控股公司 holding company; controlling company; parent company
跨国公司/集团/企业 multinational corporation/group/enterprise
会计事务所 public accounting firm
劳动密集型工业 labor-intensive industry
立交桥 flyover; overpass(美)
“2002 中国”旅游年 “Visit China’ 2002”
贸易往来 trade contracts; commercial intercourse
美容美发中心 beauty salon
企业兼并和联合 the merger and association of enterprises
人均国民收入 per capita national income
人均国民生产总值达中等发达国家水平 an average per capita GNP up to the standard of medium developed countries
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 take practices as the sole criterion for judging truth
投资环境 investment environment
外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises
温饱问题 the people’s basic need for food and clothing
物价指数 price-rise index
“希望工程”、“青年志愿者”和“手拉手”活动 activities like the "Hope Project", "Young Volunteers" and "Hand in Hand"
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)
香港特别行政区长官 the chief Executive of the HKSAR
消费者协会 consumer association
消费者权益 consumer’s rights and interests
小康生活 living a relatively comfortable life
(发展是)“硬道理” development is the most essential criterion
职业道德 occupational ethics; professional ethics
职业道德规范 norms of occupational ethics
综合国力 comprehensive national strength; the overall strength of the country
自尊、自信、自强的民族精神 the national spirit of selfrespect, self-confidence and self-support