司 Social Science Research and Ideological Work Department of the Ministry of Education
教育规划纲要 national education plan (Universal preschool education and a pledge to eliminate illiteracy are among the reforms of China's education system published in the country's national education plan for the next decade. 国家发布的未来十年教育规划纲要提到的中国教育体制改革目标包括了普及学前教育和承诺扫除文盲两项工作。)
教育乱收费 unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions
教育体制 education bureaucracy (Premier Wen Jiabao on Saturday called for changes in the education bureaucracy, a problem that plagues China's development of education. 上周六,温家宝总理提出要进行教育体制改革,教育体制问题是中国教育发展过程中的一个困扰。)
教育质量 quality of education
叫座 a box-office success; draw a large audience
交叉 感染 cross transmission; cross-infection
交接仪式 handover ceremony
加强伙伴关系 strengthen partnerships
加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil
加速科研成果向生产力的转化 facilitate a faster transition from research to actual production
家庭暴力 domestic violence
家庭装修用品 home improvement products
假文凭 fake diplomas
假帐 accounting fraud
家长会 parent-teacher conference (Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight.)
基本生活费 basic allowances
基层民主政治 democracy at the local level
鸡蛋羹 steamed egg custard
机顶盒 set-top box (STB), set-top unit (A set-top box (STB) or set-top unit (STU) is a device that connects to a television and an external source of signal, turning the signal into content which is then displayed on the television screen.)
机读形式 machine-readable form
结党营私 form cliques for private gain
街道企业 neighborhood enterprise
借调 temporarily transfer
借读生 transient student
戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center
阶段性就业 periodic employment
阶段性政策 interim policy
解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces
解放思想、实事求是的思想路线 ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts
解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times
结构工资制 structural wage system (内蒙古东胜市对村干部实行结构工资制,真正把村干部的工资与工作成绩、村集体经济收入紧紧地联系起来。Dongsheng City in Inner Mongolia carried out the composite wage system, closely connecting pay with village officials'work achievements and the economic revenue of the village's collective economy.)
结构失调 structural imbalance
结汇 settle a foreign exchange account; settlement of exchange deals
结婚誓词 marriage vow (Introducing the marriage vow, the Ministry of Civil Affairs ( MC)A says, is aimed at improving new couples' sense of mutual responsibility and their awareness of the Marriage Law. 民政部表示,引入结婚誓词的目的是提升新人的共同责任意识和对《婚姻法》的认识。)
劫机 hijack an airplane
戒急用忍 overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient
解决劳动力就业问题 tackle the problem of employment of the labor force
解决贸易争端 settle trade disputes
接口 interface
解困基金 anti-poverty funds
揭老底 reveal the inside story; open a buried secret
解铃还须系铃人 It is better for the doer to undo what he has done; Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off; Whoever started the trouble should end it.
截击导弹 interceptor; interception missile
截流 dam; the damming of
截留上缴利润 withhold profits that should be turned over to the state
揭幕赛 (Rafael Marquez's score earned Mexico a 1-1 draw with host South Africa in the opening game of the World Cup Friday after Siphiwe Tshabalala had given the host nation a dream start. 在本周五世界杯揭幕战中,南非队查巴拉拉的进球使东道主的南非之旅有了完美的开端。之后,墨西哥队拉法埃尔•马克斯的进球将与东道主南非队的比分扳为1比1。)
节能 save energy; energy-saving
节食 on a diet
结售汇制度 "the system of exchange, settlement and sales "
节水龙头 water-saving taps
节水农业 water-saving agriculture
结算货币 settlement currency (The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years, the HSBC Group estimated, China Business News reported on Wednesday. 据《第一财经日报》周三报道,汇丰集团预计,在未来五年内人民币将成为三大国际贸易结算货币之一。)
街谈巷议 gossip; rumor
阶梯教室 lecture theatre; terrace classroom
街心花园 park at an intersection; garden in the city center
节育率 rate of contraception
节奏布鲁斯音乐(RMB音乐) rhythm blues
解除劳动关系 sever labor relation
节能灯 efficient lightbulb
节能降耗减排 to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge
节能型轿车 energy-efficient cars
借钱消费 borrow-and-spend
街舞 hip-hop
技工学校 skilled workers training school
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy
鸡精 essence of chicken (Brand's Essence of Chicken is formulated using top quality chicken and is specially formulated for easy absorption and digestion by the human body.)
积木 building block
金本位 gold standard
金边债券 gilt-edged bond
金蝉脱壳 escape like a cicada by casting off its skin; stratagem for slinking off
进出口经营权 import-export operation right; power to engage in import and export trade
进出口商会 chamber of import and export trade
进出口总额 total volume of foreign trade
近地卫星 near-earth satellite
金刚经 Vajracchedika-sutra
进宫 be put in prison; be sent to jail; be taken into custody
紧箍咒 inhibiting magic phrase
近海地区 offshore area
近海渔业 offshore fishery
近海钻探 offshore drilling
金鸡奖 Golden Rooster Awards
晋级考试 promotion test-test given to promote candidates on their knowledge of the relevant subjects
紧急通知 emergency notice
紧急状态 emergency; state of emergency
金降落伞 golden parachute
进口差价税 import variable duties
进口附加税 import surcharge
进口环节税 import linkage tax
进口渗透 import penetration
进口税 import duty; import tariff
禁令 ban (Indian toy dealers are running out of stock due to a government ban on Chinese toy imports, local media reported.据当地媒体报道,由于印度政府对中国玩具实施进口禁令,印度进口商和批发商的玩具库存大量减少。)
金领工人 gold-collar worker
紧密型企业集团 tightly-knit groups of enterprises
金瓶擎签 lot-drawing from a golden urn
紧俏 sell well (commodities) ;in short supply
紧俏产品 commodities in short supply
烟花爆竹“禁燃区” no-fly zone (Teams of officials from the fire prevention bureau, police, neighborhood committees and property companies will patrol the "no-fly zones" throughout the day to warn offenders, said Liu Haiyan, a press officer for the city fire department. 北京市消防局媒体负责人刘海燕(音)表示,消防局、公安局、居委会和物业公司将组成巡逻队,在“禁燃区”全天巡逻,防止有人违规燃放。)
近日点 perihelion
金融重组 financial reorganization
金融电子化 computerize financial services
金融工具 financial instruments
金融寡头 financial oligarchy; financial magnate; financial tycoon
金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis
金融违规行为 Financial irregularities /improprieties
金融危机 financial crisis
金融衍生物 financial derivative
金融中心 financial center
金融自由化 financial liberalization
金融租赁 financial lease
劲射 power shot
紧身的衣服 tight-fitting clothes
金税工程 the Golden Tax Project (a national taxation computer network)
近水楼台先得月 "First come, first served; A water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position."
金丝猴 golden monkey
紧缩银根 tight money policy; monetary restraint
金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.
进项税 input tax
进项税信贷 input tax credit
进修班 class for further studies
金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home
禁渔期 closed fishing seasons
禁渔期 closed fishing seasons; fishing moratorium; fishing ban
金元外交 dollar policy
紧张局势 tense situation;tension
禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸 prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment
金砖国家 BRICS countries (The BRICS countries - originally Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and now South Africa - have turned out to be a source of global economic development and essential to future generations. 金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国、以及新加入的南非)已成为全球经济发展的动力,对未来的发展至关重要。)
紧追 cling to, shadow, thunder on one's trail
(手机键盘上的)“井” 字符 hash sign, number sign
经办人 operator
净产值 net output value; net value of production; net production value
经常项目顺差 favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account
经常性贷款 commercial lending
经常性支出 running expenses
净成本 pure cost; net cost; flat cost
经过长期不懈的努力 through protracted and unremitting efforts
靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine
经济刺激方案 economic stimulus bill (US President Obama will sign the $787b economic stimulus bill, which has been passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, Tuesday in Denver, a White House official has said. 美国国会众议院和参议院先后通过总额为7870亿美元的经济刺激计划,据白宫官员称,总统奥巴马将于周二在丹佛签署该法令。)
经济担保书 financial guarantee
经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid development of economy
经济的持续、快速、健康发展 sustained, rapid and sound development of the economy
经济的社会化、市场化、现代化 socialization, marketization and modernization of the economy
经济发展模式 economic development model (The annual government work report delivered at the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress by Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed new strategies and thoughts about promoting urbanization, which will trigger the explosive expansion of domestic demands and help the transformation of economic development models. 温家宝总理在十一届全国人大三次会议上做年度政府工作报告时,提出了推进城市化的新战略和新思想,指出城市化将引发国内需求的突破性增长,帮助推进经济发展模式的转变。)
经济繁荣 economic boom
经济房 low-cost housing
经济封锁 economic blockade
经济复苏 economic resurgence
经济杠杆 economic lever
经济过热 overheated economy; overheated development of the economy
经济和技术合作 ECOTECH cooperation (Economic and technology cooperation)
经济核算 cost accounting
经济滑坡 economic downturn
经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone
经济结构调整 economic restructuring
经济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy
经济开发区 economic development zone
经济良性循环 a beneficial economic cycle
经济林 cash tree
经济全球化 economic globalization; economic integration
经济渗透 economic infiltration
经济师 economic engineer; economic manager; economist
经济实体 economic entity
经济失调指数 misery index
经济适用房 economically affordable housing
经济适用墓 affordable grave (Low-income earners in Beilun, Ningbo, will get affordable burials amid complaints of soaring funeral costs, Qianjiang Evening News reported Wednesday. Many people keen to get a nice posthumous home for their deceased relatives say people can no longer afford to die. 据《钱江晚报》周三报道,宁波北仑区为解决殡葬高消费问题,将面向低收入者推出“经济适用型墓地”。碰上殡葬,很多人为了让过世的亲人走得安心,都想找块好墓地。可贫困家庭却又出不起这个钱,以致出现了“活得起,死不起”的说法。)
经济特区 special economic zone(SEZ)
竞技体育 competitive sports
经济调整 economic restructure
经济头脑 commercially minded people; people with business sense
经济危机 economic crisis
经济萧条 economic depression; economic slump; business depression
经济效益 economic returns;economic efficiency
经济一体化 economic integration
经济责任制 economic responsibility system
经济增长点 growth engine;economic growth point
经济总量 economic aggregate
精简会议 cut down the number of meetings to make them shorter
精简机构 streamline government organs
精简、统一、效能的原则 principle of simplified administration, unified action and higher efficiency
经济承包制 management contract system
警戒水位 warning level; danger level
京剧票友 Peking Opera fan
京剧人物脸谱 types of facial make-up in Beijing opera
敬老院 home for the aged; seniors' home
精品 competitive products
景气产业 thriving business;thriving industries;thriving economy
精神食粮 nourishment for the mind; intellectual food
精神损失费 mental damage compensation (On April 26, 2010, Chen Bentao received the recorded footage and a letter asking him to return the money besides a mental damage compensation of 50,000 yuan. 2010年4月26日,陈本涛收到了部分录像光盘和一封信,信中要求他还钱,并赔偿5万元精神损失费。)
精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress; develop socialist culture and ethics
精神文明 cultural and ideological progress
精神支柱 spiritual pillar
景泰蓝 cloisonné
境外就业 be employed abroad
境外投资 outbound investment (The Chinese government will continue encouraging outbound investment while attracting foreign investment in 2010 for "stable and relatively fast" growth of the country's economy, a government official has said. 一位政府官员说,为了保证国家经济“稳定和相对快速”的发展,2010年中国政府会继续鼓励境外投资,同时吸引外来投资。)
境外消费(服务贸易) consumption abroad
镜像站点 mirror sites (The WikiLeaks website was also shut down after apparent political pressure on service providers, but WikiLeaks said there were now 750 global mirror sites meaning the data so far released remained readily available. 在服务器提供商公然受到政治压力后,维基解密网站也关闭了。但该网站称目前已在全球建立750个镜像站点,这意味着还有大量信息即将曝光。)
竞选辩论 election debate
竞选委员会 election committee;election board
竞选运动 election campaign
敬业精神 professional dedication; professional ethics
经营费用 running expense
经营管理高度科学化的现代化大企业 modern big enterprise with highly scientific management system
经营管理不善 mismanagement; poor management; poor operation and management
经营权与所有权分离 separation of the right of management from the right of ownership
经营性公墓 commercial cemetery (According to the regulation on funeral and interment management passed on Monday, the government will restrict the development of commercial cemeteries while promoting the construction of social welfare cemeteries. 根据周一通过的殡葬管理办法,(武汉市)政府将限制经营性公墓的开发,并推进公益性公墓的建设。)
经营责任制 management system
精英治国论 theory of elite administration
竞争机制 competitive mechanism
竞争上岗 take up a job through competition
竞争优势 competitive edge; advantage in competition
净资本 net capital (The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said that a trust company's net capital should not be less than the sum of its all risky capital, as well as no less than 40 percent of its net assets. 中国银监会表示,一家信托公司的净资本不能少于其风险资本总额,也不能少于其净资产的40%。)
精子库 sperm bank
经典线路 classic travel route
精简开支 cut down the outlay; retrench expenses;retrenchment in expenditure
经济法制化 manage economic affairs according to law; to put economic operation on a legal basis
经济立法 economic legislature
经济社会协调发展 coordinated development of the economy and society
经济型轿车 economy car
经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions
仅供参考 for your information, for your reference (fyi)
景气下降 business setback
精神抖擞 in good spirits
境外投资协调机制 the mechanisms for coordinating overseas investment
经营范围 scope of business
紧急避孕药 emergency contraception; morning-after pill
静脉注射吸毒 intravenous drug abuse( or addict)
金球制 golden goal
今日特别推介 today's special offer
金融监管 financial regulation
金融监管责任制 the responsibility system for financial supervision
集体企业 collectively-owned enterprise
就地考察 on-the-spot inspection
就地取材 obtain materials from local sources; draw on local resources
纠风办 State Council Office for Rectifying
救济金 relief fund
九届全国人大四次会议 the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress
酒精呼气测试 breath alcohol test (When the policeman asked the driver to take a breath alcohol test after smelling alcohol on him, the man bit the policeman's left hand. Then, when the policeman used an interphone to call for help, the man knocked the interphone to the ground and grabbed the officer by the neck, according to police. 据警方称,警察在闻到该驾车男子身上的酒气后要求对其进行酒精测试,这时该男子一口咬住了警察的左手。警察用对讲机请求支援,该男子一把把对讲机打到地上,并用手掐住警察的脖子。)
九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
酒肉朋友 fair-weather friend
九五攻关 State Key Task 95
就业保险 employment insurance
就业服务 employment service
就业高峰年 peak year for college graduates entering the job market.
