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发表于 2017-8-6 16:02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      Public-service reform公共服务改革
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    Overhauling the public services is proving slower andharder than the government once hoped
    HEALTH-CARE reform’s potential as raw materialfor rappers has hitherto mostly gone unnoticed.Now the government’s plans for the National HealthService have been satirised in a ditty entitled “TheNHS is not for sale”; it registered over 150,000YouTube hits within a week. Nearly a year after thecoalition came to power, offering the most sweeping public-service reform agenda sinceMargaret Thatcher, grind—and ridicule—have beset it. Ministers look tired; U-turns,refinements and clarifications are frequent.
    The official line is that reforms to schools, the NHS and other institutions are proceeding asintended. David Cameron is sticking to his plans to devolve more power to those directlydelivering the services, cut out bureaucratic middle men and enhance competition. Butscratch a bit deeper, and worries about the impact and pace of the changes are evident. “Wehaven’t succeeded in explaining how our approach saves money and delivers better services,”admits a senior minister.
    Andrew Lansley’s bid to devolve the commissioning of hospital care, and responsibility for muchof England’s health budget, to GPs has proved the most contentious policy. Under the healthsecretary’s scheme, GPs will be obliged to form new commissioning consortia; they will alsohave more freedom to choose private health-care providers over state ones.
    Mr Lansley points out that his changes are going more smoothly than hostile interest groupssuggest: 177 consortia, covering 70% of England’s population, have already been set up (thedeadline for transferring to the new arrangements is April 2013). But the timescale is alarminglyvariable. One senior government figure thinks this and other public-sector reforms will take“between five and 15 years” to bear fruit nationally. That might be asking a bit too much ofpublic patience.
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    Meanwhile the education secretary Michael Gove’s once-prominent focus on new Swedish-style“free schools”—to be funded by the state but run by charities, parents and others—has beenwavering. Although he denies a shift, chains of academies—state schools turned over toautonomous providers—are now being heralded as the driving force of schools reform. MrGove is sounding keener on American-style Charter schools than on the Swedish model, in partbecause the Charter programme has a clearer record of helping to transform education for thepoor.
    And a bitter row is under way over how far the rise in tuition fees to ??9,000 ($14,500) forsome universities should be dependent on them admitting more students from poor andethnic-minority backgrounds. Supported by Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat businesssecretary who is responsible for higher education, the Office for Fair Access, a regulator, wantsa portion of the higher fees to be diverted to outreach efforts. It threatens to impose a capfor those universities who don’t oblige. Frustration in the universities is matched by outrageamong Tories, who are afraid of damaging standards and biasing the system against middle-class applicants.
    Serious reform is always painful: Mrs Thatcher was widely loathed in her radical second term;Tony Blair complained about the “scars on my back” from his fights with public-sector workers.As then, today’s plans pitch fears about the cost and alleged chaos of upheaval againsthypothetical arguments for change. But the government’s year-long adventure in reformsuggests some other patterns.
    First, expectations matter. Before last year’s election the Tories reassured voters that therewould be no “top-down reorganisation of the NHS”. Mr Lansley’s plans might have caused lessof a rumpus with more explicit warning. The civil service matters too: Number 10 complainsthat it is being insufficiently zealous in implementing the government’s agenda. Officialscounter that the problem is the volume of new measures, and varying competence indepartments, rather than intransigence.

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发表于 2017-8-6 16:45:08 | 显示全部楼层
    Just as importantly, the coalition has learned that the messy happenstance of everydaygovernment can be disruptive and demoralising. A climb-down on the proposed sell-off offorests was followed by a concession over the abolition of the Education MaintenanceAllowance, a subsidy intended to keep 16-19-year-olds in learning, after a threatened legalchallenge. Number 10 recently intervened to demand a reversal of plans to cut school-sportsfunding. None of these was a major reversal; but they have rattled MPs, who wonder whetherto stick their necks out to defend bigger schemes that might be cancelled or amended.
    Finally, the exigencies of coalition have been a burden. A plan to reform housing benefit,vaunted by the Tories in opposition, has been dropped from the government’s welfare-reformbill after rows with the Lib Dems about whether it would penalise low-earners. (The broader planto introduce a single “universal credit” to replace multiple allowances for those out of workhas created its own new network of unintended complexities and forthcoming climb-downs.)The emphasis on fairness in the Tories’ coalition agreement with the Lib Dems helps to explainthe reorientation of Mr Gove’s ideas.
    So far, the architecture of the coalition has held up well. Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg, the LibDem deputy prime minister, share a vision of a public sector enlivened by greater competitionand less dependent on a dwindling pot of state funding. They do, however, need to make abolder case for why they are fighting on quite so many fronts—and to tell the public when it canexpect to feel the benefit of the slimmer, fitter Leviathan it has been promised.



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