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      【Part II. 考研翻译必背单词】
    46) mentally心理的,精神的;mend修补
    47) restore 恢复
    46) wilderness荒野;
    48) interplay相互作用; raw原始的,粗糙的
    49)be bound for开往,驶往;territory区域,地区
    50) treasure珍宝;
    46) articulate 清晰的表达,
    47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提,
    49) associate联系,
    50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成;
    46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,
    47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter避难所,
    48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别,
    49) blame批评,
    50) implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic人造的;
    46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生,
    47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制,
    48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的,
    49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见,
    50) track跟踪;
    46) erroneous错误的,error错误,
    47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的,
    48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发,
    49) circumstance环境,
    50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列;
    46) rescue拯救,to the effect that大意是说,failed to不能,
    47) intrinsic内在的、固有的,regardless of不管,presence出席,absence缺席,
    48) creature生物,species物种,
    49) ecologically生态的,as such本身、相应的,
    50) eliminate根除, element因素,commercial商业的;
    46) institution机构、学院,original原始的,motive动机
    47) by-product副产品,directive指导的,factor因素
    48) ignore忽视,ignorance无知,contact联系,disposition性情、安排,
    49) cannot help禁不住,secure确保,
    50) tuition学费、讲授;
    46) believe相信,assert断言, claim声称, argue争论, assume假设, maintain主张,
contend斗争、坚持说, point out指出, be convinced that确信, accept接受、承认, prove证明,
demonstrate展示、游行、证明、表明, validate证明, state状态、州、说明、陈述, scribe描述, tell说明,
show说明、展示, consider考虑, opine表达观点, difficulty困难, difficult困难的, compensate补偿,
compensate for补偿, advantage优点, advantageous有优势的, advance进步、发展, force力量、强迫,
strength力量, power力量、权力, thus因此, therefore因此, hence因此, enable使能够, detect探察、发现,
detector探测器, detective侦探,error错误, mistake失误, false错误, flaw缺点、瑕疵, shortcoming缺点,
reason推理、原因, reasoned理性的, reasoning推理, reasonable合理的, observe观察, observation观察,
    47) follow跟随, pure纯, purely纯粹地、完全地, abstract抽象的, attract吸引, concrete具体的,
limit限制、有限的, confine限制, certain确认;
    48) as well也, as well as和一样, found建立, well-founded有根据的,charge指控、指责、充电、费用,
be charged with承担、给与,change改变, critics批评家, criticize批评, critical关键的、重要的,
criticism批评, while当、在…的同时、然而;
    49) add加, addition增加, in addition此外, additional另加的, tradition传统,
traditional传统的, humble谦虚的, humbly谦虚地, perhaps也许, possible可能, possibly可能,
probable可能, probably可能地, superior比高级、有优势, superior to比高级, super超级, inferior不如,
inferior to不如, common普通, ordinary普通, banal普通的、陈腐的, notice注意、说明, attention注意,
escape逃跑, carefully当心, careful小心的, care关心, take care of照顾;
    50) loss失去, lose丢失(lost), at a loss迷茫、不知所措, take a loss亏损, injurious对有伤害,
injure受伤, injury受伤, intellect智力, intellectual智力、知识分子, intelligence智力, wisdom智慧,
moral道德, virtue美德, virtually实际上、事实上, virtual虚拟的, character文字、角色、性格,