就业机会 job opening; job opportunity
就业前培训  pre-job training; pre-service training 
就业压力 employment pressure
就业预警机制 job alert system ("The country should have a better job alert system to help students choose their major in college," said Jiang Dayuan, a senior official of the vocational education department under the Ministry of Education. 教育部职业教育司高级官员姜大源说:“我们国家应该有一个更好的就业预警机制来帮助学生在大学里选择专业。”)
救援人员 rescue workers
救灾扶贫 provide disaster relief and help the poor
纠正随意改变基本农田用途的现象 rectify unauthorized changes in the use of primary farmland
酒后驾车 DUI (drive under the influence (of alcohol)), OUI (operating under the influence)
酒泉卫星发射中心 Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre
救死扶伤 heal the wounded and rescue the dying
九五折 a five percent discount; a 95 percent charge
救灾物资 disaster relief materials (Around 4:00 pm Wendesday, China's air force dropped 5 tons of disaster relief materials, including mineral water, milk, instant noodles, into Mianzhu City in quake-stricken Sichuan. 14日16时许,空军一架大型运输机首次为四川绵竹灾区空投了救灾物资,包括矿泉水、牛奶、方便面。)
(政府)救助 bailout (US stocks suffered Monday after the House of Representatives shocked investors by voting to reject the Bush administration's $700b bailout plan. 美国众议院29日出乎意料地投票否决了美国政府7000亿美元的救市方案。此结果令市场极度失望。)
酒醉驾车 drunk driving
集约型经济模式 intensive mode of economic growth
记者证 press card (After Beijing police detained 8 people who posed as journalists blackmailing interviewees and selling fake press cards, China is planning a nationwide renewal of press cards, Nong Tao, an official from the General Administration of Press and Publication said Wednesday. The new press cards, which will be issued in February 2009, will carry more anti-fake markings on them. 继北京警方打掉1个出售假记者证、勒索封口费的8人假记者团伙后,国家新闻出版总署官员农涛10日表示,计划于2009年2月在全国范围内换发新版记者证,届时新版记者证将带有更多防伪标识。)
举办城市 host city
举报监督电话 hotline for public report and supervision
举报信箱 complaint mailbox
举报中心 informant center
举杯 propose a toast
局部模特 body parts model (Ashly Covington is the kind of top model earning 1,200 dollars in a day. As one of the few full-timebody parts models, Covington doesn't cook, doesn't clean and avoids anything that could ruin her manicure. 阿什利•卡温顿就是一位高级“局部模特”,她每日进账达1200美元。作为少数的全职局部模特之一,卡温顿不下厨,不打扫卫生,不做任何可能会损毁指甲的事情。)
局部战争 local war
聚赌 group gambling; gamble in a group
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 bend one's back to the task until one's dying day; give one's all till one's heart stops beating
聚集效益 aggregation effect
居家度假 staycation (Staycations have achieved high popularity amid the financial crisis of 2007–2009 in which unemployment and gas prices rose. 居家度假的形式在2007年-2009年经济危机期间失业率和油价不断攀升的情况下大受欢迎。)
居家隔离 home quarantine (Close contacts could observe home quarantine, and the range of close contacts was narrowed down, according to a notice on adjusting A(H1N1) flu prevention and control measures issued by the ministry Wednesday. 根据(卫生)部周三下发的关于甲型H1N1流感防控策略调整的通知,(甲型H1N1流感的)密切接触者可以实施居家隔离,而且密切接触者的范围也将缩小。)
居留权 right of abode;right of residence
居民委员会 residential committee; neighborhood committee; residents's committee
举手表决 vote by show of hands
巨无霸 giant;extra large
具有中国特色 with Chinese characteristics
局域网 local area network (LAN)
拒载 refuse to take passengers
举债经营 operation with borrowed capital
聚众淫乱 group licentiousness (The Qinhuai District People's Court in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, handed down verdicts to 22 people, including associate professor Ma Yaohai, after convicting them on charges of group licentiousness. 江苏省南京市秦淮区法院对包括副教授马尧海在内的22人进行了宣判,所涉罪名为聚众淫乱罪。)
居住用地 residential land ("Residential land supply will increase and low-income housing projects will top local governments' agendas," Yun said during a video-conference on Monday. 贠小苏(国土资源部副部长)周一在视频会议上表示:“居住用地的供应量会有所增加,低收入家庭住房工程将成为地方政府议事日程的重中之重。”)
捐资办学 denote money for school
决策机构 decision-making organ;policy-making body
决策性机构 policy-making body
决堤 breaching of the dyke; break the banks; burst the banks (Heavy rain across a swathe of southern China over the last week has killed at least 132 people and left 86 missing, as rivers broke their banks and landslides cut off road and rail links. 我国南方一带上周突降暴雨,导致河流决堤,暴雨引发的山体滑坡致使公路和铁路系统中断,已造成至少132人死亡,86人失踪。)
决战时刻 zero hour
绝对贫困 absolute poverty
居家养老 home-based care for the aged
居民身份证 resident identification card
居民住房建设 residential construction
军备集结 arms build-up
军备竞赛 arms race
竣工仪式 completion ceremony
军国主义 militarism
均衡规律 law of proportionality
军火走私 gun-running; arms smuggling
军民共建精神文明活动 joint army-civilian efforts to promote socialist ethics and culture in their respective units
军嫂 soldier's wife
军事对峙 military confrontation
军事分界线 military demarcation line
军事过硬 militarily competent
军事扩张 military expansion (China has no plan formilitary expansion as its development of national defense is for its own security, a Navy testing base commander of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said last Friday. 中国人民解放军海军测试基地司令员上周五表示,中国没有军事扩张的计划,发展国防是出于本国安全考虑。)
军事援助 military aid
军属 soldier's dependant; armyman's family
军训 military training(intended for high school annd college students)
军用飞机 warplane, military aircraft
君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green
均衡、普惠、共赢 balanced development, shared benefits and win-win progress
军事法院 military court
卡丁车 kart
卡丁车 go-kart (28 couples in Shunde, Guangdong tied the knot in a group wedding Tuesday, with the bridegrooms receiving their brides in horses, red sedans, bicycles, and even go-karts. 23日,广东顺德的28对新人举办了一场集体婚礼,新郎接新娘的交通工具花样百出,有高头大马、花轿、自行车甚至是卡丁车。)
开标 bid opening
开采权 mining right
开除公职 discharge somebody from public employment; take the name off the book; be discharged from office
凯恩斯政策 Keynesian policy
开发公司 development company
开发式扶贫 poverty reduction through development projects; development-oriented poverty relief
开发新产品 develop new product
开发性承包 development contract
开发一代,储存一代,预研一代 (产品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products
开放边境 open the border
开放带动战略 strategy spearheaded by opening-up
开放地区的辐射和带动作用 radiating and exemplary role of the open areas; spin-off effect and demonstration role of the open areas
开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy
开放式基金 open-ended fund
开放型经济 open economy
开放政策 open policy
开杆 begin a billiard game
开工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity
开红灯 give a stop light to
开工典礼 commencement ceremony
开工率 rate of operation;rate of opening capacity
开光 consecration
开后门 under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to one's friends or relatives by underhand means
开户头 open an account
开价 propose a price; offer a price
开架销售 self service( in a store)
开镜礼 pre-shooting ceremony (for film, TV series, etc.)
开卷 open-book
开锣 begin a project
开门红 good start
开涮 make somebody the laughingstock; make a fool of somebody
开题报告 opening speech; opening report
开拓型 pioneering
开小灶 give special favor
开夜车 burn the midnight oil; work over night
开源节流 increase income and reduce expenditure
开足马力 put into high gear; go full steam ahead
开创具有中国特色的社会主义建设新局面 create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics
开发票 make out an invoice
开盘价 opening price
开收据 write out a receipt
开通电话 put telephone lines into operation
开拓前进 open up new ways forward
侃大山 shoot the breeze; chew the fat
看跌/看涨期权 put / call option
侃爷 北京人嘴贫善侃,故有“侃爷”之称。 Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed "big talkers."
看病难、看病贵,上学难、上学贵 the difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment and receiving an education
抗大梁 take up the main task
抗风险能力 risk resistance capacity
康复工程 rehabilitation project
康复中心 recuperation center; recovery center; rehabilitation center
抗击非典斗争 anti-SARS campaign
康居工程 comfortable housing project
抗美援朝战争 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
抗日战争 War of Resistance Against Japan
抗议照会 note of protest
抗震鉴定 anti-earthquake evaluation (Under new regulations that come into effect on May 1, all public buildings will be subject to stringent quality tests, including an anti-earthquake evaluation, every five years. 根据将于5月1日生效的新规定,所有的公共建筑每五年都要经过严格的质量检查,其中包括抗震鉴定。)
抗震棚 quake-proof shelter
抗药(性) drug-resistant (The WHO urged Asian countries on Monday to take action against the growing threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis. 世卫组织21日对亚洲国家发出呼吁,要求采取切实有效的措施来应对不断加剧的肺结核抗药性威胁。)
看守政府 caretaker government (Somchai Wongsawat, deputy PM of Thailand's caretaker government, called a special cabinet meeting Wednesday night, during which he was appointed caretaker PM. 泰国看守政府副总理颂猜•翁萨瓦10日晚召集看守内阁特别会议,并被任命为看守政府总理。)
卡奴 card slave (Freya didn't really understand how credit card interest rates work, and ran up large debts during her college days. Now, she is a credit card slave; because most of her salary goes into paying them off.)
靠边站 be dismissed; be deprived of authority
考核标准 criteria of assessment
考勤 check on work attendance
考勤制度 work attendance checking system
靠山 backer patron
考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
考研热 the craze for graduate school
烤烟型卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette
靠扩大财政赤字搞建设 increase the deficit to spend more on development
科班 Peking opera school of the old type; professional training class
可比价格 comparable prices
可比经济指标 comparable economic targets
可采储量 recoverable reserves
可持续发展 sustainable development
可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
客串 guest star (Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch on season finale of FX's "Dirt." In the episode, Aniston, guest stars as a lesbian magazine editor and rival to Cox's character, ruthless tabloid queen Lucy Spiller. 报道说,安妮斯顿在好友考克斯的新剧《丑闻》中客串了一个同性恋女主编的角色,在《丑闻》大结局时,两位女主编还上演吻别镜头。)
客串演出 cameo appearance (Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show. The 29-year-old is also known for TV shows such as Veronica Mars and Heroes. 因出演《美眉校探》和《英雄》等电视剧而成名29岁女星克里斯汀•贝尔曝料称,她已向《绯闻女孩》的制作方申请在该剧中客串演出。)
客队 visiting team
科幻小说 science-fiction novel
科技奥运 Hi-tech Olympics
科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements
科技成果转化 the commercialization of research findings
科技成果市场化、产业化 commercialize scientific and technological results; to gear sicentific and technological achievements to the market and production
科技扶贫 support poor areas using technology
科技攻关 tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology; tackle hard-nut problems on the strength of science and technology
科技含量 technological content
科技强军、依法治军 strengthen the army by relying on science and technology, and run the armed forces by law
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
课间操 exercise between classes
可见度 visibility
科教片 science education film
科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and education
克扣 dock wages
客流量 volume of commuters; passenger volume
刻录机 CD writer; disc-carving machine
科普 dissemination of science
科普活动 activity to popularize scientific knowledge
可视电传 visual fax
可视电话 videotelephone
(补贴协议)可诉补贴 actionable subsidy
可塑炸弹 plastique
磕头 kowtow
客席指挥 guest conductor
克星 strong opponent; powerful remedy
可行性研究 feasibility study
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development
科研攻关 work towards key technological breakthroughs
"可印刷"电池 "printable" battery (German scientists recently developed the first "printable" battery in the world, which weighs less than one gram and measures less than 1mm thick. The paper-thin battery can be produced through a printing process.德国研究人员最近开发出了世界上首款"可印刷"电池,它薄如纸张,每个重量不足1克,厚度不到1毫米,用印刷技术就能生产。)
可用收入 disposable income
客运 passenger transport
可再生资源 regenerative resources
可转换债券 convertible bond
客座教授 guest professor
可交换债券 exchangeable bonds (The national securities watchdog Friday recently plans to allow shareholders of listed companies to issue exchangeable bonds, in an attempt to ease oversupply in the stock market. 目前,中国证监会拟计划允许上市公司的股东发行可交换债券,以缓解股市的抛售压力。)
科教兴国战略 strategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education
克隆人 human cloning
恳谈 have a frank discussion
坑口电站 pit-mouth power plant
恪守职业道德 observe professional ethics
可透支额度(信用卡) sky-high credit line (Many US banks including the American Express, Bank of America and Citigroup have begun tightening standards of applicants and are sharply curtailing both credit card offers and sky-high credit lines, US media reported. More borrowers defaulted on their payments as the US economy slows and unemployment rises, probably bringing another wave of unprecedented losses, the report said. 据美媒报道,由于经济衰退,失业率上升,很多人无法偿还信用卡透支的欠款,美国银行可能面临更大损失。因此,美国运通公司、美国银行、花旗银行等多家银行纷纷抬高申请持卡的标准,减少信用卡发行量,并降低持卡人可透支额度。)
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development
科学及民主决策 scientific and democratic decision-making
控制新增产能 control expansion of production capacity
恐艾症 AIDS phobia ("We have not found a new virus and they are most likely just suffering from a mental health problem called AIDS phobia," said Hao Yang, deputy director of the disease prevention and control bureau under the Ministry of Health. 卫生部疾病预防控制局副局长郝阳说:“我们没有检测到新病毒,他们很可能患上了一种名为恐艾症的心理疾病。”)
恐怖大亨 terrorist mastermind
恐怖分子 terrorist
恐怖片 horror film
恐怖事件 terrorist incident
空巢家庭 empty nest (Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or other guardian relatives may feel when their children leave home. 空巢家庭综合症是父母亲或其他监护人在一个或更多的子女离开家后感受到的一种孤独感.)
