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      71Review v.回顾,复习;n.①回顾,复习;②评论
    【真题例句】 Practice (or review) (n.①) tends to build and maintain memory for a
task or for any learned material.[1995年阅读
      72Rocket n.火箭;v.剧增
    【真题例句】 The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed (v.) and ticket
prices have stayed low.[2006年阅读2]
    【例句精译】 原因当然是虽然成本急剧上升,但票价仍维持在低水平。
        73School n.①学校;②(大学里的)学院,系;③学派,流派
    【真题例句】 It should be observed, of course, that no school (①), vocational or
not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose.[1999年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 当然应该看到的是,不管是职业学校、还是普通学校,混淆计算机教学的目的,都不会受益。
    【真题例句】 And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School (②) believes that
people will look back on this period as “a golden age of business management in
the United States.”[2000年阅读1]
    【例句精译】 哈佛商学院的威廉?萨尔曼相信人们将来回顾这一时期时,会把它视为“美国企业管理的黄金时代”。
    【真题例句】 According to the new school (③) of scientists, technology is an
overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.[1994年翻译]
    【例句精译】 新学派科学家们认为,在拓展科学知识的范Χ方面技术是被忽视的力量。
        74score n.①得分,分数;②二十;v.得(分),记(……的)分数
    【真题例句】 Anyone who keeps careful score (n.①) knows that the information
available is always incomplete and that the predictions are always subject to
error. Standardized tests should be considered in this context.[1995年翻译]
    【例句精译】 任何仔细记分的人都知道,所得到的信息总是不完全的,而且,这些预测总是会有错误的。应该根据这种观点去考察标准化考试。
    【真题例句】 Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and
have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score
    【例句精译】 创新就像踢足球,即使是最出色的球员也会痛失进球机会,其射门被挡出的机会大大多于进球的机会。 select [si5lekt]
    【真题例句】 It does not push or pull, it selects (v.), and this function is
difficult to discover and analyze.[2002年翻译]
    【例句精译】 环境并不具备推动或拉动的作用;它具有选择的作用,而这一作用难以发现也很难对其进行分析。【真题例句】 In a letter to
Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select (a.) committee,
Lord Irvine said he (37:agreed) with a committee report this year which said
that self regulation did not (38:offer) sufficient control.[2001年完形]
    【例句精译】 在写给众议院新闻y体特别委员会Gerald
        75shape n.①形状,外形;②情况,状态;③种类;v.成型,塑造
    【真题例句】 (63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only
a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the
environment in shaping (v.) and maintaining the behavior of the individual is
only beginning to be recognized and studied.[2002年翻译]
    【例句精译】 (63) 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。

    【真题例句】 Instead of describing sounds (n.) we must make up words that imitate
them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same
page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.[2000年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 我们必须造出词语去模仿声音,而不应对其进行描述;我们必须在同一张纸上使用不同型号和不同颜色的墨水,任 5]
    【例句精译】 实践(或称复习)就是建立并保持对某一任务或所学材料的记忆。
    【真题例句】 However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so
much competition that it would be (27:wise) to plan activities in which there
are more winners than losers, (28:for example), publishing newsletters with many
student-written book reviews (n.②), (29:displaying) student artwork, and
sponsoring book discussion clubs.[2003年完形]
        77spell v.①拼写;②导致,招致;n.一段时间
    【真题例句】 But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own
thing,” has spelt (v.②) the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and
    【例句精译】 然而,“做我们自己的事”——这一对事物真实性和个性的崇拜信条,已经给正式的演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐画上了句号。
    【真题例句】 Despite a spell (n.) of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when
it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy
the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to
extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.[2002年阅读2]
      78stor(e)y n.①描述;②故事;③报道;④谎话;⑤¥层
    【真题例句】 If one wanted to become a computer engineer, that is, of course, an
entirely different story (②).[1999年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 当然如果想成为一名计算机工程师,事情就完全不同了。
    【真题例句】 In other words, there is a conventional story (③) line in the
newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure
for otherwise confusing news.[2001年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 换言之,在y介机构的新闻采编室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,为纷繁复杂的新闻报道提供了一个中心思·和现成的故事编写框架。
    79stress n.①压力,应力;②重音;v.强调,着重
    【真题例句】 We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern
stress (n.①).[2000年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 如果我们想诠释现代生活的压力,就必须加快文学发展的步伐。
    【真题例句】 While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics,
Japanese education tends to stress (v.) test taking and mechanical learning over
creativity and self-expression.[2000年阅读4]
    【例句精译】 虽然日本的教育因强调基础知识而经常受到外国人的赞扬,但是它往往强调考试和机械学习,而不重视创造性和自我表现。
      80suit v.①合适,适合;②相配,适应;n.①一套西服;②诉讼
    【真题例句】 The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best
suited (①) for expressing joy.[2006年阅读4]
    【例句精译】 最早的艺术形式,如绘画和音乐,是最适于表达快乐的。
    【真题例句】 David Williamds’s suit (①) should trouble this gambling nation. But
don’t bet on it.[2006年新题型]
    【例句精译】 大卫威廉姆斯的起诉或许会在这个赌博民族中引发一些问题,但是也并不能确信。
    【真题例句】 Nevertheless Williams’s suit (②) charged that the casino, knowing he
was “helplessly addicted to gambling” intentionally worked to “lure” him to
“engage in conduct against his will” well.[2006年新题型]
    【例句精译】 然而威廉姆斯还是控告娱乐场,明知道他“不可救药地赌博上瘾”还故意“诱惑”他“Υ背他自己的意愿参加赌博”。
      81Target n.目标,对象,靶子;vt.以……为目标
    【真题例句】 That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable
yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target (n.)
species is about 50% of its original levels.[2006年阅读3]
    【例句精译】 这十分重要,因为理论表明在目标鱼类单λ数量是原始水平的大约50%的时候,才能保证渔场可收获的最大可持 意缩短或加长词语。
    【真题例句】 It sounds (v.②) like a useful, ground-clearing way to
    【例句精译】 这听起来像是一个有效的明显开始做事的方式。
    【真题例句】 If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that
those new plants be environmentally sound (a.①).[2005年阅读2]
    【例句精译】 假如我们要保护我们的大气层,关键一点是:新建的电厂必须是环保安全型的。
      82spectacle n.①[pl.]眼镜;②场面,景观;③奇观,壮观
    【真题例句】 Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles (②), which
now more than ever seem in ample supply:...[2000年阅读5]
    【例句精译】 相反我们目睹了比以前任何时候都多的虚α景观; 续产出量。
    【真题例句】 In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools
that allow companies to “push” information directly out to consumers,
transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted (vt.)
    【例句精译】 然而,在去年,软件公司开发出新的技术使得商家可以把产品信息推到消费者的计算机屏幕上。 83thumb n.拇指;v.(~
    【真题例句】 It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big
advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb (v.) through their phone
directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over
Zo? Zysman.[2004年阅读2]
    【例句精译】 人们早已知道在客户翻查电话簿时,名叫AAAA的出租汽车公司要比Zodiac出租汽车公司有很大的优越性。至于在生活方面Adam
Abbott较之Zo? Zysman的优越性就不那?为人所知了。

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