銆€銆€鑻辫闃呰鏄?a href="http://kaoyan.koolearn.com/yingyu/" target="_blank">鑰冪爺鑻辫鐨勯噸澶存垙锛屾€庝箞澶嶄範?鎬庝箞璁粌?寤鸿鍚屽浠噰鍙栬嫳璇湕璇荤殑鏂规硶姣忓ぉ缁冧範10-20鍒嗛挓锛屽揩閫熸彁鍗囪嫳璇殑闃呰鑳藉姏鍜屽惉鍔涙按骞筹紒
銆€銆€BRUSSELS, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- The eurozone registered an external trade surplus of 7.8 billion euros (10.5 billion U.S. dollars) in June, up from 1.7 billion euros in May, the European Union (EU)'s statistics bureau Eurostat said Tuesday.
銆€銆€A year ago the surplus was 1.6 billion euros.
銆€銆€The trade surplus increase in the 13-nation bloc sharing the same currency was achieved by strong exports.
銆€銆€Compared to the same period of last year, exports from the eurozone increased by 9 percent to 128.3 billion euros, faster than imports, which rose by 4 percent to 120.5 billion euros.
銆€銆€According to Eurostat, the 27-nation EU recorded a trade deficit of 9.4 billion euros in June, down from 15 billion euros in the previous month and 13.3 billion euros a year ago.
銆€銆€During the period from January to May, the energy trade remained the largest source of deficit for the EU, but that deficit decreased to 102.5 billion euros, compared to 118.9 billion euros in the same period of last year.
銆€銆€Meanwhile, surpluses rose in the chemicals sector from 30.1 billion euros to 31.3 billion euros, and for machinery and vehicles from 34.7 billion euros to 44.8 billion euros.
銆€銆€鍚姏鍜屼功闈㈣〃杈鹃€氬父鏄垜浠鐢熺殑寮遍」锛屽笇鏈涘ぇ瀹跺湪鑻辫鏈楄鐨勬柟娉曚笅锛屽苟缁撳悎瀹為檯鎯呭喌瀹夋帓缁冧範锛屼笉瑕佷竴鍛虫ā浠垮埆浜猴紝瑕佸湪缁冧範杩囩▼涓強鏃舵€荤粨缁忛獙锛屽寘鎷椂闂村畨鎺掔瓑锛岃鑷繁鐨?a href="http://kaoyan.koolearn.com/" target="_blank">鑰冪爺鑻辫姘村钩寰楀埌涓€涓緢澶х殑鎻愬崌锛?/p>
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