characterize有特点, characteristic特色;
    46) legal法律的、合法的, law法律, preserve保存, conserve保留、保护, institution机构、学院,
constitution宪法, view观点、景色, view…as把…看作为, regard…as把…看作为, take…as把…看作为,
see…as把…看作为, special特别, specialize专业, specific具体的, especial尤其的, especially尤其是;
peculiar奇怪的、特有的、独特的, peculiar to特有的, particular特殊的, particularly特别是, rather
than而不是, necessary必须的, essential必不可少的, essence精华, critical关键的、重要的,
significant重要的, significance重要性, equipment装备, equip装有, pack包、装,pack
    47) link连接、联系, connect联系, connection联系, on the other另一方面, on the other
hand另一方面, on the one hand一方面, concept概念, notion观念、概念、认识, real真实, reality现实,
realize实现、认识到,in a way以这种方式, in a manner以这种方法, in a form以这种形式, parallel平行,
parallel to与相平行、与类似, journal杂志, journalist记者, base基础, basic基础的, basis基础,
comment评论, comment on评论, cover报道、覆盖;
    48) idea观点、理论、想法, profound深刻的, profoundly深刻地, far-reaching影响深远的、意义重大的、深刻的,
citizen市民, rest on/upon依靠取决于, rely on依靠取决于, depend on/upon依靠取决于, responsible负责的,
responsibility责任, be held responsible for对负责, response反响、响应, media媒介, news
media新闻媒体, news agency新闻机构, establish建立, established已经建立的, establishment机构、建立,
    49) grasp抓掌握, have a grasp of掌握, command命令, have a good command of掌握,
feature特点, competent能胜任的,合格的, competition竞争, competitive有竞争力的, compete竞争;
    50) reaction反映, react反映, action行动, in action起作用, interaction互相作用,
enhance提高, promotion提高, promote促进, preferable愿意的、可取的, prefer宁愿, infer推理、提示,
confer商量、授予、给予, favor喜欢, flavor风味, favorite喜欢的, judge评判法官, judgment评判, make
    46) define定义, definition下定义, define…as…把定义为, select选择, elect挑选,
individual个人的、个人, active积极的, activity活动, primary主要的, duty责任, thinking思考、思维,
    47) analogous类似, analogous to与类似, analyze分析, analysis分析,
function作用、充当作用、功能, obligation责任, be obliged to do sth被迫做某事、有责任做某事, be obliged
to sb感谢某人, obligate被迫, be obligated to do sth 被迫做某事,clear清楚、明白, course课程、过程,
cause原因、导致, lead to导致, reveal揭露, decision决心, decisive果断的、具有决定意义的, decide决定;
    48) exclude排除, exclusive排它的、独家的, include包含, conclude得出结论, conclusion结论,
contribute贡献, contribution贡献, contribute to对做贡献、有助于, make contribution to做出贡献,
distribute分发、分散, distribution分散, accomplishment完成, accomplish完成, complete完全,
solution解决, solve解决, resolve决心、解决, approach接近、方法, aspect方面, inspect视察、检查,
expect期待, respect尊重方面, task任务;
    49) code密码, rule规则, dedicate奉献, dedicate to把…献给, govern管理, government政府,
energy能力、能量, conduct行为、指导, conduction传导, production产品, produce生产, explore探索,
exploration探索; more than比…多, less than比…少, no more than不多于, no less than不少于,
more than +数字多, more than +名词/动词不仅仅不只是, more than +形容词/副词非常, no more than=not
any more than不…也不;
    50) independent独立, independence独立, interdependence互相依靠, reflect影响,
reflection影响、反映、思考, make reflection on思考,earn挣, involve包含、包括, salary薪水;
    46) television电视, means工具, feeling感觉, convey传递、表达, nation民族、国家, create创造,
invent发明, event事件、事务, recent最近;
    47) multi-media大众媒体、传媒, increase增加, increasingly越来越, bring带来, publish出版, in
relation to与有关, relation关系, relate亲戚, related to与有关, concern关心、关注,
    48) alone独自, only仅仅、唯一, survive生存, underline强调、突出、下划线, undergo经历,