控股公司 holding company, controlling company
恐慌购买 panic buying (Major suppliers of pills that provide protection from radiation say they're out of stock due to panic buying, even though experts say that the Japanese nuclear catastrophe poses no health threat to Americans. 虽然专家表示日本核辐射不会影响美国民众健康,但防辐射药物主要供应商表示,由于恐慌购买,药品已经断货。)
空间病 space sickness; space syndrome
空间对接 space docking (China plans to launch an unmanned space module, Tiangong-1, in the second half of 2011 for the nation's first space docking. 中国计划在2011年下半年发射无人目标飞行器“天宫一号”,并完成中国首次空间交会对接任务。)
空间垃圾 space junk
空间站 space station
空降部队 paratroops
空难 air crash
空气污染 air pollution
空气污染物 air pollutants
空气浴 air bath-a method of health protection by exposing the body to fresh air
空勤 air duty
空嫂 married airline stewardess
空头市场 bear market
空头司令 leading cadre estranged from the people
空头政治 phony politics
空头支票 1. unconvertible cheque; blank check 2. empty promise; unfulfilled promise
控制人口数量 control the population size
空中巴士客车、空中客车 Airbus plane
空中飞人 frequent flyer. This Chinese term, “man flying in the sky,” is sometimes used to refer to trapeze artists. But here it refers to frequent plane travelers.
空中教育 education through broadcast media
空中楼阁 castle in the air; daydream; ivory tower
空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
空中走廊 air corridor; air lane
恐韩症 Koreaphobia (Koreaphobia is an expectation of being beaten by Korea.)
空降师 airborne division
孔雀女 silk-stocking lady (This tag refers to a girl from a big city and a rich family. Many such girls have been brought up under their parents' care and have yet to experience one of life's big storms. In English, we could say that they have been "sheltered", and that they were "born with a silver spoon in their mouth".) (来源:21世纪英文报第753期 中山大学陈萌整理)
空中交通管理 air traffic control
空中信号灯 sky beamer
扣帽子 put a label on
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
口头禅 pet phrase
口碑 word of mouth (Word of mouth is one of the best ways of getting business.)
酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest
苦果 bitter fruit——something unpleasant as a result of some action
哭穷 complain about impoverishment;pretend to be poor
枯水季节 dry season
跨国公司 transnational corporation
跨国婚介 mail-order bride trade (In the age of globalization, the international matchmaking industry — still known in many circles as the mail-order bride trade — is thriving like never before. 在全球化时代,国际婚介机构,也就是很多人所谓的“邮购新娘”业务,正迎来从未有过的繁荣发展。)
跨国婚姻 Mixed marriage (Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country's rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriages. 跨国婚姻增多的主要原因是我国经济高速发展所带来的频繁移民。)
跨行转帐 inter-bank transfer service. (Do you offer an inter-bank transfer service? 你们有提供跨行转帐的服务吗?)
跨境婚姻 cross-country marriage; marriage of a native with a foreigner
跨境交付(服务贸易) cross border supply
跨领域问题 cross-border issue
跨年晚会 countdown party (The New Year Countdown party at Singapore's Marina Bay is expected to draw in a bigger crowd this year, with the completion of key developments in the area and more vantage points on offer. 据预计,在新加坡滨海湾举办的跨年晚会今年将吸引更多的观众,这一地区的几处关键修缮工程已完工,将呈现给观众更多亮点。)
跨世纪 cross-century; trans-century
跨世纪的一代 a generation of people who span the two centuries
跨世纪工程 a trans-century project
跨世纪绿色工程规划  trans-century green engineering program
跨业公司 conglomerate company
跨越式发展 leapfrog development (He Guoqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has urged governments and people in Heilongjiang Province, an industrial and grain production base of China, to tap its unique potentials for a "leapfrog development." 中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记贺国强敦促黑龙江省政府和人民利用黑龙江独特的潜能实现“跨越式发展”。黑龙江是我国的工业和粮食生产基地。)
跨种姓婚姻 inter-caste marriages (Finance Minister Surendra Pandey said inter-caste marriages were still frowned upon in Nepal. 尼泊尔财政部长苏伦德拉•潘迪说,跨种姓婚姻至今仍为一些尼泊尔人所排斥。)
扩大直接融资 expand the scope of direct financing
跨国恐怖组织 transnational terrorist groups
快餐 fast food; MRE (meals ready to eat)
快递 express delivery
会计电算化 accounting computerization
快镜头 quick motion
快闪族 flash mob (Liverpool Street Station, one of London's largest railway stations was forced to close for about 90 minutes on Friday evening after a flash mob with over 13,000 people congregated at the same time, dancing to mimic an advert in which 400 actors had been filmed dancing at the station. The police closed the railway station due to fears of overcrowding. 周五晚,超过13000人组成的“快闪族”聚集在伦敦最大的车站之一——利物浦车站,模仿一段广告中400演员同时起舞的情景。警方担心出现踩踏,将车站关闭了90分钟。)
快速反应部队 rapid response force
快速立法 fast track
快速通道 fast track
快速消费品 fast-moving consumer goods
快讯 news flash; flash
快译通 electronic dictionary
快车线路 express line
快递公司 courier (Courier giant UPS announced Tuesday it expected to deliver more than 19m items for the ongoing Olympic Games. 快递巨头UPS12日称,预计将为北京奥运递送货物逾1900万件。)
快捷图标 shortcut icon
快乐男声(比赛) Happy Boy
快速拨号 speed dial
宽带(ADSL技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL(Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
宽带接入 broadband access
宽带接入网 broadband access network
宽带网 broadband networks
宽限期 grace period
宽严相济 tempering justice with mercy (The changes to the draft amendment will help restructure the country's system of criminal law in accordance with its policy of "tempering justice with mercy". 对修正案草案所做的修改将有助于依照“宽严相济”的政策对国家的刑法体系进行重组。)
矿井瓦斯 mine gas
狂犬病 rabies(Bali administration reported it had vaccinated 9,000 dogs in an effort to control a recent outbreak of rabies in the island. 巴厘岛当局开始对约9千条狗采取注射疫苗等方法全力防止疫情蔓延。)
狂犬疫苗 rabies vaccine. ( 3010 doses of flawed rabies vaccine for human use produced by a Dalian company were brought into Xi'an. 3010份大连某公司生产的问题人用狂犬疫苗流入西安。)
匡算 rough estimate
矿物肥料 mineral fertilizer
矿源 mineral resources
跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
亏本生意 losing proposition
亏损 loss; deficit
亏损包干 loss contract system
亏损企业 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
困难职工 the needy worker
扩大公民有序的政治参与 Expand citizens' participation in political affairs in an orderly way
扩大内需 expand domestic demand
扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption
扩大企业自主权 expand enterprise autonomy; delegate more decision-making power to an enterprise
扩大消费需求 expand the consumer demand
扩大中等收入者比重 Raise the proportion of the middle-income group
扩建工程 extension project
扩军备战 arms expansion and war preparation
扩容 market expansion
扩张主义 expansionism
扩招 increase enrollment
扩大党内民主 to expand intra-Party democracy
扩大国内需求 expand domestic demand
扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor
扩大市场准入 increase market access
来电显示 caller ID
蜡雕 wax carving; wax sculpture
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
拉关系 try to curry favor with
垃圾融资 junk financing
垃圾邮件 junk e-mail
垃圾邮件 junk email; spam
垃圾债券 junk bond
垃圾综合处理 integrated garbage treatment
辣椒手榴弹 chili bomb (An Indian defense official said scientists were using the world's hottest chili to develop chili bombs that can be used to control riots and combat separatists.印度国防部官员25日说印度安全部队正计划用世界上最辣的一种辣椒面制成手榴弹,以用于控制骚乱和打压叛乱活动。)
拉锯战 seesaw battle
啦啦队 cheering squad
啦啦队长 "cheer-leader, rooter king"
拉力赛 endurance race
拉练 undergo field training by marching and camping
拉链工程 zipper project
拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon
蜡染 batik; wax printing
蜡像馆 wax work museum
拉选票 seek a vote
拉闸限电 power rationing (Cold wave causes power rationing: A cold wave sweeping across large swathes of the country since Saturday has forced some provinces to ration electricity for industrial use, but State power company officials promised yesterday that supply to residents across those regions would not be affected. 寒潮导致多地拉闸限电:自上周六开始侵袭我国多个地区的寒潮已导致一些省份限制工业用电,但国家电力公司的有关官员昨日承诺,这些地区的居民用电供应不会受到影响。)
来电 fall in love with someone
来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone
来料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing
来料、来样、来件加工产品 process products with materials supplied by clients
来世,下辈子 the next life
垃圾分类收集 separate waste collection
蓝筹股 blue chips
滥发文凭 issue diplomas recklessly
滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue
蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc
蓝盔人员 blue helmet personnel
蓝领工人 Blue-collar worker
烂摊子 awful mess
蓝牙技术 bluetooth
滥用权力 abuse of power
滥用职权 abuse one's power;misuse one's authority
浪子回头 return to the fold; turn over a new leaf; return of the prodigal son
朗诵比赛 recital contest
兰花指 orchid fingers (In Peking Opera, finger movements express different emotions and characters. For actresses, this is called "orchid fingers". 在京剧中,手势表达着不同的情感和性格。京剧旦角的这种手势就叫做“兰花指”。)
劳保医疗制度 labor medicare system
“老大难” 问题 long-standing problem; big and difficult problem; lasting, complex and hard-to-solve problem
劳动服务公司 labor service company;service company
劳动定额 labor quota
劳动合同制 labor contract system
劳动教养 education through labor; rehabilitation through labor; indoctrination through labor
劳动力产权 labor property rights
劳动力的流动性 fluidity of labor
劳动力过剩 labor surplus;manpower surplus
劳动力资源配置 allocation of labor resources
劳动密集型 labor-intensive
劳动密集型产业 labor-intensive industry
劳动模范 model worker
劳动年龄人口 working-age population (The emergence of negative growth in the total working-age population, which some demographers predict will happen as early as 2013, is likely to contribute to slower economic growth and higher inflation, according to analysts. 据一些人口统计学家预测,从2013年起中国劳动年龄人口将可能开始出现负增长,分析家称,这将会导致经济增速放缓,加剧通货膨胀。)
劳动预备制度 vocational training system
劳动者素质 quality of the workforce
劳动争议 labor dispute
劳改农场 reforming farm; reform-through-labor farm
老化效应 aging effect
老黄牛 a person who serves the people whole-heartedly; an honest and industrious worker
老龄委 senior citizens' work committee
老年保险制度 endowment insurance
老三届 junior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968; school leavers of 1966~1968
老少边穷地区 "former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas "
老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché
老鼠仓 rat trading. The term has recently come into the spotlight as some mainland brokers were believed to have made illegal profits by conducting so-called “rat trading” or a kind of scalping scheme in the stock market by cheating their clients.
劳务费 service charge; service fee
劳务市场 labor market
劳务输出 export of labor services
老爷车 vintage car (It is evident that many Canadian baby boomers are indulging in vintage cars they could not afford when they were young. 显然许多在二战后生育高峰期(1945-1952)出生的加拿大人都对老爷车情有独钟,他们年轻时是买不起的这样的车的。)
老爷式的态度 bureaucratic attitude
老一套 old practice; the same old stuff; the same old story; the beaten track
老油条 wily old bird; old slicker
老中青三结合 combination of the old, the middle-aged and the young in the leadership
劳资 labor and capital
老字号 an old and famous shop or enterprise; time-honoured brand
劳资纠纷 trouble between labor and management
老子天下第一 regard oneself as the No.1 authority in the world
老赖(欠钱不还) deadbeat (They are New York's Cheapest: an elite collection of wealthy fraudsters and deadbeats who owe more than $1 million each in state income taxes.)
