考研英语词汇的记忆方法有很多,考生可以依据自身的情况进行选择。但是,小编认为通过做题来记忆词汇是做有效的方法,把词汇放到情境句子中去理解,更好地实现了理论和实际的结合。为此,下面为广大2015年考研的考生奉上一些词汇练习题,希望通过做题大家能够更好的的把握词汇的用法。 下面请看2015年考研英语词汇练习100题(五)
1.This product is _______ to change without notice.
A. despite B.evil C.subject D.crust
2.I don’t know how he can _______ himself for such conduct.
A. justify B.locate C.rear D.swear
3.The stolen watch has been _______ to its owner.
A. retired B.pitched C.restored D.cured
4.It is _______ cold this winter in Xi’an.
A. considerably B.tight C.naval D.moreover
5.It has been my _______ to meet with this accident.
A. journal B.reduction C.affect D.fate
6.Her smile _______ her secret even though she didn’t admit the fact.
A. reviewed B.reversed C.responded D.revealed
7.He ________ that he could finish the job without any help.
A. designed B.headed C.claimed D.preserved
8.Professor Li _______ his success to his mother.
A. owns B.ruins C.owes D.roars
9.The election _______ for the State governor has begun this year.
A. campaign B.bolt C.hell D.immense
10.Anyone without _______ illness can do this simple job.
A. mild B.mind C.mental D.mend
11.Glass may _______ at high temperature.
A. profit B.pronounce C.sting D.melt
12.Silver _______ electricity far better than other materials.
A. equips B.strikes C.cracks D.conducts
13.Everyone is encouraged to _______ food or clothing for those who
suffered a great deal in the flood.
A. attribute B.distribute C.contribute D.drift
14.White teeth are a sharp _______ to black skin.
A. content B.contract C.contrast D.contain
15.Tom is _______ about photography. He spends nearly all his money on
A. justice B.innocent C.fierce D.crazy
16.We need help from the other countries. But we do not _______ on others
for support.
A. engage B.lean C.strip D.multiply
17.We will _______ the plan because of the cost.
A. council B.journal C.damp D.oppose
18.Our train is _______ at Shanghai at seven o’clock this evening.
A. due B.crystal C.cushion D.cooperation
19.Her voice was _______ in the noise.
A. filled B.entertained C.enormous D.drowned
20.He is very _______ in his family and never does anything against his
A. hence B.possess C.outer D.humble
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C
11.D 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.D 英语词汇是英语学习的基础,打好基础才能够继续搭建上层建筑,所以小编建议考生一定要做好上面的练习题,争取把握好每一个词汇的用法,为考研奠定基础。加油!