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发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    181.A good teacher must know how to________ his ideas.
    A) convey
    B) display
    C) conceive
    D) disclose
    182.It’s a very popular play, and it would be wise to________ seats well in
    A) preserve
    B) book
    C) buy
    D) take
    183.To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is________ one’s
own standards on a group that does not recognize them.
    A) putting
    B) imposing
    C) forcing
    D) emphasizing
    184.The project is not________ a failure. It is a success in some
    A) altogether
    B) likely
    C) possibly
    D) inevitably
    185.Every camera we sell comes with a two-year________ .
    A) safety
    B) conservation
    C) confirmation
    D) guarantee
    186.Difficulties and hardships have________ the best qualities of the young
    A) brought forth
    B) brought about
    C) brought out
    D) brought up
    187.Bob was completely________ by the robber’s disguise.
    A) taken away
    B) taken in
    C) taken for
    D) taken down
    188.Our research has focused on a drug which is so________ as to be able to
change brain chemistry.
    A) powerful
    B) influential
    C) monstrous
    D) vigorous
    189.The current political________ of our country is favourable for foreign
    A) weather
    B) temperature
    C) climate
    D) status
    190.He has________ strange hobbies like collecting bottle tops and
inventing secret codes.
    A) gone on
    B) gone with
    C) gone though
    D) gone in for
    191.It was with great delight that I read in your February________ the
letter to the Editor written by Prof. Johnson.
    A) printing
    B) issue
    C) magazine
    D) copy
    192.Of all the soldiers they had the________ of being the fiercest, the
most patriotic and the toughest.
    A) recognition
    B) reservation
    C) reputation
    D) recreation
    193.Advanced compute technology has________ an answer to accurate weather
    A) set up
    B) faced up to
    C) filled in
    D) come up with
    194.Tennis is a________ invented by an Englishman one hundred years
    A) game
    B) play
    C) contest
    D) match
    195.They are sure they have all the facts they need to________ the
existence of a black hole.
    A) obtain
    B) maintain
    C) display
    D) verify
    196.The new tourist hotel will have________ for more than one thousand
    A) convenience
    B) accommodations
    C) capacity
    D) capability
    197.It took us only a few hours to________ the paper off all four
    A) shear
    B) stroke
    C) scrape
    D) chip
    198.In a typhoon, winds________ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per
    A) assume
    B) accomplish
    C) accelerate
    D) attain
    199.He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably________ after a
meal and a rest.
    A) renewed
    B) refreshed
    C) reshaped
    D) recreated
    200.His intelligence and experience will enable him to________ the
complicated situation.
    A) cope with
    B) settle with
    C) do with
    D) manage with

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发表于 2017-8-6 11:06:04 | 显示全部楼层
    181.答案A.convey vt.“传达,表达;传送,运送,输送”(如I can’t convey my feeling in word;His
tone conveyed his real feeling;Wires convey electricity from power stations to
the user.)display vt.”陈列,展览;显示“△conceive v.”构想出,设想(of);认为(that);怀孕“△disclose