老龄化社会 aging society
老年学校 school for the aged
劳保 labor insurance
(面部)拉皮手术 facelift (The 65-year-old US Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden appeared to have had a facelift in the lead up to the debate on October 2, a cosmetic surgeon said. The surgeon made the claims after comparing the photos of Biden taken before and on the debate day. The facelift is mainly made by tightening the temple and eyelids, the US media reported. 有整容医生断言,65岁的民主党副总统候选人拜登在出席2日晚的辩论会前曾接受过拉面皮手术。美媒称,该医生通过对比辩论前后照片,指出拜登的"重灾区"位于眼部周围,手术拉紧了眉侧和眼睑。)
克隆 clone
雷达覆盖区 radar coverage
雷达跟踪 radar tracking
累犯 recidivist; incurable criminal
勒紧裤带 tighten one's belt
累进税率 progressive tax rate
冷板凳 cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels
冷门 ark horse; a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention; an unexpected winner
冷遇 cold reception; indifferent treatment
冷战思维 Cold War mentality
冷笑话 bad joke (Some bad jokes are very popular in many online forums these days. 如今,一些冷笑话在许多网络论坛里非常流行。)
乐透 lotto (一种彩票游戏)
离岸价格 free on board(FOB)
离岸金融市场 offshore market
篱笆墙 barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
理财 arrange the finance;money management
力挫 defeat with utmost effort
离岛免税政策 offshore duty-free policy (The offshore duty-free policy for Hainan has been completed and submitted to relevant departments for approval, said Chen Cheng, vice governor of Hainan province on the 18th Conference of the Fourth Standing Committee of the NPC of Hainan. This means that the specific regulations of the policy have basically been confirmed. 海南省副省长陈成在海南省四届人大常委会十八次会议上称,海南离岛免税政策已经制定完成并提交相关部门审批。这意味着该政策的具体条款已经基本确定。)
立等可取服务 instant service; on-the-spot service
立法真空 legislation vacuum
利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
力争上游 strive for the best; aim high
立国之本 the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country
利好因素 wrinkle
利好因素 feel-good factor ("It may provide a feel-good factor, but it's unlikely to make people feel any more confident about their own finances," said Nick Moon, managing director of the polling group. GfK NOP市场调查公司总经理尼克•莫恩说:“这场婚礼会为英国带来利好因素,但不太可能会让人们对自己的钱袋更有信心。”)
离婚协议书 divorce settlement (Most try to sign a divorce settlement by themselves first. After failing to reach an agreement on issues such as the division of property or custody of children, they turn to legal resolution. 大多数夫妻会先行签定离婚协议书。无法在财产分配或子女监护等问题上达成一致时,他们才采取法律手段。)
理货公司 tally company
利基 niche
离经叛道 rebel against the orthodoxy
理论与实际相结合 integrade theory with practice
礼尚往来 courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity
历史遗产 historical heritage;legacy of history
历史遗留下来的问题 roblem left over by history; an issue rooted in history
利税分流 payment of the tax plus a percentage of profits to the state
理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order
力所能及 within one's power;to the bes of one's ability( capacity)
立体电视 three-dimensional television
立体开放口岸 trading port open to sea, land and air
立体快巴 straddling bus (The straddling bus, first exhibited on the 13th Beijing International High-tech Expo in May this year, may be one possible answer to the traffic problem. In the near future, the model is to be put into pilot use in Beijing’s Mentougou District. 今年五月在第十三届北京国际科技产业博览会上首次展出的立体快巴将可能成为解决交通问题的一条出路。在不久的将来,这种新型车将在北京门头沟区进行试运行。)
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
立体式报道 an in-depth and comprehensive report
立体思考 three-dimensional thinking
立体战争 three-dimensional war
离退办 office for the affairs of the retired workers
离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees
理想雇主 preferred workplace (Samsung was selected as thepreferred workplace for a 2nd straight year in a survey of 1146 college seniors, done by Job Korea, a recruitment portal of South Korea. 韩国就业门户网站Job Korea对1146名大四学生进行的调查中三星连续第二年被选为韩国大学生的理想雇主。)
礼仪小姐 ritual girl
礼仪小姐 guiding girl
礼仪小姐 Miss Etiquette (The final selection of Shanghai ExpoMiss Etiquette was held in Hangzhou city, Zhe Jiang province on Jan 31, 2010. 上海世博会礼仪小姐选拔活动总决赛于2010年1月31日在浙江省杭州市启动。)
立于不败之地 be in an invincible position;remain invincible
恋爱登记 relationship registration (In response to critics, the university denied having a policy asking students to participate in "relationship registration". It said the forms were released by a group of students who thought the questions offered a good means of learning about the relationships of their classmates. (福州)大学对评论做出回应,否认推行让学生参加“恋爱登记”的政策。福州大学称(登记)表格是一群学生发放的,他们认为表格上的问题是了解班上同学情感关系的一个好方式。)
联产承包责任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output
连带责任 joint liability
联防 joint defense
恋父情结 Electra complex
联购联销 joint purchasing and marketing
联合公报 joint communique
联合国反腐败公约 UN Convention Against Corruption
《联合国海洋法公约》 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
联合国会费 the UN membership dues (fee)
联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation)
联合国维持和平部队 United Nations Peace Keeping Forces
联合国维和行动 UN peacekeeping operations
联合;合并 merger
联合联络小组 joint liaison group
联合投标 syndicated tender
连环杀手 serial killer (A female serial killer who terrorized Mexico City as the "Little Old Lady Killer" was sentenced to 759 years in jail on Monday for killing 16 elderly women. 本周一,以"小老太太杀手"之名震惊墨西哥城的女连环杀手因杀害16名老年妇女而被判入狱759年。)
连环相撞 rear-end collision (A rear-end collision of at least 30 vehicles occurred at 10 am Monday morning at the Jianyang section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, local media reported. 据当地媒体报道,15日上午10时许,成渝高速简阳段发生特大车祸,至少有30辆车连环相撞。)
连环追尾 pileup (More than 100 cars and trucks are involved in the massive pileup on Highway 99 just south of Fresno as patches of dense fog obscured visibility on the heavily traveled roadway, the California Highway Patrol officials Paul Solorzano Jr. said. 加州高速公路巡逻局官员保罗•索洛萨诺说,出事路段交通繁忙,属于弗雷斯诺市以南的第99号高速公路。当时雾很大,能见度很低,造成100多辆车连环追尾。)
联机环境 on-line environment
廉价商店 discount shop;budget store; discount shop
廉价市场 bargain market; bargain center
廉洁奉公,以正治国 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness
恋母情结 Oedipus complex
联赛 league match
连锁店 chain store
连锁反应 chain effect; domino effect
练摊 to be a vendor
联体婴儿 Siamese twins
联网 on-line;be networked
联想集团 Legend Group
连续抽烟的人 chain smoker
廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration
廉政建设 build a clean and honest government; strive for a clean government
廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government
廉租房 low-rent houses (The premier said the government plans to earmark 6.8 billion yuan in its 2008 budget to build low-rent houses for the urban poor. 温总理说,今年政府计划投入68亿元为城市低收入者建设廉租房)
两岸民间行业组织 non-governmental trade organizations across the Straits
两岸三地 the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong
两岸直航促进会 Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation
两岸直航 cross-Straits direct transportation link
两岸直航包机 Direct Chartered Flight Across the Taiwan Straits
两大历史性课题(提高党的执政水平和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力) the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and wardingoff risks
两弹一艇 "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine"
两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite
亮底牌 reveal the ins and outs
两个对等的政治实体 two equal political entities
两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
两会 two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference)
粮食风险基金 grain risk fund
粮食流通体制 grain distribution system
粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
粮食主产区 major grain producing areas
两手抓两手都要硬 grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient importance to both
两思(致富思源,富而思进) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
两条腿走路 walking on two legs
两头大、中间小 be small at both ends and big in the middle; a few at each extreme and many in between
亮相 pose; state one's view
良性循环 virtuous circle
两伊战争 the Iran-Iraq War
粮油关系 grain and oil rationing registration
两院院士 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering
两者不可兼得 You cannot eat your cake and have it.
量子力学 quantum mechanics
两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Straits
两岸周末包机直航 cross-Straits weekend charter flight (Chen Ling, vice-director of the Fujian Taiwan affairs office, said: "The launch of the cross-Straits weekend charter flights marks a great leap forward for relations between the mainland and Taiwan." )
两个确保 two guarantees (确保国有企业下岗职工的基本生活,确保离退休人员的基本生活,保证按时足额发放基本养老金。guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full)
食品安全 food safety
良种补贴 subsidies for growing superior grain cultivators
连环漫画 comic strip
联名存款帐户 joint account
连锁经营 chain-store operations
连体姐妹 conjoined twin sisters
连体婴儿 conjoined twin babies
疗效食品 remedy diet
《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
劣等品 shoddy goods; substandard goods; lemon (informal)
猎头公司 head-hunting company
列席会议 attend a conference without voting rights
立法听证会 legislative hearing
利率形成和传导机制 setting and transmitting interest rates
临时巴勒斯坦国 provisional Palestinian state
临时工 temporary worker
临时牌照 temporary licence
临时医院 makeshift hospital (Aid officials in Haiti worked to clear rubble from roads, buildmakeshift hospitals and remove bodies from the rubble despite transportation problems and broken phone lines. 在海地交通和通信阻断的情况下,救援人员正在清除道路上的碎石瓦砾,搭建临时医院,把尸体从瓦砾中挪开。)
临时政府 interim government (An opposition coalition in Kyrgyzstan proclaimed a new interim government on Thursday after clashes left dozens dead in the Central Asian country. 在吉尔吉斯斯坦中部发生一场导致数十人死亡的冲突后,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国反对派上周四宣布成立新的临时政府。)
临时主教练 caretaker coach
领海 territorial waters
零和博奕 zero-sum game; zero game
“零和”冷战思维 zero-sum Cold War mentality (President Hu Jintao on Monday praised China-US relations, highlighted recent progress in ties and called for both sides to "abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality" for a better future. 胡锦涛主席本周一赞扬了中美关系的健康发展,特别强调了两国关系近期的进展,并呼吁中美双方今后“摒弃零和冷战思维”。)
另类 a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music
零配件 spare and accessory parts
另起炉灶 make a fresh start
灵巧导弹 agile missile
(建议)零售价 (suggested)retail price
领头羊 bellwether
领土归属 territorial entitlement
领土完整 territorial integrity
薪领工人 new-collar workers
零排放屋 Zero Emissions House (The G8 summit in Hokkaudo, Japan, has clearly focused minds on environment issues and a fururistic "Zero Emissions House" will now be showcased following the summit. )
邻家女孩 the girl next door
临时抱佛脚 make hasty, last-minute efforts
临时价格干预措施 interim price control measure (The National Development and Reform Commission announced its decision Monday to scrap its interim price control measures on grain, food processed from grain, edible oil, meat, dairy products and eggs starting from January as a step to tackle inflation, now that the country's CPI, the main gauge for inflation, slowed in October for the 6th month in a row to 4%. Food producers and traders will resume the right to set prices of those products independently. 发改委1日表示,因10月CPI为4%, 同比涨幅连续第6个月回落,自12月1日起,将解除1月起为应对通货膨胀而对成品粮及粮食制品、食用植物油、肉、奶、蛋等食品类商品的临时价格干预措施,生产者和经营者可自主定价。)
临时线路 temporary line
流窜犯 mobile criminal
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."
流动服务 mobile service
流动人口 transient population; floating population
流动售货 mobile vending
流动图书馆 travelling library; bookmobile
流动性负债 current liabilities
流动性资产 current assets
流动资产 current assets; liquid assets
“零和”冷战思维 zero-sum Cold War mentality (President Hu Jintao on Monday praised China-US relations, highlighted recent progress in ties and called for both sides to "abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality" for a better future. 胡锦涛主席本周一赞扬了中美关系的健康发展,特别强调了两国关系近期的进展,并呼吁中美双方今后“摒弃零和冷战思维”。)
另类 a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music
零配件 spare and accessory parts
另起炉灶 make a fresh start
灵巧导弹 agile missile
(建议)零售价 (suggested)retail price
领头羊 bellwether
领土归属 territorial entitlement
领土完整 territorial integrity
薪领工人 new-collar workers
零排放屋 Zero Emissions House (The G8 summit in Hokkaudo, Japan, has clearly focused minds on environment issues and a fururistic "Zero Emissions House" will now be showcased following the summit. )
邻家女孩 the girl next door
临时抱佛脚 make hasty, last-minute efforts
临时价格干预措施 interim price control measure (The National Development and Reform Commission announced its decision Monday to scrap its interim price control measures on grain, food processed from grain, edible oil, meat, dairy products and eggs starting from January as a step to tackle inflation, now that the country's CPI, the main gauge for inflation, slowed in October for the 6th month in a row to 4%. Food producers and traders will resume the right to set prices of those products independently. 发改委1日表示,因10月CPI为4%, 同比涨幅连续第6个月回落,自12月1日起,将解除1月起为应对通货膨胀而对成品粮及粮食制品、食用植物油、肉、奶、蛋等食品类商品的临时价格干预措施,生产者和经营者可自主定价。)
临时线路 temporary line
流窜犯 mobile criminal
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."