undertake从事、承担, undermine暗中破坏, state状态、州、陈述, statistics调查、统计数据, loss失去, take a
loss亏损, at a loss迷茫、不知所措,
    49) identify辨别, identity身份, respect尊重方面, expect期待, aspect方面, represent代表,
present出席、现在、礼物, presentation展示, fabricate编造、捏造、编织, fabric网络、纤维, continent大陆,
task任务, demand命令, choose选择, choice选择, strategic战略, policy政策;
    50) deal with处理, deal处理, challenge挑战, scale规模, on…scale在一定规模上,
exaggeration夸张、夸大, it is no exaggeration to say不夸张的说…, unite联合, unity集体、单位,
    61) structure建造, instruction知识、教导、命令、指示、说明, instrument工具、器具,
construction建筑, process步骤、过程, procedure步骤, schedule日程表, real真的, reality真实的,
realize意识到, diversity多样性, diverse各样, philosophy哲学, philosopher哲学家;
    62) grateful感谢, gratitude感谢, different from与…不同, vanish消失, abolish取消、撤销、废除,
assimilate同化, similar相似, native本民族的, local当地的、局部的;
    63) describe描述, description描述, strike罢工、打击、留下印象, striking引人注目的,
remark评论、标记, remarkable著名的, accuse起诉, accuse…of…指责, data数据, date日期;
    64) interested in对感兴趣, relationship关系, relative亲戚、相对的、有关的, relatively相对地,
determine决心, habit习惯, habitual习惯的, though虽然;
    65) come to逐渐得出, believe in相信, a sort of其中一种, linguistics语言学, physics物理,
psychology心理学, aesthetics美学, art艺术, fine art美术, archaeology考古学, anthropology人类学,
economy经济, psychiatry精神病学, law法律, media媒体, cross-culture跨文化, mathematics数学,
math数学, physician医生, chemistry化学, humanity人文科学, form形式, formula工程式, formulate阐明,
grammar语法, pattern模式, produce生产, consequence结果, consequently所以;
    61) furthermore更进一步, further进一步, ability能力, able可能, enable使能够, inability无能,
modify纠正, exchange交换, environment环境, deteriorate恶化, subject科目、主题、主语、对象,
reject排斥, refuse拒绝, fancy幻想、喜欢;
    62) branch分支, inquire询问、研究, acquire获得, require要求, endeavor努力, order命令、顺序,
disorder紊乱、疾病, system系统, passion热情, seek寻找, scientific科学的, science科学,
    63) combine联合、结合, combined with结合、加上,coupled with结合、加上integrate结合,
integration整体、一体化, perspective前景、观点, unique独特的、唯一的, distinct区别,
    64) complex复杂, complicated复杂, sophisticated复杂的、狡猾的, include包含,
conclude得出结论, exclude排除, conclusion结论, custom风俗习惯, consume消费, consumer消费者.
simple简单, simplicity简单的, implicit暗含的, explicit明显的;
    65) make…possible成为可能, research研究;
    61) almost几乎,behavior行为,trait特点,trace跟踪
    62) explain解释,explanation解释,hard困难, remain保持, obscure模糊,vague模糊的,不清楚的;
    63) evolution进化, revolution革命, innovation革新创新, invention发明创造, invest投资,
investigation研究、调查, recognize认出,cognition认知;
    64) possess拥有、具有, possession财产, govern管理, government政府、管理, theory学说、理论,
essential重要, credit信用, achieve达到, achievement成功;
    65) until直到…才、如果不…, till直到…才、如果不…, issue问题、事件、发行,
    71) chat聊天, host主人、主持, hold举行, pollution污染, contaminate污染;
    72) personality个性, personnel人事、人员, personal个人的, relax放松, relaxation放松,
recreation娱乐, digital数字;
    73) breakthrough突破, break out爆发, breakout爆发, out-break爆发, outset开始, take
place发生, discover发现;
    74) ultimate最终, terminate终止, termination终点、终端, century世纪, millennium千年,
decade十年, thousands of成千上万、几千, hundreds of几百, for the better part of decade七八年,
half一半, quarter四分之一, triple三倍, double两倍;
    75) home家、国内的, domestic国内的, exotic异域的, apply申请, apply to申请, application申请,