    182.答案B.book vt.“预定,订(票、房间等)”preserve vt.“保护,维持;保存,保藏;腌制”buy vt.“买,购买”take
    183.答案B.impose(sth on sb) vt.“把……强加于,强迫……接受;征(税等)”(impose one’s views/one’s
will on sb;impose difficult conditions of pease on the enemy ;impose a new tax
on cigarettes )force sth on sb(虽然某人不愿意但)“硬要某人接受”emphasize vt.“强调”
    184.答案A.not altogether“并非完全”(如It’s not altogether impossible;She wasn’t
altogether pleased with her choice;I don’t altogether agree with him.)likely
adv.“很可能”;adj.“可能的,有希望的”(句型:Sb is likely to-V;It is likely that sb will do sth;a
likely place;“不说likely a place)possibly adv.”可能,也许“inevitably
    185.答案D.guarantee n.“保证,担保;保修单”safety n.[u]“安全,平安”conservation
n.[u]“保护,保存;守恒,不灭”~confirmation n.“证实,批准;加以证明的东西,加以肯定的话”
    186.答案C.bring out“使显出;出版,推出”bring forth“引出,提出,使出现”bring about “引起,导致”bring
    187.答案B.take sb in“欺骗(常用被动态);领会,理解;接受,接纳,吸收”take away
(from)“减去”take…for“把……看成为,把……认为是”(take for不单独用)take down“写下,记下;拆卸,拆除”
    188.答案A.powerful adj.“强烈的,效力大的;强大的,有权的;强健的,力气大的”influential
adj.“有影响的,有优势的”~monstrous adj.“可憎的,可怕的;令人震惊的”vigorous adj.“有力的,用力的;精力充沛的”
    189.答案C.climate n.[c]“气候”weather n.[u]“天气”temperature n.“温度”status
    190.答案D.go in for“喜欢(做某类事),有(某种爱好);从事(某种职业、活动);钻研(学问)”(如I don’t go in for
dieting;What sports do you go in for?He went in for teaching.)go on(单独用)“继续”;go
on –ing/go on with“继续(做同一件事)”;go on to sth/to-V“接着做(第二件事)”go
with“相配;一道用很合适;与……紧密相连”go through“检查,审查;遭受,经受,经历(苦难等);(法案、计划等)被通过,被批准”
    191.答案B.issue n.“发行,(书刊的)一期”;v.“发行,出版,颁布”~printing n.[u]“印刷”magazine
n.“杂志”copy n.“报刊、杂志、书的)“一本,一份;副本,抄件”
    192.答案C.reputation n.(不可数,可加不定冠词)“名声,声望,名气”recognition
n.[u]“承认;认出,识别”reservation n.“(票的)预订;保留,犹豫”recreation n.“消遣,娱乐活动”
    193.答案D.come up with “提出,提供,拿出,想出(计划、建议、答案、解决办法等)”(如He came up with a new
suggestion;Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the
world’s food supply.)set up“创立,建立;开始经商”face up to“大胆面向”fill in“填写(表格)”
    194.答案A.game n.[c]“游戏;比赛(项目);(pl)运动会”play n.“戏剧,剧本”contest
n.“竞争,竞赛,比赛”match n.“比赛,竞赛;对手,敌手”
    195.答案D.verify vt.“证明,证实;核实,查清”(如We must verify his figures ;Later findings
verified the scientist’s theory.)obtain vt.“获得,得到”maintain
vt.“维持,保持;坚持,主张”display vt.“陈列,展览;显示”
    196.答案B.accommodation n.“住处,膳宿”(英国多作不可数名词,美国多作复数)(如The hotel has
accommodation for fifty people; We wired the hotel for
accommodations.)convenience n.[u]“方便,便利;[c]方便的条件或设施”capacity n.“容积,容量”(a
capacity of);“能力”(have a capacity for)~capability n.[c,u]“能力;(pl)“潜在能力”
    197.答案C.scape vt.“刮,擦”(如He scraped his boots clean before coming into the
house;scrape off the paint;scrape the paint off the door)▲shear
v.“剪(羊毛);修剪(薄薄的一层)”stroke v.“抚摸”chip vt.“削(或凿)下(屑片或碎片)”
    198.答案D.attain vt.“达到(目的),获得(成就)”(如Your will attain your object;He attained
maturity/his ambition/success/a height of…;He attained to
fame/greatness.)(有时后面加to表示“达到理想的状态”)assume vt.“假定,设想;承担;呈现”accomplish
vt.“完成,实现”accelerate v.“(使)加快,(使)增速”(参看144注)
    199.答案B.refresh vt.“使精神振作,使精力恢复,使感到清新,使恢复疲劳”(如A rest and a cool drink will
refresh you;She refreshed herself with a cup of tea;He got refreshed by a good
sleep.)renew vt.“更新,恢复;重新开始,继续”~reshape vt.“改造,使重新定型”~recreate vt.“再创造”
    200.答案A.cope with“(成功地)对付,应付(困难、任务)”(如He couldn’t cope with his work;He
felt unable to cope with heavy traffic after the accident.)settle
with“与……结账,清帐,算账,报复”do with“(与what连用)(怎样)处理,安排;(与can连用)想要,需要,凑合用”(如What are you
going to do with your money?I could do with a cup of tea;You’ll have to do with
what you’ve got.)manage with “设法应付”(如We can’t manage with these pooor
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