流动服务 mobile service
流动人口 transient population; floating population
流动售货 mobile vending
流动图书馆 travelling library; bookmobile
流动性负债 current liabilities
流动性资产 current assets
流动资产 current assets; liquid assets
流通股 tradable share
流行偶像 pop idol
利息率 interest rate
利息税 tax on interest from deposits
龙的传人 descendants of the dragon—the Chinese people
垄断行业 monopolized industry
隆乳 mammaplasty
龙头产品 flagship product
(行业中的)龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry
隆重欢迎仪式 red-carpet greetings (President Hu Jintao was welcomed to the White House on Wednesday with full honors that included a 21-gun salute and red-carpet greeting as he and his US counterpart Barack Obama seek to open a new chapter in Sino-US relations. 本周三,美方以全套的外交礼仪欢迎胡锦涛主席的到来,鸣放21响礼炮,并举行隆重欢迎仪式。胡主席和奥巴马总统将寻求翻开中美关系的新篇章。)
露马脚 give oneself away; reveal oneself; let the cat out of the bag; show the cloven hoof
陆地和海洋生态系统 terrestrial and marine ecosystems
陆基巡航导弹 ground-launched cruise missile
录取通知书 letter of admission
录取通知书 acceptance letter
录取线 admission line
路演 road show
乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 "unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises "
乱检查 make unwarranted inspections
乱码 messy code
乱收费 arbitary charges
乱摊派 requisition donations arbitrarily
乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 "arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines"
劣质工程 shoddy engineering
轮岗 work shift
轮流(坐庄) in turn
轮流停电 rolling blackout (Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) had reported early on Monday that it would schedule rolling blackouts in Tokyo and surrounding cities to conserve energy amid the crisis at nuclear power plants in the earthquake-affected areas. 东京电力公司周一宣布,计划在东京和周边城市实行轮流停电,此举是为了在地震灾区核电站危机期间节省能源。)
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense
《论语》 Analects of Confucius
轮值主席 rotating chairman
裸奔 streaking (A recent Internet post publicizing 2 male students celebrating their graduation by streaking naked across campus at Fudan University in Shanghai has aroused heated online debate. 近日,复旦大学的两名毕业生为纪念毕业,在毕业前一晚的午夜时分在校内裸奔并拍照留念,成为网络热议事件。)
落地签证 visa upon arrival (A new policy allowing overseas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China's Zhejiang province may greatly boost local tourism, local authorities said on Sunday. 当地政府周日表示,将推出新政策允许前往浙江省的外国旅游团取得落地签证,此举将极大推动当地旅游业的发展。)
裸官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)
裸官 naked official (The Communist Party of China (CPC) has released new restrictions governing "naked officials", or those whose family members have all gone abroad. 中共中央发布了针对家属都已移居国外的官员,即“裸官”,的管理规定。)
裸婚 naked wedding (I was a little dismayed when I heard the word "naked wedding" on a news broadcast the other day, but then understood it was definitely not anything obscene. 当我前几天在新闻广播节目上听到“裸婚”一词时,我有点不快,但很快就意识到这个词和淫秽没有关系。)
裸机 bare mobile phone
裸体挂历 nude calendar.( Six members of Rylstone and District Women's Institute in the UK posed for a nude calendar for helping leukemia patients.英国瑞尔斯通妇女研究所的6个成员拍摄了她们的裸体挂历,来帮助白血病患者筹款。)
裸照 nude photo (French first lady Carla Bruni told Vanity Fair magazine that her husband was not upset when he learned of all the nude photos she did during her modeling days. 日前,法国第一夫人布吕尼在接受美国《名利场》杂志采访时透露,萨科齐得知她当模特时拍裸照后,并不介意,也不生气。)
录取分数线 entry score
绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate
绿化 afforestation
绿化运动 afforestation drive
绿卡 green card
旅客列车票价 price of passenger train tickets
绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People's Olympics
绿色产品 green product
绿色电脑 green computer
绿色急救通道 emergency green path
绿色科技 green science annd technology
绿色农业 green agriculture
绿色企业 green enterprise
绿色食品 green food
绿色通道(办证快捷通道) green channel; landscaped roadways
绿色银行 green bank
旅行纪录片 travel documentary
旅行结婚 honeymoon trip; wedding vacation; wedding travel
驴友 travelers.(A brand new tiny-roomed hotel will open in the center of Shanghai at the end of April, targeting travelers from home and abroad for the World Expo in 2010 and young people thereafter. 一种新型"袖珍旅馆"将于4月底在上海市中心开张,主要用以满足世博会期间来沪的国内外"驴友"和年轻人的需求。)
绿色旅游 green tourism (In recent years, mountain regions are attracting great attention to Indian tourists in general and foreign tourists in particular. The potential mountain resources for promoting green tourism are enormous in the form of natural and cultural heritage such as biosphere reserves, flora and fauna, lakes and rivers and traditional rural resources. )
绿色通道(快速通道) green channel (China's banking regulators Wednesday ordered all the banks to open a "green channel" disaster relief donations from home and abroad and scrape the remittance charge. 银监会周三要求各银行金融机构开辟抗震救灾捐款快速通道,不得向境内外汇往灾区的捐款收取手续费。)
履行义务 fulfill obligations
旅游车 touring bus
旅游城市 tourism city
旅游定点饭店 certified restaurant/hotel for tourism
旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism
旅游热 tourism wave
绿色能源 green energy resource
马大哈 careless, casual and carefree
马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success
马尔萨斯人口论 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism (Thomas Robert Malthus, 1766-1834, British economist)
码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
马拉松会议 marathon meeting
马拉松式竞选活动 marathon campaign
马路菜场入室工程 the project to build indoor free market to accommodate street vegetable vendors
马路新闻 hearsay;gossip
马屁精 flatterer;boot-licker;apple-polisher
马票 lottery on horse racing (Hainan to pilot lottery on horse racing--Hainan has started exploring ways to introduce betting-type lotteries on major international competitions, including horse racing in Hong Kong. 海南将试行赛马彩票——海南已经开始探索把博彩引入香港赛马等重大国际比赛中的方法。)
马赛克 mosaic
马太效应 "the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. ) "
玛雅文化 Mayan civilization
脉冲发射器 impulse sender
买方市场 buyer's market
麦克马洪线 McMahon Line
买壳上市 go public through buying a shell
买空卖空 bulls and bears; fictitious transaction
买一送一 "two-for-one offer, buy one get one free"
瞒产 give a false report of the out put; lie about the grain output
满产 produce in a full capacity
慢车道 lowway; slow-traffic lane
慢递 future mail (Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future? While express mail represents efficiency and speed and is prevalent in China, there is another type of mail emerging as a new business: "future mail." 你有没有想过寄一封信给未来的你或你的朋友?虽然代表效率和速度的快递服务在中国很盛行,不过如今另一种新的邮递业务正在兴起,这就是“慢递”。)
漫话 talk at random;discuss informally
慢镜头 slow-motion
满勤 1. work full hours; 2. perfect work attendance record
漫谈会 informal discussion
满堂红 successful in every endeavour
慢性萧条 chronic depression 
满意度 degree of satisfaction
漫游费 roaming fees (China Mobile has slashed the international calling and roaming fees for the 2nd time in nearly 4 years, according to people.com.cn. 据人民网报道,近日,中国移动大幅降低了国际长途和漫游资费,这是中国移动近4年内第2次大幅度下调国际资费。)
盲流 blind influx (labourers aimlessly flowing from rural areas into large cities)
盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside
盲目改造 blind rebuilding (The nation’s cultural relics chief is opposed to the blind reconstruction of old city towns, the Beijing times reported Tuesday. 《京华时报》周二报道称,国家文物局局长反对盲目改造旧城。)
盲目投资 blindness in investment
盲目投资 blind investment, haphazard investment
忙音 signal for the busy line
漫游 roaming service
冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法] copycat packaging
矛盾的普遍性 universality of contradictions
毛利 gross proceeds
猫腻儿 illegal deal; underhanded activity;something fishy
茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened
贸易壁垒 trade protectionism
贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)
贸易纠纷 trade rows (US moves won't cease trade rows, say experts: Though the United States has refrained from conducting fresh currency probes and imposing new anti-dumping duties, this does not signal an end to its trade protectionist measures against China, experts said on Wednesday. 专家称,美国的举措不会平息贸易纠纷:专家周三称,尽管美国没有进行新一轮人民币汇率调查,也没有对华征收新的反倾销关税,但这并不意味着美国终止了对华的贸易保护主义措施。)
贸易逆差 adverse balance of trade; trade deficit; trade gap
贸易顺差 favorable balance; trade surplus
贸易与发展委员会 Committee on Trade and Development
贸易战 trade war
贸易制裁 trade sanction
贸易自由化 trade liberalization
帽子戏法 hat trick
每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away./ It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
美国之音 Voice of America (VOA)
媒介语 mediating language
煤矿爆炸 mine blast (The country's top work safety official has blamed poor management and inadequate safety precautions for Saturday's mine blast in Heilongjiang province that claimed at least 104 lives. 国家安监总局局长表示上周六发生在黑龙江省的煤矿爆炸事故原因在于管理不善和安全措施不健全。该煤矿爆炸已造成至少104人遇难。)
眉毛胡子一把抓 go about several tasks at a time
美声唱法 bel canto
美食节 gourmet festival
没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.
美元陷阱 dollar trap (He said the global monetary system had fallen into a "dollar trap". While it would be sensible to reduce dollar holdings in official currency reserves, nations cannot easily cut back, because doing so would only lead the dollar to weaken and so hit the value of their assets, he said. 中国国际经济交流中心信息部副部长徐洪才表示,全球货币体系已经掉进“美元陷阱”。尽管理智上应该减少官方的美元货币储备,但实际上所有国家都很难做出削减,因为这样做只会进一步削弱美元地位,从而威胁到本国持有的美元资产的价值。)
没治 1. hopeless; 2. too bad; 3. terrific; very good; excellent
美人痣 beauty spot, beauty mark
美容院 beauty parlor, beauty salon, beauty shop
美元贬值 dollar depreciation (Vietnam's central bank even had to order the country's commercial banks late last month to resume buying dollars within the tight range of exchange rates set by the government. Many banks had started betting on dollar depreciation and refusing to accept large sums in dollars, to the point that multinationals and exporters had trouble wiring money into the country to pay their employees' salaries.)
门儿清 well-informed; completely aware
门户开放政策 open-door policy
门户网站 portal
门罗主义 Monroe Doctrine
门前三包 "be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building "
蒙古包 (Mongolian) yurt
蒙古大夫 quack; quack doctor
朦胧诗 misty poetry
孟子 Mencius
门禁系统 Access Control System
迷彩服 battle fatigues; camouflage coat
米袋子省长负责制 provincial governors assuming responsibility for the rice bag (grain supply)
蜜罐 honey jar
密码电话学 ciphony(cipher telephone)
密码箱 code case
蜜月旅行 honeymoon trip
免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家) free-rider
面目一新 take on an entirely new look
免税商店 duty-free shop
免税商品 tax-free commodities
免淘米 clean rice
面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 a constructive, strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century
免验放行 pass without examination (P.W.E)
面值 face value
面子工程 face job (The CNN website has targeted a phenomenon called "Face job" in which Chinese companies "rent" white foreigners. 美国有线电视新闻网日前报道不少中国企业“租借”白种人老外撑门面,报道中把这种现象称为“面子工程”。)
免责声明 disclaimer
庙会 temple fair (Visiting temple fairs is one of the most important traditional activities during the Spring Festival holidays. 春节期间,逛庙会是最重要的传统活动之一。)
秒杀 seckilling (Within seconds, and for just 1.1 yuan, a university student from Hangzhou, Yang Jiangming, was the owner of a 800,000 yuan ($117,000) apartment in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The property was his at the click of a mouse, thanks to a new online phenomenon called "seckilling". 仅仅用了几秒钟时间,花费1.1元人民币,杭州大学生杨江明就成为了四川成都一套价值80万元住宅的主人了。这处房产是用鼠标“秒”到的,这种新生的网络现象被称为“秒杀”。)
灭绝的物种 extinct species
民办教师 citizen-managed teachers (teachers in rural citizen-managed or state-managed schools who do not receive the normal remuneration from the government)
民办教育 non-government funded education
民法通则 general provisions of the civil law
民工潮 farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities
民航 civil aviation
民间投资 private investment (The central government released guidelines on further encouraging private investment in a wider range of key industries, a move indicating the authorities are placing more importance in private investment's role in sustaining economic growth. 中央政府近日发布关于进一步鼓励民间资本在更多关键领域投资的指导意见。此举意味着政府将更加重视民间资本在经济可持续发展中的角色。)
民间协商 consultation on a non-governmental basis
民间艺人 folk artisan
民间资本 private capital
民进党 Democratic Progressive Party
民生问题 livelihood issues ("Livelihood issues", including an improved social security system and the provision of affordable housing, remain the top concerns of Chinese people, according to online polls conducted ahead of the country's annual parliamentary and political advisory sessions. 根据两会前的网络调查,“民生问题”成为我国民众关注的焦点,比如改善社保体制、保障房供应等等。)
民事诉讼 civil procedure
民意病毒 public opinion viruses (Internet manipulation, or "public opinion viruses," harmed the healthy development of the Internet, and could affect public emotions and mislead public opinion, which could intensify or magnify social conflicts. 网络操控或“民意病毒”危害了互联网的健康发展并可能会影响公众情绪、误导民意,可能会激化或放大社会矛盾。)
民意测验 opinion poll; opinion survey
民以食为天 people regard food as their prime want; food the first necessity of man
民营企业 individually-run enterprises
民约 non-governmental regulations; folk law
民政 civil affair
民主党派、工商联与无党派人士 "non-Communist parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliation "
民主集中制 democratic centralism
民主监督 democratic supervision
民主决策 make decisions through a democratic process
民族国家 nation state
民族凝聚力 national cohesion
民族区域自治 regional autonomy of ethnic minorities
民族事务委员会 Ethnic Affairs Commission
民族文化大省 a province with rich ethnic culture
民族乡 minority town
民族意识 national consciousness
民族优越感 ethnocentrism
民办高校 private higher learning institution
名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth
明码标价制度 system that commodity prices must be marked
明明白白消费(2000年保护消费者权益工作主题) transparent consumption
名片 business card
名人恋 celebrity romance(French first lady Carla Bruni, whose celebrity romance with President Nicolas Sarkozy sent his ratings into a tailspin, is proving a hit with the public in her new role. 法国新任第一夫人卡拉•布吕尼时下人气大涨,而总统尼古拉斯•萨科齐则因大搞名人恋,导致其民众支持率一路下滑。)
名人堂 walk of fame (New York's Apollo Theater took on a touch of Hollywood on Monday when it began installing its own Walk of Fame with plaques that will honor entertainers including late singers James Brown and Michael Jackson. 纽约阿波罗剧院本周一效法好莱坞的做法开始建立自己的“名人堂”,已故歌手詹姆斯•布朗和迈克尔•杰克逊的纪念板均被率先收入其中。)
名人效应 celebrity charm
明文 explicit terms
明星代言 celebrity endorsement (One of the highlights of the proposed changes to Chinese Advertisement Law includes making celebrity spokespersons more responsible for the endorsement deals they take on. These changes were made to strengthen controls over celebrity endorsements and advertising. 《中国广告法》修订建议的重点之一就是要让明星代言人要对他们所代言的产品担负更多的责任。这些修订是为了加强对名人代言和名人广告的管控。)
名优 famous actor; famous high quality brand
名誉教授 honorary professor; emeritus professor
民工 migrant worker
名企 name-brand company (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/suvival/2008-04/14/content_6615293.htm)
明星效应 celebrity effect
民间文化遗产 folk cultural heritage
民事伴侣关系 civil partnership
民意 will of the people
民怨 social grievance (Officials in southwest China's Guizhou Province have admitted there are social grievances in Weng'an County where a girl's death sparked a violent protest over the weekend.)
