考研网 发表于 2018-8-14 22:36:35


          Xi, Kim meet over peninsula issue
          "After the first meeting between me and Comrade Chairman, both China-DPRK
relations and the Korean Peninsula situation have made positive progress. I feel
happy about it," he said. Xi said he was willing to meet Kim again to make joint
efforts to push the healthy and stable development of China-DPRK relations,
realize long-lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and promote
regional peace, stability and prosperity.
          习近平强调,今年3月,我同委员长同志在北京实现了历史性首次会晤,进行了长时间深入交流,就发展新时代中朝关系(developing China-DPRK
relations in the new era)达成了四方面原则共识。
          First, the China-DPRK traditional friendship has been a treasure of both
countries. It is an unswerving principle and the only correct choice for both
countries to develop the friendly and cooperative China-DPRK relations.
          Second, both China and the DPRK are socialist countries, and their
bilateral relations are of major strategic significance. Both sides need to
enhance unity, cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning.
          Third, high-level exchanges between the two parties play an irreplaceably
significant role in guiding bilateral relations, Xi said. The two sides should
maintain frequent exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen
understanding and mutual trust, and safeguard common interests.
          Fourth, cementing the people-to-people friendship foundation is an
important channel to advance the development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said.
The two sides should, by multiple means, enhance people-to-people communication
and exchanges to create a sound foundation of popular will for the advancement
of China-DPRK relations.
          在双方共同努力下,各项共识正在得到良好的贯彻落实(all of these consensuses are being well
active efforts to promote dialogue and easing of tension on the
          Kim said comrade-like trust and friendship between the elder generations of
leaders of the two parties and countries form the close bond and solid
foundation for the traditional friendship between the DPRK and China.
          我同总书记同志继承这一良好传统,举行卓有成效的历史性会晤,推动朝中关系迎来了前所未有的活跃发展(promote the unprecedentedly
vigorous development of the DPRK-China relations)。
          It has been the DPRK's consistent and clear stand to achieve
denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Kim said. As long as relevant parties
abolish their hostile policies and remove security threats against the DPRK,
there is no need for the DPRK to be a nuclear state and denuclearization can be
realized, he said.
          希望通过朝美对话建立互信,有关各方负责任地采取分阶段、同步性的措施(take phased and synchronous measures in a
responsible manner),全面推进半岛问题政治解决进程(comprehensively advance the political
settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue),最终实现半岛无核化和持久和平。
          战略沟通 strategic communication
          共同利益 common interests
          长治久安 long-lasting peace and stability
          交流互鉴 exchanges and mutual learning
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