考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:45


      Probably there is not one here who has not in thecourse of the day had occasion to set in motion acomplex train of reasoning, of the very same kind,though differing in degree, as that which a scientificman goes through in tracing the causes of naturalphenomena.?
    句子主干为there is not one,who引导定语从句修饰限制one。定语从句的主干为who has not…had occasion to…;in the course of the day 为时间状语;toset in motion…为occasion的后置定语。介词短语of the very same kind修饰前面的动名词reasoning,固定搭配the same…as 中间插入了让步状语成分though differing in degree。句末 that 指代 a complextrain of reasoning,后跟which引导的定语从句,修饰that。翻译时,who引导的定语从句可译为独立的句子。同时注 意,as that…中的as可译为汉语的“同,与”,that需明确化,后面which引导的定语从句可译作前置定语;of the very same kind 和 though differing in degree 可译作汉语的谓语部分。
      2、set in motion“开始发生,发动”。2、reasoning原意为“推理,推论,论据,理由”,本句结合语境译作 “思考活动”。
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