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发表于 2017-8-5 22:15:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    curb /k\:b/ n [C] 控制;约束:government curbs on spending 政府对开支的限制 (S1)
    about-face n [C] (态度、 观点的)彻底转变:The government did an about-face on the
nuclear energy. 政府对核能问题的态度彻底转变了。(S1)
    pool /pu:l/v [T] (多人或组织)把(钱或其他资金)集中共用:They entered a contract to pool any
gains and invest them profitably. 他们签了一个合同,将赢利集中起来并进行赢利性投资。(S1)
    mutual-fund asset
    ruling /5ru:lIN/ n [C] 裁决;裁定;判决:When will the committee give/make its
ruling? 委员会什么时候做出裁决? (S2)
    filing /5failIN/ n [C] 存档档案:a bankrupt filing 破产档案(S2)
    stake out sth明确界定对某物的所有权(或使用权):We went to the show very early to stake out
our space. 我们早早地就去了演出地点,占个好位子。(S2)
    exclusive/Ik5sklu:sIv/ adj 独占的;排外的;唯一的:They have exclusive rights to market
the drugs in Africa. 他们拥有该药物在非洲的专卖权。(S2)
    transaction/trAn5zAkFn/ n [U, C] 交易; 执行; 办理:The bank charges a fixed rate
for each transaction. 银行对于每笔交易都收取固定金额的费用。(S2)
    if only仅仅; 即使只为了:Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if
only because it’s new. 仅仅因为大众传播学是门新兴学科, 它就被认为更刺激。(S3)
    beat sb to the punch先于某人做某事; 抢占先机:John was going to apply for the job, but
Ted beat him to the punch. 约翰本打算申请这项工作的,却被泰德抢先了。(S3)
    issue /5IFu/ v [T] 发给;分发:The U.S. State Department issues millions of
passport each year. 每年,美国国务院都签发数百万份护照。(S4)
    arm...with 用……武装起来;装备着……:warships armed with nuclear weapons 有核武器装备的军舰
    take position采取……的立场、态度:The principal took the position that the students
don’t need music classes. 这位校长认为学生们不需要音乐课程。(S5)
    practice /5prAktIs/n [U] 惯例; 常规:It is the practice in Britain to drive on
the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度. (S5)
    hedge / hedV / v [T]保护……免受……;预防:hedge risks 规避风险(S1)
    evaluate/ I5vAljUeIt / v [T] 评估;赋值;评价:I can’t evaluate his ability without
seeing his work. 我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评价他的能力。(S2)
    in the wake of随着……而来;作为……的结果:The newspaper became the dominant
pre-electronic medium, following in the wake of pamphlet and the book and in the
company of the periodical. 报纸继小册子和图书之后,与期刊一起,成为电子时代来临之前最重要的传播媒介。(S1)
    scope/skEUp/ n [单数] (处理、 研究事物的)范围:This subject is outside the scope of our
inquiry. 这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内。(S1)
    attorney /E5t\:nI/ n [C] 律师:an attorney for the plaintiff 原告律师(S3)
    controversy /5kCntrEv\:sI/ n [C, U] 公开辩论;论战:a bitter controversy about/over
the sitting of the new airport 对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论 (I26)
    comply /kEm5plaI/ v [I] 遵守;服从:Candidates must comply strictly with these
instructions. 候选人必须严格遵守这些指示。(I27)
    dismiss /dIs5mIs/ v [T] 驳回;不受理:The judge dismissed the case for lack of
evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而驳回此案。(I27)
    enhancement /In5hB:nsmEnt/ n [U] 增强;提高;美化:signal enhancement 信号增强(I28)
    immune /I5mju:n/ adj 不受……影响:immune to criticism不为批评所动摇(I29)
    esteem /I5sti:m/ n [U] 尊敬; 敬重:He was held in high esteem by colleagues.
    loom /lu:m/ v [I](未知、可怕之事)即将发生:There is a crisis looming. 危机正步步逼近。(I30)
    prevailing /prI5veIl/ adj 普遍的;盛行的;流行的:conditions prevailing in the region
该地区的普遍状况 (I30)

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