appliance器具, control控制, operate操作, operation操作, cooperation合作,
    71) condition条件, situation情况、状况, circumstance环境状况, situate位于, vary变化,
varying变化的、不同的, various各种各样的, variety各种各样, variety of各式各样, expert专家;
    72) obvious明显, ambiguous模糊的, be bound up with相关, bind绑, efficient有效,
efficiency效果、效率, industry工业, agriculture农业, horticulture园艺, in turn反过来、轮流,
effort努力, all kinds各种各样;
    73) owing to由于、因为, remarkable显著的, mass大众、大量、大块, communication交流,
community社区, expose暴露, be exposed to接触、面对, introduce介绍、引入, for the reason given
    74) pattern模式, spread扩大, or so大约;
    75) stress压力、强调, migrate移民, migration移民, immigrate移入,emigrate移居国外arise
from由引起, arise出现、上升, rise上升, give rise to导致, raise增加、喂养,
    71) almost几乎, historian历史学家, history历史, practice练习、实践, conform一致, conform
to符合、与相一致, inform通知, uniform一致的、制服, attempt企图;
    72) valid有效的, validate使有效证明证实, validity有效性, discipline学科, internal内部的,
external外部的, quarrel争论, among在…中;
    73) transfer转变, transparent透明、明显, augment增加, argument辩论, design设计, designed
to旨在、设计来,interpret解释、口译, interpretation解释, evidence证据, evident明显的;
    74) agreement同意, refer to提及、指, in general总之, generally总体上, generally
speaking总的来说, largely总体、主要地, appropriate适合, inappropriate不适合;
    75) equal平等, equally平等的, equate与相等、与一致, equate…with与相等、与一致, source来源,
resource资源, activity活动, animate有生气, animation兴奋、活跃;
    71) look into搜索寻找, exist存在, exit出口, existence存在, resident居民、定居的、常住的,
residence居住地, citizen市民;
    72) giant巨大, enormous巨大的, put forward提出, propose提出, dominant主要的、主导的;
    73) report报道, finding发现;
    74) triumph胜利;
    75) odd奇数、奇怪, sound听起来、健康的, inflation通货膨胀, inflate膨胀, plausible看起来合理的,
elementary基本的, primary主要的;
    71) actually事实上, in fact事实上, account解释, accountant会计;
    72) contract合同, entitle有权、授予, title标题, entitlement权利;
    73) discuss讨论, discussion讨论, consider考虑, consideration考虑, either…or要么…要么,
neither…nor两者都不, whether…or是…还是, extend扩展、延伸, treat对待、请客;
    74) relevant有关的、切题的, extreme极端的;
    75) encourage鼓励, instinct本能、天生的;
    71) result结果, result from由于, result in导致, to some extent在某种程度上,
    72) trend趋势, detail细节, in detail详细;
    73) support支持, an amount of大量的, goal目标, immediate立即;
    74) elegant优雅的, elegance优雅, in principle大体上、原则上, principal重要的、主要的,
fascinate迷人, delight高兴;
    75) standard标准, criterion标准;
    71) target目标, attack进攻抨击, in doing sth.在做某事的过程中, divert转移,
    72) predict预言, prediction预言, reliable可靠的, skill技能;
    73) experiment试验、实验, experience经验, avail有用, available有空的、可获得的,
comparative比较, compare比较, contrast对比、相反;
    74) quality质量、特征, precise精确;
    75) favorable有利的, favor喜欢; youngster年轻人;
    71) not so much…as与其说…不如说, as…as与一样, not so…as与不一样, through因为、通过,
insight洞察, welfare福利, health健康, worth值得, genius天才, improve提高, tool工具;
    72) as we call it所谓的、正如我们所说, number数字, numerable可数的、一定数量的,
innumerable巨大的、无数的, expand扩大, a series of一系列, direction说明、指导, direct说明;
    73) ignore忽视, careless粗心, fundamental基本的;
    74) revolve旋转;
    75) finance财政、金融, financial财政的, vice versa反之, etc等等, et al及其它.

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