民族企业 domestic enterprises
摸彩 draw lot for prize
模仿秀 imitation show
抹黑 stain somebody's name; bring shame on
模糊逻辑 fuzzy logic
模糊战略(美国在台湾问题上奉行的政策) indistinct strategy; ambiguous strategy
模块 module
摩门教 Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
模拟测试 mock test; simulated exam
模拟装置 simulator
末日论者 doomster
莫失良机;趁热打铁 make hay while the sun shines
末位淘汰 (under the new personnel system) the person graded last in the performance evaluation will be laid off from his position
磨洋工 dawdle along
摸着石头过河 test each step before taking it;advance cautiously
默哀 silent tribute (President Hu Jintao, who just returned from a three-day visit to the quake-hit areas, paid a three-minute silent tribute to victims of the quake in the central government compound of Zhongnanhai in Beijing. 刚刚结束三天震区支行的胡锦涛主席,在中南海为地震遇难者默哀三分钟。)
末班车时间 final vehicle hour
模仿大赛 look-alike contest
模拟炒股 simulation stock trading, mock stock trading (Online simulation stock trading games have become a big hit on college campuses.)
谋事在人,成事在天 "The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. / Man proposes, God disposes. "
目标跟踪雷达 target-tracking radar(TTR)
目标管理 management by objectives; quota management
目测 visual range estimation
幕后操纵 pull strings behind the scenes; wire-pulling
幕后花絮 behind- the-scenes look
睦邻友好关系(合作) good-neighborly and friendly relations (cooperation)
母乳 breast milk
穆斯林 Muslim; Moslem
目无法纪 defy the law ( or standards of discipline)
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
牧业税 livestock tax
母婴传播 mother-baby transmission (mother-to-child HIV transmission)
拇指规则 rule of thumb ("Since October, economic indicators have deteriorated at a pace that defies any rule of thumb," Tetsufumi Yamakawa, chief Japan economist at Goldman Sachs, said in a recent report. "There has been an unprecedented large decline in exports and production-related indicators in particular." 高盛公司首席日本经济学家彻文山川在近日公布的报告中称:“自去年十月始,诸多经济指标严重下滑,速度之快有违任何经验法则。特别是出口和生产相关指标严重下跌。”)
纳米 nanometer
拿腔拿调 speak affectedly
拿手好戏 masterpiece
拿手项目 specialty
纳税人 tax payer; tax bearer
纳税申报制度 tax declaration system
纳斯达克 National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
耐用品 durable goods (US orders for durable goods edged up 0.2 percent in November, weaker than expected, according to government data released Thursday. 根据周四发布的政府数据,美国11月份收到的耐用品的订单仅上升了0.2%,低于预期水平。)
耐用消费品 durable consumer goods, consumer durables
南北对话 North-South dialogue
难得糊涂 "Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise."
男高音演唱家 tenorist
难民营 refugee camp
南南合作 South-South cooperation
男女同工同酬 equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex
男权主义思想 male chauvinism
南水北调 divert water from the south to the north
南水北调工程 South-to-North water diversion project
男性车厢 Men-only metro train cars(Seibu Holdings, which runs trains in the Tokyo area, is considering to introduce some carriages reserved for men only. 东京轨交运营商西武集团日前考虑在列车中开设"男性专用车厢"。)
南巡讲话 South Tour Speeches
囊括 complete a sweep
闹情绪 be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique
内宾 domestic guest
内当家 wife
内定 decide internally
内阁成员 cabinet lineup (US President-elect Barack Obama named 4 members for his administration Friday, completing his cabinet lineup ahead of the Christmas holiday. 美国当选总统奥巴马19日宣布4项官员提名,在圣诞节到来之前确定了全部内阁成员人选。)
内耗 in-fighting
内环路 inner ring road
内联企业 inland associated enterprises
内联网(计算机) Intranet
内水 inland waters
内退 early retirement
内向型经济 domestically-oriented economy
内销公寓 apartments leased only to natives
内置的 built-in (Japanese toy company Tomy released a digital camera with a built-in printer. 日本玩具制造商Tomy公司推出了一款配备内置打印机的数码相机。)
内地上市公司 mainland-listed company
内衣外穿 underwear as outerwear (As a fashion statement, underwear as outerwear is hardly breaking news; it possesses, as Valerie Steele and Hollander have observed, a long history.)
内政部长 interior minister (A small plane crashed in Mexico City Tuesday, killing the nation's interior minister and at least 7 others, and setting dozens of cars ablaze. 一架小型客机4日晚上在墨西哥首都墨西哥城坠毁,墨西哥内政部长及另外7人遇难,并导致数十辆轿车着火。)
能官能民 be ready to both serve as an offical and be one of the common people
能见度 visibility
能进能出,能上能下 competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots
能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉 He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.
能量预算 energy budget
能上网的手机 Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) phone
能源农业 energy agriculture
能源强度 energy intensity (Between 2006 and 2010, the country achieved a 19.1-percent drop in energy intensity, roughly meeting its five-year target to improve energy efficiency by 20 percent, Premier Wen Jiabao said on Sunday during an online conversation with netizens. 温家宝总理上周日在与网民在线交流时表示,在2006年至2010年间,我国的能源强度下降了19.1%,基本完成了“十一五”制定的将能源利用率提高20%的目标。)
逆反心理 negative mentality
匿名跟帖 anonymous online comments (China will push to end anonymous online comments, according to Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office, who recently reiterated the need for more regulations in cyberspace. 国务院新闻办主任王晨表示,我国将推动取消匿名网上评论。他近日还重申了加强网络监管的必要性。)
尼姆达(病毒) Nimda
泥菩萨 like a clay Buddha fording the river-hardly able to save oneself; each one is looking out for his own survival
泥石流 mud-rock flow
你真奥巴马(Obama) You are cool (The 160-page English slang lexicon records such terms or phrases as 'You so obama,' which means 'You are cool,' 'presh' for cute or precious and 'schwa' for wow. 这本英语俚语词典共160页,囊括了"你真奥巴马",意思是"你真酷"。其它被收入的词汇如"presh",意思是可爱的、宝贵的,等词语。)
年度国家预算 annual State Budget
年会恐惧症 year-end party phobia (While many employees enjoy the activities, some suffer from "year-end party phobia". Some complain that preparing shows takes extra energy. 虽然很多员工很喜欢参与年会活动,但也有些员工患上了“年会恐惧症”。一些人抱怨排练节目很费力。)
年利润 annual return
年龄结构 age structure
年末促销 year-end promotion (Gold jewelry sales jumped more than 30 percent over the weekend in Beijing, as bargain shoppers swarmed the city's major jewelry stores onyear-end promotions. 随着钟爱打折货的购物者在年末促销中涌入北京市的几大珠宝商店,黄金珠宝的销量在上周末增长幅度超过30%。)
年同比 year-on-year; on an annual basis
年夜饭 family reunion dinner
(信用卡的)年费 annual fee
年画 New Year painting
涅磐(佛) nirvana
凝聚力 cohensive force
扭亏为盈 turn losses into gains
扭转局面 "reverse the tide, turn the table"
农产品出口补贴 agricultural export subsidies
农产品的统购派购 unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes
弄潮儿 wave rider; current leader
农村非农产业 non-agricultural industries in rural areas
农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour (labourers)
农村税费改革试点 the experimental reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives
农工党 Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party
农工商联合企业 agro-industrial-commercial combines
农机 agricultural machinery
农垦 agricultural reclamation
农林间作 agro-forestry
农民人均纯收入 rural per capita net income
农奴制 serfdom; serf system
弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; cunning outwits itself.
农药残留物 pesticide residue;agricultural chemicals residue
农业产业化经营 the industrialization of agriculture; industrialized agricultural operation
农业生态学 agricultural ecology
农业生物工程 agro-biological engineering
农业税费改革 reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
农业特产税 taxes on special agricultural products
农业增加值 added value of agriculture
农转非 rural residents become urban residents
农村电网改造工程 projects to upgrade rural power grids
农村电网改造项目 projects to upgrade rural power grids
农村合作医疗 rural cooperative medical service
农村劳动力转移培训 job training for farm laborers looking for urban employment
农村六小工程 six categories of small projects for rural areas (water-efficient irrigation, potable water supplies, roads, methane production facilities, hydroelectric plants and pasture enclosure)
农村养老金制度 rural pension system
农村综合试点改革 trials of comprehensive rural reform
农机具补贴 subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools
农技站 agro-technical station
农业面源污染 widespread pollution from the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in rural area
农业税 agricultural tax
浓妆 heavy makeup (The article gives you tips on cosmetics and beauty products for winters and heavy makeup that you can use in winter season. )
暖温带 warm temperate zone
诺亚方舟 Noah’s Ark
挪占 misappropriate; embezzlement
女权运动 movement for women's rights
女权主义者 feminist
女性车厢 woman car (The Beijing Subway Company said they are considering the feasibility of creating woman’s section on the cars running Line 1 and Line 2. 北京市地铁公司表示可考虑在1、2号线的少数车厢试点女性专用。)
欧盟 European Union
欧盟一体化进程 the integration process of Europe
欧佩克 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)
偶像 idol
欧亚大陆桥 Eurasia Land Bridge
欧元 Euro
欧洲共同体 European Communities (EC)
欧洲货币 Euro-currency
欧洲货币一体化 European monetary integration
欧洲委员会 European Commission
欧洲自由贸易联盟 EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
粮食综合生产能力 overall grain production capability
爬格子 engage in writing
帕金森症 parkinsonism
扒窃 pickpocket
拍板 have the final say(or last word);make a decision
派出所 local police station
拍档 collaborator;partner
排档 stall
派对 party
派购 assigned purchasing
排华政策 policy of discrimination against the Chinese
派活 assign work
拍马屁 flatter sb. (The chief hasn't accepted our plan yet. I guess I'd better go in and polish the apple a bit. 头头还没有批准我们的计划。我看,也许去拍拍马屁会好些吧。)
排头兵 bellwether;vanguard
拍拖 date somebody;have a date with somebody;go on a date with somebody
排外主义 exclusivism
拍胸膛 strike one's chest to guarantee something
派驻 dispatch to...(a post);send to...
排名不分先后 (names) listed in no particular order
盘点 stock count; take stock of
潘多拉魔盒 Pandora's box
攀高枝 put oneself under the patronage of a higher-up
盘活存量资产 liquidize remnant assets
攀亲 establish friendly relationship with other units or organizations
攀岩 mountain-climbing
泡吧 kill time in a bar(Internet or wine)
跑车 SUV(sports utility vehicle)
炮灰 cannon fodder (Hoffenheim were instantly dismissed by many as cannon fodder after their promotion last season. 霍芬海姆上赛季升入甲级伊始就被众球队当做是炮灰。)
跑龙套 "utility man, play a bit role, general handyman"
抛媚眼 give somebody the glad eye. (The man is overjoyed because a pretty girl gave him the glad eye yesterday. 那个人因昨天一位美女的目送秋波而狂喜不止。)
泡沫经济 bubble economy
泡沫浴 bubble bath
泡妞 chase after the girls
跑腿 run errands (I don’t mind run errands for you occasionally, but I’ve got my own work to do. 我并不介意偶尔为你跑腿儿,但是我还有自己的工作要做。)
抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale
跑步机 treadmill
陪床 look after a patient
配额 quota
配股 allotment of shares;rationed shares
配给制 rating system
配件 accessories
陪酒女郎 barmaid
赔了夫人又折兵, 花钱填无底洞 throw good money after bad
陪聊 chatting service. (The most striking item is a luxury pack, which costs RMB10 and provids a chatting service. 最雷人的是价值10元的豪华套餐,竟然有专业陪聊的服务项目。)
配套措施 supporting measures
配套政策 supporting policies
培养费 training expense
配音棚 dubbing studio(or room)
配音演员 Voice actor (Talks are underway with the voice actors including Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy. 公司正在和配音演员们进行洽谈,其中包括卡梅伦•迪亚兹和埃迪•墨菲。)
培育新的经济增长点 foster new growth areas in the economy
陪伴服务 escort services
捧杯 win an award (or championship)
碰钉子 get snubbed
棚户 shacks; family that live in shacks
朋克 punk
碰头会 "brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information.) "
碰一鼻子灰 be sent off with a flea in one's ear; be snubbedd; get a rebuff
棚户区 shantytowns
皮包公司 bogus company
批发价 wholesale price
批发市场 wholesale market
啤酒肚 beer belly
霹雳舞 break dancing
批量 batch size
疲软股票 soft stock
批条子 grant requests made by subordinate units
劈腿 two-timing. This term is frequently used by young people to describe someone who’s not faithful to his/her spouse or lover.
