2012年考研英语考试正日益临近,同学们对考研英语写作是否已心有成竹了呢?不妨看看新东方名师为你精心准备的考研英语一大作文9句话模板。本文是第二段写法的讲解。 文章第二段:寓意+论述 [ 写第三、四、五、六共4句话 ] 小虹语录:这段写4句话:第三句话,写图画寓意‘第四句话决定论述方式;第五、六句分别是具体的论据,需要考前大量背诵 文章第三句:寓意说明段 小虹语录:注意从表层含义到深层含义的提炼!图画所画的寓意一般都是表面的,浅显的,但是第二段提炼的寓意,应该是深刻的,概括的,切忌就画说话,应该以画见大 The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon of / the situation of/ the problem of / the significance of / the merits(优点)of/ the demerits(缺点) of. 历年真题寓意提炼举例:
2011-informing us of the fact that the environment of scenic spots and many other places is being damaged now.
2010-informing us the situation of cultural integration.
2009-informing us of the merits and demerits of Internet.
2008-informing us of the importance of cooperation
2007-informing us of the fact that under no circumstances should we underestimate ourselves while overestimate the hardships. (the importance of confidence)
2006- informing us of the phenomenon of blind idol worship.
2005-informing us of the importance of love and responsibility.
2004-informing us of the significance of persistence.
2003-informing us of the fact that parents’ overprotecting will do harm to children.
2002-informing us of the phenomenon of cultural integration
2001-informing us of the fact that love seems to be greater when the need is greater.
2000-informing us of the fact that our natural resources have been seriously damaged.
文章第四句:论述方式 小虹语录:论述方式也即文章的展开方式,共四种:1解释原因、2利好重要、3弊端危害、4举例论证;写第二段的时候,你可以将这几种论证方式结合起来写,也可以一种写到尾,关键在于,那种论述方式,你的论证素材比较多,比较好些! 第一种论述方式-解释原因: 小虹语录:这种方式一般是写社会现实性比较强的话题,类似环保,产品质量,诚信,假货,物价高等;注意万能理由和论据的积累
Many factors can account for this phenomenon, and the followings might be the critical ones:
或What exactly contributes to this phenomenon?it is a thought-provoking question and answers could be listed as follows:
(2011年;2010年;2006年;2005年;2003年;2002年;2000年) 第二种论述方式-利好重要: 小虹语录:这种论述方式,一般写积极价值观作文,比如自信、合作、爱心的重要性等等,关键要写作对哪些方面哪些人有哪些好处,需要背诵12条万能理由
We can’t emphasize too much the benefit/importance of sth. (confidence, cooperation,trust).
(2010年;2009年;2008年;2007年;2005年,2004年;2002年;2001年) 第三种论述方式-弊端危害: 小虹语录:这种论述方式,一般写价值观作文,但是一般都是缺乏自信、缺乏合作、缺乏爱心带来的危害,关键要写作对哪些方面哪些人有哪些坏处,需要背诵12条万能理由]
The sth. (loss of trust / absence of confidence ) will be bound to exert a detrimental impact on our life/ lives/growth/the development of economy.
第四种论述方式-举例论证: 小虹语录:这种论述方式,关键要看题目中有没有具体要求 give specific example,如果有要求,那就必须要用举例论证了,举例可以举身边的例子,自己的例子,也可以是社会现象,社会事件的例子。
Quite a few examples can be given to prove the harm (demerits缺点) of sth. I can think of no better illustration than the following one: 举例:
Without confidence, how can Yao Ming,an once ordinary and unknown basketball player, achieve unprecedented success in NBA ? 2007年自信
The successful hosting of the 29th Beijing 2008 Olympic Games should be attributed to cooperation among people from all walks of life. 2008年合作
(2007年;2004年;2001年) 文章第五句:论据一 (1.原因之一; 2.好处之一; 3.坏处之一;4.例子之一) 文章第六句:论据二 (1.原因之二; 2.好处之二; 3.坏处之二;4.例子之二) 小虹语录:文章第五、六句是证明第四句话论证方式的例子,可以是写原因、好处、坏处和例子。考前都有类似于“12条万能利弊理由”和“话题论据积累”背诵,一定要背诵下来,以免考试的时候无话可说!