Whatever their political party, American leaders have generally subscribed to one of two competing economic philosophies. One is a small-government Jeffersonian perspective that abhors bigness and holds that prosperity flows from competition among independent businessmen, farmers and other producers. The other is a Hamiltonian agenda that believes a large, powerful country needs large, powerful organizations. The most important of those organizations is the federal government, which serves as a crucial partner to private enterprise, building roads and schools, guaranteeing loans and financing scientific research in ways that individual businesses would not.
Today, of course, Republicans are the Jeffersonians and Democrats are the Hamiltonians. But it hasn’t always been so. The Jeffersonian line includes Andrew Jackson, the leaders of the Confederacy, William Jennings Bryan, Louis Brandeis, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. The Hamiltonian line includes George Washington, Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, both Roosevelts and Dwight Eisenhower.
当然,到了今天,共和党人就是杰弗逊派,民主党人则是汉密尔顿派。但也并非总是如此。属于杰弗逊流派的就有安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)、南部邦联各领导、威廉·詹宁斯·布赖恩(William Jennings Bryan)、路易斯·布兰代斯(Louis Brandeis)、巴里·戈德华特(Barry Goldwater)与里根(Ronald Reagan)。属于汉密尔顿流派的也有乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)、亨利·克莱(Henry Clay)、林肯(Abraham Lincoln)、威廉·麦金利(William McKinley),老、小罗斯福(西奥多·罗斯福、富兰克林·罗斯福)与艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)。
Michael Lind’s “Land of Promise” uses this divide to offer an ambitious economic history of the United States. The book is rich with details, more than a few of them surprising, and its subject is central to what is arguably the single most important question facing the country today: How can our economy grow more quickly, more sustainably and more equitably than it has been growing, both to maintain the United States’ position as the world’s pre-eminent power and to improve the lives of its citizens?
迈克尔·林德(Michael Lind)的《希望的乐土》(Land of Promise)以此作为分界线,写出一部宏阔的美国经济史。该书史料丰富,其中不少令人惊喜,而其主题则对可谓美国今日面对的唯一至关重要的问题影响重大:我们的经济怎样才能更快、更持续与更公平地发展,从而保持美国作为世界强国的地位并改善本国国民的生活?
Lind, a founder of the New America Foundation in Washington and the author of several political histories, acknowledges from the beginning that his thesis will make some readers uncomfortable. “In the spirit of philosophical bipartisanship, it would be pleasant to conclude that each of these traditions of political economy has made its own valuable contribution to the success of the American economy and that the vector created by these opposing forces has been more beneficial than the complete victory of either would have been,” he writes.
“But that would not be true,” he continues. “What is good about the American economy is largely the result of the Hamiltonian developmental tradition, and what is bad about it is largely the result of the Jeffersonian producerist school.”
Hamiltonian development built the Erie Canal, the transcontinental railroad, the land-grant universities and the Interstate highway system. In the process, the United States became a giant, interconnected market, a place where companies like Standard Oil, General Motors, John Deere and Sears Roebuck could thrive. The government — and the American military in particular — also played the most important role in financing innovation at its early stages. The industries that produced the jet engine, the radio (and, by extension, the television), radar, penicillin, synthetic rubber and semiconductors all stemmed from government-financed research or procurement. The Defense Department literally built the Internet.
汉密尔顿发展观修建了伊利运河(Erie Canal)、横穿大陆的铁路、政府无偿赠地的大学和州际公路系统。在此过程中,美国成为一个巨大的、相互连接的市场,一个诸如美孚(Standard Oil)、通用汽车(General Motors)、强鹿(John Deere)与西尔斯-罗巴克公司(Sears Roebuck)等公司得以繁荣发展的地方。美国政府——尤其是美国军方——在发展的早期,在资助创新方面也发挥了至为重要的作用。那些生产出喷气发动机、收音机(以及后来的电视机)、雷达、青霉素、合成橡胶与半导体的行业,均源自政府资助的研究或采购。而互联网根本就是国防部建的。
The United States is like “a gigantic boiler,” Sir Edward Grey, a British foreign secretary during World War I, said, according to Winston Churchill. “Once the fire is lighted under it, there is no limit to the power it can generate.” Lind’s aim is to make Sir Edward’s point in the active voice: the government has often lighted the flame, and big business has often generated the power.
据丘吉尔的说法,“一战”时期的英国外交大臣爱德华·格雷爵士(Sir Edward Grey)曾经说过,美国就像“一个巨大的锅炉”,“一旦锅炉生了火,它所产生的能量就无限了。”林德的目的在于用主动语态表达爱德华爵士的观点:政府通常点火,而大型企业则常常产生能量。
And Lind has a strong case to make. He cleverly notes that Jeffersonians themselves often have a change of heart when they find themselves running the country and responsible for its well-being. As president, Jefferson altered his position on federal support for canals, roads and manufacturers. His successor, James Madison, signed a bill creating a national bank, having previously denounced the idea. The leaders of the Confederacy, after decrying centralized power, realized they needed an economic machine to finance a war and started “a crash program of state-guided industrialization from above that was more Hamiltonian than Hamilton,” Lind writes. Modern Jeffersonians, like Reagan and George W. Bush, have campaigned on spending cuts, only to expand government while in office.
而林德也有充分的理由为自己辩护。他敏锐地指出,杰弗逊派自己在治理国家并为国家谋福祉时,常常也会改变态度。身为总统,杰弗逊在联邦对运河、公路与生产厂商的支持上,改变了自己的立场。杰弗逊的继任,詹姆士·麦迪逊(James Madison),签署了一项建立一家国家银行的法案,而他此前却是痛斥这种设想。南部邦联各领导,在公开反对中央集权之后,意识到他们需要一台经济的机器以支撑一场战争,并开始了“一个自上而下政府引导的工业化速成项目,这种做法比汉密尔顿还要有过之而无不及”,林德写道。现代的杰弗逊一派,如里根与乔治·W·布什,在任期间,都曾主张削减开支,意在扩张政府的范围。
For all its logical rigor, however, the book’s thesis does suffer from one basic flaw. Lind never quite explains how the United States has ended up as the richest large country in the world, with per capita income about 20 percent higher than Sweden’s or Canada’s, almost 30 percent higher than Germany’s and almost 500 percent higher than China’s. If anything, other countries have pursued more Hamiltonian policies in many ways than the United States, without quite the same success.
What, then, can explain American economic exceptionalism? Education plays an important role (and receives only sporadic mention in the book). This country long had the most educated, skilled work force in the world, which, as other economic histories have persuasively shown, helped American workers to be among the best paid.
Beyond education, the United States also has a culture that is arguably different from that of any other power — more individualistic, more risk-taking, more comfortable with the workings of the market. If you were looking for a name for this culture, you might choose Jeffersonian.