片酬 remuneration for a movie actor or actress
片儿警 section-policeman responsible for registration of residents, public security, etc.in a designated section of a city district
偏方 folk remedy
偏怪题 strange and tricky question
骗汇、逃汇、套汇 "obtain foreign currency and false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage "
骗婚 marital fraud (China will establish a nationwide online database for marriage registration by the end of 2015 to enhance efficiency and prevent marital fraud, a senior civil affairs official has said. 一位民政部高级官员称,中国将在2015年底之前建立全国婚姻登记网上数据库,以提高办事效率,防止骗婚行为。)
偏科 favor one or some courses(in school) and neglect anther or others
片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level
片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level
票贩子 scalper;ticket tout
票房 box office
票房毒药 box office flop / box office bomb (The producers of movie 'Pledge This!' told a court in 2008 she owed them $8.3million - the amount it cost to make the box office flop - because she didn't promote it properly. 电影《风云才女》的制片人在2008年将希尔顿起诉致法院,称她没有恰当宣传这部影片,因此欠剧组830万美元,而这恰好是这部“票房毒药”影片的制作经费。)
漂移农场 floating farm (China’s shipbuilding ability has represented its power throughout history and the China Shipping Pavilion at this year’s Shanghai Expo is showcasing some major improvements in the country’s shipbuilding industry along with a new concept for the future – a floating farm ship. 中国已经在历史上展示了自己的造船能力。本届上海世博会中国船舶馆中,科学家向人们展示了中国造船业的主要成就,以及未来新概念:漂移农场船。)
票友 amateur performer
票证 purchase certificate;coupon
疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving / drowsy driving
贫富差距 wealth gap (Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich. 面对不断加大的贫富差距,最新相关调查显示,有96%的受访者承认自己有仇富心理。)
贫富悬殊 wide gap between the rich and the poor
贫困线 poverty line
品牌效应 brand effect
拼图 jigsaw
贫铀弹 depleted uranium bomb
拼车 carpool (The city government wants citizens to organize car pools for transportation. 该市政府希望市民拼车出行。)
品德教育 moral education
屏蔽 to block. ( 3 major telecommunication operators in China will jointly launch a technical platform to block junk cellphone messages. 我国三大电信运营商将正式上线运行网间垃圾短信联动处理平台,联手进行垃圾信息自主屏蔽。)
评标 bidding evaluation
平仓 close a position
平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针 pursuing practical results, adopting various waysand seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity andmutual development
平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整 equality,mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
平等互利原则 principle of equality and mutual benefit
平等协商 consultation on the basis of equality; consultation on an equal footing
评分机 scoring machine
平衡预算 balance a budget; a balanced budget
瓶颈制约 "bottleneck" restrictions
平局 draw; tie (South Africa nearly made a perfect start to the World Cup on Friday, scoring early in the second half before conceding a late goal in a 1-1 draw with Mexico in the opening match of the tournament. 南非队为本次世界杯带来了一个近乎完美的开端。在揭幕赛中,南非队在下半场开始不久便打入一球,后来被墨西哥队扳回一球将比分逼平。)
平均主义 equalitarianism
平面设计师 graphic designer
乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy
平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 "never burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha's feet when in distress"
评头论足 nit-pick
平稳过渡 smooth transition
平抑(稳定)物价 stabilize commodity prices
凭证式国债 certificate T-bonds
评职 professional evaluation
平等保护物权 equal protection of property rights
平面广告 print ad (The designer's specialty is creating breathtaking print ads.)
品牌产品 brand name products
品牌代言人 brand spokesman (In March 2007, 110m Men's Hurdles World Record holder and Olympic 2004 Champion, Lui Xiang of China has also been appointed as a Global Brand Spokesman for Nutrilite(纽崔来).)
品牌知名度 brand awareness (To increase brand awareness, we will have to advertise on TV to reach the largest possible audience.)
破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat; burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end
破格 break old conventions( in selecting or appointing talented people)
迫降 emergency landing
泼冷水 pour cold wate on the enthusiasm of; dampen the spirit of; throw a wet blanket over
泼水节 Water-Sprinkling Festival
破土 break ground for new construction;start a construction project
破土动工仪式 ground-breaking ceremony
普遍优惠制 generalized preferential system; general system of preferences
普法 disseminate knowledge of the law; popularize knowledge of the law
普惠制 system of generalized preferential treatment in custom duties
普及率 popularity rate
普通高等教育 regular higher education
普通高校 regular institutions of higher learning
扑网(体) "rush-up, rushing"
铺新摊子 launch new projects
普选 general election
普选制 general election system
普及九年制义务教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal
平纪录 match a record
起跑线 starting line( for a race)
起搏器 artificial or electronic heart pacemaker
起步价 Flag fall (Taxi flag fall in Shenzhen will be lowered by the end of November. 深圳将在11月底下调出租车起步价。)
汽车金融公司 auto financing company
汽车俱乐部 automobile club
汽车拉力赛 car rally
汽车露营地 vehicle campsite (A plan to create vehicle campsites in 10 suburban areas and counties in Beijing recently appeared on the municipal authority's agenda as a "low carbon" project. 近日北京市政府提议“低碳”项目,计划在北京10个郊区县建造汽车露营地。)
汽车旅馆 motel
汽车排放标准 automobile emissions standards
期初存货 opening stock
启动基金 initial funding
启发式教学 heuristic education
期房 forward delivery housing
“妻管严” hen-pecked
器官移植 organ transplant
欺行霸市 dominate the market
欺行霸市价格 forced quotation
气荒 gas shortage (Energy analysts have blamed the country's "monopolistic natural gas market" for one of the most serious gas shortages in decades, made worse by high gas consumption amid freezing temperatures and snowstorms in the south. 能源分析家们把这次几十年来罕见的严重“气荒”归咎为国内“天然气市场的垄断”。南方低温和暴风雪天气致使天然气消耗居高,从而使得此次“气荒”更加严重。)
期货对冲交易 offsetting future transactions
期货合同 forward contract
期货交易 deal in futures; futures business/trading; forward business
骑警 horseback police
棋迷 chess fan
期末存货 closing stock
棋牌室 chess and card room. (A chess and card room in Yangzhou city caught fire at about 8:30 pm Monday leaving at least 6 dead and many injured. 周一晚8时30分许,江苏省扬州市一家棋牌室突发火灾,造成至少6人死亡,多人受伤。)
旗袍 cheong-sam; Chi-pao
起跑器 block
欺上瞒下 deceive one's superiors and subordinates
欺上瞒下 conceal from higher authority and deceive lower authority
歧视性的限制 discriminatory restrictions
契税 deed tax
期望寿命 life expectancy
期望值 level of expectation
气象卫星 meteorological satellite
企业产权 property rights of enterprises
企业重组 reshuffle of the enterprises
企业的自我约束机制 self-regulating mechanism of enterprises
企业孵化器 enterprise incubator
企业改制 restructuring of enterprise
企业集团 enterprise group
企业兼并重组 annexation and reorganization of enterprises
企业年金 supplementary pension
企业凝聚力 cohesive force in enterprise
企业上市 listing of a company
企业文化 corporate culture
企业下放 place an enterprise under a lower level of administration
企业效益 performance of enterprises
企业形象 corporate image(CI)/ enterprise image
企业圆桌会议 Business Round Table
企业转制 transformation of enterprise
启用 promote somebody to a position of leadership
气炸 blow one's top (I almost blew my top when I found out that she had been lying to me. 当我发现她一直在对我说谎时,我简直快气炸了。)
旗帜鲜明 clear-cut stand
洽谈会 fair, meeting
钱袋子 fund sources
潜伏特工 sleeper agent (A US federal judge Thursday sentenced a convicted al-Qaida sleeper agent who admitted having contact with the alleged mastermind behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to more than eight years in prison. 美国一家联邦法院在上周四判处一名在押基地组织潜伏特工八年以上徒刑。这名特工承认与9•11事件幕后的主谋有联系。)
潜亏 hidden loss
千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step
千年问题、千年虫 millennium bug
前怕狼,后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something
前人栽树,后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests./ One sows and another reaps.
前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
签售 book signing (Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday he had canceled a book signing in London this week to mark the launch of his memoirs, over fears the event would be hit by protests. 英国前首相托尼•布莱尔周一表示,因为担心抗议可能带来的不利影响,他已经取消了本周在伦敦举行的回忆录发行签售会。)
欠收(农业) crop failure
欠条 IOUs.( Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that the government, which has a $42b budget deficit, must pay state employees in the way of salary IOUs, according to the report.州长阿诺•施瓦辛格宣布,州政府将不得不以"工资欠条"的方式来向其员工发工资。)
牵头人 initiator
千禧婴儿 millennium infant; millennium baby
牵线搭桥 work as a go-between
前沿科学 front-line science
前沿性交叉性研究 pioneering and interdisciplinary research
潜意识 subconsciousness
签约仪式 signing ceremony
前瞻性 perspectiveness
欠发达地区 less developed areas
欠费 overdue (我的手机欠费了。My cellphone charge is overdue.)
抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities
抢购 panic buying
抢红灯 run a red light
强化班 intensive training class
强力球(美国的全国性彩票) powerball
强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
抢跑 "false start, beat the gun"
强迫购物 forced shopping (Beijingers who plan to travel to Hong Kong will be able to join tours without forced shopping and extra charges, the head of Hong Kong's tourism authority promised. 香港旅游管理部门领导承诺,计划赴香港旅游的北京游客在参加旅游团时将不会被强迫购物及支付附加费用。)
强强联手 win-win co-operation
强权外交 power diplomacy
枪手 1. gun shooter; 2. ghostwriter
抢滩 snatch market share
强硬路线 hard line
强硬派伊斯兰教徒 hard-line Islamist
抢得先机 head start (With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top.)
强化银行资本充足率约束 strengthen capital requirements for banks
强化政府公共卫生管理职能 beef up the government’s role in public health administration
抢镜头 upstage (A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday. 久坐板凳的贝克汉姆周一试图抢尽洋基队的风头。)
潜规则 default rule (Since most sculptures on public land do not allow body contact, so to speak, you can assume the default rule is "No". )
强制隔离 forced quarantine
前沿科技 frontier technology
侨胞 countrymen residing abroad
翘楚 top figures, top performers. (the 45-minute program will feature Red Cliff, a traditional Peking Opera, starring China's top performers. 段45分钟的传统京剧《赤壁》的主要演员都是当今中国传统京剧界的翘楚。)
巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.
桥商 overseas Chinese merchant or businessman
翘尾巴 be cocky; get stuck-up
侨务 affairs concerning nationals residing abroad
敲竹杠 fleece
汽车餐厅;“得来速” drive-thru
汽车护理用品 car-care products
汽车牌照 number plate (British English) / license plate (US English)
切入点 point of penetration; breakthrough point
切身利益 vital interests
切菜板 chopping board
企划推广 marketing layout
旗舰店 flagship shop
钦差大臣 imperial envoy; imperial commissioner
勤工俭学 part-work and part-study system; work-study program; work for study
禽流感 bird flu
亲民党 People First Party
侵权责任 tort liability (The draft tort liability law is a basic law to protect people's civil rights and ensure they can get redress if their rights are harmed, the NPC's Law Committee said in a document submitted to the meeting recently. 全国人大立法委员会在近日向大会提交的文件中表示, 这份草拟的侵权责任法是保护公民人权以及确保公民在权利受损时得到赔偿的一项基本法律。)
侵吞公款 embezzle public funds/ embezzlement of public funds
勤政廉政建设 keep government functionaries honest and industrious
亲子鉴定 paternity test (The ongoing national census has triggered a surge in DNA paternity tests in Guangzhou. The tests are a prerequisite for getting a hukou, or household registration, for those without birth certificates. 目前正在进行的全国人口普查导致了广州做亲子鉴定人数的增多。这一鉴定是那些没有出生证明的孩子上户口的前提条件。)
清仓处理 clearance sale
清仓拍卖 rummage sale
清产核资 asset and capital verification
清场 clear out or clear up a gathering place
青春饭 professions for young persons only
氢弹 hydrogen bomb
情感消费 emotional consumption
情歌 love ballads
轻轨火车 light rail train
倾国倾城 Drop-dead gorgeous
情结 complex
清洁安全生产 clean and safe production
清洁能源 clean energy
清理“三角债” break up the debt chain
清明节 Pure Bright Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day
青年才俊 boy wonder
情商 emotion quotient (EQ)
青少年犯罪 juvenile deliquency
轻水反应堆 light water reactor( LWR)
清水衙门 work unit which has no outside income
清算/结算 clearing /settlement
清算公司 clearing corporation; liquidation company
清算银行 clearing bank
情同手足 be bound together like brothers and sisters
倾销 dump; dumping
轻型汽车 light-duty vehicle
情有独钟 show special preference (favor) to …
青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
清洁用品 cleaning supplies
情景喜剧 situation comedy; sitcom
情侣装 his-and -hers clothes
请勿乱丢杂物 no littering
清正廉明 be honest and clean
清真食品 Halal food
七年之痒 seven years itch
企事业单位 enterprise and public institution
求大同,存小异 seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones
求实精神 matter-of -fact attitude
求职信 application letter
求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences
企业的承受能力 the sustainability of enterprises
企业分离办社会 relieving enterprises of their obligation to operate social programs
祈愿法会 prayer meeting (The 11th Panchen Lama, Erdeni Gyaincain Norbu, presided over a prayer meeting in Beijing Wednesday, in which he prayed for peace in the areas struck by a magnitude 8 earthquake on May 12. 第十一世班禅额尔德尼•确吉杰布周三在北京为汶川8级地震灾区主持祈愿法会,祈祷平安。)
屈体 pike
去伪存真 get rid of the fake and retain the genuine
区位商业 location-based commerce
取消禁运 lifting of embargo
取信于民 attain the people's trust
区域经济 regional economies
区域自治 regional autonomy
全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局 all-dimensional, multitiered and wide-ranging opening pattern
全方位外交 multi-faceted diplomacy
权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义) crony capitalism
全国财政收入 total government revenue
全国防治非典指挥部 the National Headquarters on SARS Control
全国非典疫情监测网络直报系统 the national SARS control and reporting system
全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会 the China Council for Self-taught Higher Education Examinations
全国公共卫生体系 national public health system
全国人大代表 deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人口普查 nationwide census
全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium
全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee
全国通信光缆骨干网 a key national network of communications optical cables
全国卫生城市 National Hygienic City
全国性大罢工 general strike (Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country's economic austerity measures. 希腊工会计划在周三举行一次全国性大罢工和大规模抗议活动,以反对国家推行的经济紧缩措施。)
全国政协常委递补委员 by-elect members to the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee
全景宽银幕电影 cinepanoramic
权力法案 Bill of Rights
权力交接仪式 power handover ceremony (The Special Envoy of the Chinese government, Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei will attend the power handover ceremony of Uruguay President on March 1, at the invitation of the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. 应乌拉圭东岸共和国政府邀请,水利部部长陈雷将作为中国政府特使出席于3月1日举行的乌拉圭总统权力交接仪式。)
权力下放 delegate power to the lower levels; shift of power to the grassroots
全力以赴 all-out efforts
全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程 forge ahead with the new great project of Party building
全面建设小康社会 build a well-off society in an all-round way
全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 complete prohibition and thorough destruction nuclear weapons
全面开花 (figurative)open up or develop all of the varios aspects
全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育 carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
全面小康社会 a well-off society in an all-round way
全面战略伙伴关系 the comprehensive strategic partnership
全民健身计划纲要 outline of the nationwide body-building plan
全民健身运动 extensive mass fitness programs
全能冠军 all-around winner
全盘否定 totally repudiate
全球变暖 global warming
全球定位系统 global positioning system (GPS)
全球多边贸易体系 global system of multilateral trade
全球首映 world premiere (Movie stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan attended the world premiere event of their latest film "The Forbidden Kingdom" in Beijing April 16. 影星李连杰和成龙4月18日在北京出席了联袂出演的新片《功夫之王》全球首映礼。)
全球移动通信系统(全球通) global system for mobile communications (GSM)
全日工作单位 full-time job
券商 securities trader
权术 trickery in politics
全体会议 plenary meeting
全天候 24-hour (service)
全天候飞机 all-weatehr aircraft
全天候友谊 all-weather friendship (Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the two countries will maintain an all-weather friendship. 中国总理温家宝和巴基斯坦总理优素福•拉扎•吉拉尼周三重申,两国将保持“全天候”友谊。)
拳头产品 competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster
全托 full-time nursery
圈外人士 people out of the loop
全薪 full pay
权益回报率 returns on equity (ROE)
权宜之计 half-measure ("We're doing half-measures that help the economy limp along without fully recovering, and we're having measures that help the banks survive without really thriving. I'm mostly worried that the US and the euro zone will have Japanese-type lost decade" Krugman said. 克鲁格曼说:“我们正采取权宜之计,缓解经济疲软,而不是完全复苏。我们所采取的措施可以帮助银行生存,而非真正走向繁荣。我非常担心美国和欧元区将经历日本式的‘失去的十年’。”)
圈友 Internet social networking, exclusive circle member
全优工程 all-round excellent project
劝诱消费 induced consumption
圈阅 read and circle
权责 rights and liabilities
全资企业 exclusively-invested enterprises
全程票价 full fare
全国经济普查 national economic census
全国青少年网络文明公约 National Internet Civilization Convention for Teenagers
全球和平指数 Global Peace Index (The Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked 140 countries in the Global Peace Index of 2008, with Iceland the most peaceful country followed by Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Japan. 英国经济学人信息社近日公布最新全球和平指数,在今年参加评比的140个国家中,冰岛居首,紧随其后的是挪威、新西兰和日本。)
全体会议 plenum (The 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee Sunday approved a decision on major issues concerning rural reform and development at the close of the 4-day 3rd plenum. 为期4天的中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第三次全体会议于12日结束,会议就农村改革与发展等主要问题达成决议。)
权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋 The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people.
全心全意为人民服务 serve the people wholeheartedly
区别对待,有保有压 the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others
取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes; ban illegal earnings
缺斤少两 give less quantity to consumers
鹊桥会 match-making party
确认书 confirmation note
确立国家创新体制 form a national innovation system
去蒋化 De-Chiang Kai-shek
裙带风 nepotism; petticoat influence
裙带关系 networking through petticoat influence
裙带经济 crony economy
群发短信 mass texting (An agreement among the country's three main mobile network operators last June stipulates that if the number of mass texting from a phone number reaches 200 within an hour or 1,000 within a day, the phone's message service will be suspended for a week. 国内三大电信运营商去年六月做出统一规定,同一手机号码一小时内群发短信数超过200条,一天内超过1000条,该号码的短信功能将被暂停一周。)
群体无聊 group boredom (Indeed, "group boredom" turned into a catchphrase on the Internet. It reflected in a way the cyber culture in which young people kill their time in virtual world after being bored by other traditional entertainments. “群体无聊”在网上成了一个流行标语。它以某种方式反映了时下的网络文化,年轻人对传统的娱乐方式感到厌倦,进而在虚拟世界里消磨时间。)
群言堂 allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one's mind freely
群众路线 mass line
群众体育 amateur sports
群体性事件 mass incident (A senior leader Monday urged local government to take pro-active measures to address people's issues in case individual conflicts turn should into mass incidents. 一位高级官员24日督促说,地方政府应采取积极措施解决人民困难,防止个人矛盾转化为群体性事件。)
染发剂 hair dye. (5 brands of hair dye have been found to contain the potentially cancerous toxic chemical lentine, Guangdong consumer authorities said recently.广东省消费者委员会日前通报,其对染发剂产品最新检测结果显示,5个品牌的染发剂被检出含致癌物间苯二胺。)
燃料循环 fuel recycle
染色馒头 tainted steamed buns (Food safety watchdog said Sunday the workshop in Wenzhou was suspected of producing thousands of steamed buns containing illegal yellow coloring every day for the past two months. Some of the tainted steamed buns were supplied to a local school. 食品安全监察机构周日称,温州这一作坊涉嫌在过去两个月内每日制作数千个含有非法黄色染料的馒头。部分染色馒头还被供应到当地的一所学校。)
燃油附加税 bunker surcharge
染指 reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon
让利 surrender part of the profits
让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流 Give full play to all sources of social wealth
“让权力在阳光下运行” power must be exercised in the sunshine
燃油税 fuel oil tax
扰乱治安 disturb public order
绕圈子 beat around the bush
热带风暴 Tropical Storm
热岛效应 tropical island effect
热核弹头 thermonuclear warhead
人口年龄金字塔 population pyramid
热门话题 hot issue; hot topic
热身 warm up (prior to physical exercise or a sport competition)
热污染 thermal pollution
人才保障房 social security housing for talents (Hangzhou, capital city of East China's Zhejiang province, will provide more than 2 million square meters of social security housing for talents, including artists, entrepreneurs, even government officials, who can buy these houses for half the market price. 浙江省省会杭州将供地200多万平方米,用于建设人才保障房,这些人才包括艺术家、企业家甚至政府官员,他们可以用市场价的一半的价格购买这些房子。)
人才储备 reserve of talents
人才高地 talent highland
人才交流 talents exchange
人才库 talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank
人才流动 the mobility of talents
人才流失 brain drain
人才培养机制 talent development scheme (Bureaucratic manner ranks second among public concerns, other unsatisfactory opinions like poor talent development scheme, poor innovative education and plagiarism showed up in the survey report. 调查报告显示,民众认为官僚作风是大学存在的第二大问题,其他对大学教育的不满意见包括人才培养机制落后、创新教育不足以及学术剽窃现象。)
人才强国战略 the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development
人才市场 the personnel market
人才战 competition for talented people
人大代表 NPC member
人大代表 deputies to people’s congresses
热带雨林 tropical rain forest
人弹 Suicide bombers (Investigators worked Saturday to identify 2 suicide bombers who attacked the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia. 印尼当局18日表示,前一日发生在万豪酒店和丽丝卡尔顿酒店的爆炸事件,确认系两名恐怖分子自杀式袭击所为。)
人道主义危机 humanitarian crisis
人防工程 civil air-defense construction
人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.
人浮于事 overstaffing
人工繁殖 artificial propagation
人工降雨 artificial rain
人工消雨 artificial rain reduction (Zhang Qiang, deputy director of the Beijing Weather Modification Office, told China Daily that "artificial rain reduction" measures were in place for the National Day celebration, during which President Hu Jintao will give a speech and the military will parade past the Tian'anmen Square. 北京市人工影响天气办公室主任张强在接受《中国日报》记者采访时称,已做好准备在国庆庆典期间采取“人工消雨”。在庆典中,中国国家主席胡锦涛将致词,军队将在天安门广场举行阅兵仪式。)
人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI)
人工智能技术 artificial intelligence technology
认股权证 warrant
人海战术 huge-crowd strategy
人机交互 human-computer interaction
人际交往 human communication
人均住房 per-capita housing
人均资源量 the per-capita quantity of the resources
人口出生率 birth rate
人口断层 population faulting
人口贩卖 human trafficking (A man convicted of leading a human trafficking ring that sold women and children was sentenced to death Tuesday in Guizhou. 一个贩卖妇女儿童团伙的头目16日在贵州被判处死刑。 )
人口负增长 negative population growth (NPG)
人口高峰 population peak;baby boom
人口过剩 overpopulation
人口红利 demographic dividend (The "demographic dividend" has long been thought an important source of China's remarkable economic performance. According to World Bank estimates, China's advantageous population age structure brought about by such a dividend has contributed more than 30 percent to the country's economic growth over the past decades. “人口红利”一直被视为中国经济增长奇迹的重要源泉。据世界银行估计,人口红利带来的人口年龄结构优势对中国近几十年来经济增长的贡献达到了30%以上。)
人口老龄化 an aging population
人口密度 population density
人口普查 census
人口普查员 census taker / census enumerator (China has recruited 6.5 million census takers for the next national population census beginning on November 1. These census takers will mostly be made up of local residents and workers from neighborhood or village committees. 我国已经为11月1日开始的下一轮全国人口普查招募了650万人口普查员。大部分人口普查员来自当地居民和社区或村委员的工作人员。)
人口素质 quality of population
人口学 larithmics
人口自然增长 natural growth of the population
人类基因图谱 human genome
人类免疫缺陷病毒 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
人力开发 manpower development
人力资源 human resources; manpower resources
人民币旅行支票 Renminbi traveler's check
人气 popularity
人情债 debt of gratitude
人身保护令(状) habeas corpus
人身攻击 personal attack
人身意外保险 personal accident insurance
人事调动 personnel transfer
人寿保险 life insurance
人体彩绘 body painting
人头税 poll tax
人性化管理 human-based management
人妖 hemophrodite; two-in-one
人妖 ladyboy (A new Thai airline is hiring transsexual ladyboys as flight attendants, aiming at a unique identity to set itself apart from competitors as it sets out for the skies. 泰国一家新成立的航空公司招募变性人妖做空乘服务人员,意欲在加入航空服务领域时开创独有特色,在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。)
任意球 free kick
人员流动率 turnover rate (Employees' expectations have been rising as the economy recovers and the number of available positions increases, which affects turnover rates. 随着经济复苏和职位的增加,雇员的期望值在升高,这同时也影响了人员流动率。)
人造精子 Test-tube sperm (British scientists claim they have created human test-tube sperm from stem cells in the laboratory. 英国科学家宣称首次在实验室利用人体干细胞培育出人造精子。)
人账 acknowledge a debt
人之初,性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.
人才储备 talent pool (Preferential policies aside, investors nowadays are looking more and more at the overall environment of a city or region when deciding where to put money. Legal framework, access to market, labor costs, talent pool and transportation are among the most important index for gauging.)
人贩子 human trafficker
扔手机锦标赛 Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships (The 10th international Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships were held in Finland Saturday. Local Pauli Kosunen won the men’s event with a huge throw of 79.6m. 22日,第十届世界手机投掷锦标赛在芬兰举行。芬兰选手保利•科苏宁将手机扔出79.6米,获得男子组冠军。)
人均国内生产总值 per-capita GDP
人民币汇率形成机制 the rate-forming mechanism of renminbi
人民币升值 appreciation of the RMB
人民币债券 yuan-denominated bonds
人民调解委员会 the people’s mediation committee
人性化服务 people-oriented service
任意键应答 any key answer
人与自然和谐相处 harmonious co-existence between man and nature
热钱 hot money (By the end of April this year, the amount of hot money in Chinese capital market stood at $1.75 trillion, 4% more than the country's foreign exchange reserves calculated at the end of March this year.)
热身赛 exhibition game, pre-season game (Rather than meet Bucks officials after the draft in New York, the 7-foot (2.13-metre) Yi traveled to Dallas where he joined the Chinese national team for an exhibition game on Sunday. )
日本协力银行 Japan Bank For International Cooperation (JBIC)
日本右翼势力 right-wing forces in Japan
日经指数 Nikkei Index
日食 eclipse (The eclipse provides a crucial opportunity to fight superstitions by raising awareness to remove the fears foisted by some people and electronic media. 这次日食为我们提供了反对迷信、提高意识破除一些人和电子媒体灌输恐惧心理的重要机会。)
社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
荣誉权 right of fame
荣誉权 right of fame
融资渠道 financing channels
荣誉称号 title of honour
入党申请书 Party membership application
入股 buy into
入境旅游 inbound tourism
入境问俗,入乡随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do.
入境限制 entry ban (The Chinese government announced on Tuesday the lifting of the 20-year-old ban on entry for foreigners with HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy. 中国政府本周二宣布,取消对艾滋病病毒携带者,以及患有性病、麻疯病等疾病的外国人实行了20年的入境限制政策。)
入水时水花很少 clean entry
入网许可证 network access license
入账 enter an item in an account or to enter into the account book
入住 be opened for occupancy
软包装 soft-packing
软环境 soft environment
软科学 soft science
软盘 floppy disk
软新闻 soft news
软着陆 soft landing
软肋 soft spot; Achilles'heel
软实力 soft power
入场 march in (More than 4000 athletes started to march in the National Stadium at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympics Saturday night. 6日晚,在国家体育场举行的残奥会开幕式上,4000多名运动员开始入场。)
瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
弱肉强食法则 law of the jungle
弱势群体 disadvantaged groups
弱势群体 vulnerable groups ("Also, public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups," Xie said, adding that public opinion would eventually influence public policy. 上海发展战略研究所谢耘耕说:“而且,公众态度倾向于同情弱势群体。”他补充说,舆论将最终影响国家政策。)
入住率 occupancy rate (Latest statistics indicated the occupancy rate of Shanghai hotels is currently sitting at 40%, a sharp decline from the same period last year. 最新数据表明,上海酒店入住率目前仅为40%,比去年同期大幅下降。)

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