考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 09:58:04


    curb /k\:b/ n 控制;约束:government curbs on spending 政府对开支的限制 (S1)
    about-face n (态度、 观点的)彻底转变:The government did an about-face on the
nuclear energy. 政府对核能问题的态度彻底转变了。(S1)
    pool /pu:l/v (多人或组织)把(钱或其他资金)集中共用:They entered a contract to pool any
gains and invest them profitably. 他们签了一个合同,将赢利集中起来并进行赢利性投资。(S1)
    mutual-fund asset
    ruling /5ru:lIN/ n 裁决;裁定;判决:When will the committee give/make its
ruling? 委员会什么时候做出裁决? (S2)
    filing /5failIN/ n 存档档案:a bankrupt filing 破产档案(S2)
    stake out sth明确界定对某物的所有权(或使用权):We went to the show very early to stake out
our space. 我们早早地就去了演出地点,占个好位子。(S2)
    exclusive/Ik5sklu:sIv/ adj 独占的;排外的;唯一的:They have exclusive rights to market
the drugs in Africa. 他们拥有该药物在非洲的专卖权。(S2)
    transaction/trAn5zAkFn/ n 交易; 执行; 办理:The bank charges a fixed rate
for each transaction. 银行对于每笔交易都收取固定金额的费用。(S2)
    if only仅仅; 即使只为了:Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if
only because it’s new. 仅仅因为大众传播学是门新兴学科, 它就被认为更刺激。(S3)
    beat sb to the punch先于某人做某事; 抢占先机:John was going to apply for the job, but
Ted beat him to the punch. 约翰本打算申请这项工作的,却被泰德抢先了。(S3)
    issue /5IFu/ v 发给;分发:The U.S. State Department issues millions of
passport each year. 每年,美国国务院都签发数百万份护照。(S4)
    arm...with 用……武装起来;装备着……:warships armed with nuclear weapons 有核武器装备的军舰
    take position采取……的立场、态度:The principal took the position that the students
don’t need music classes. 这位校长认为学生们不需要音乐课程。(S5)
    practice /5prAktIs/n 惯例; 常规:It is the practice in Britain to drive on
the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度. (S5)
    hedge / hedV / v 保护……免受……;预防:hedge risks 规避风险(S1)
    evaluate/ I5vAljUeIt / v 评估;赋值;评价:I can’t evaluate his ability without
seeing his work. 我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评价他的能力。(S2)
    in the wake of随着……而来;作为……的结果:The newspaper became the dominant
pre-electronic medium, following in the wake of pamphlet and the book and in the
company of the periodical. 报纸继小册子和图书之后,与期刊一起,成为电子时代来临之前最重要的传播媒介。(S1)
    scope/skEUp/ n [单数] (处理、 研究事物的)范围:This subject is outside the scope of our
inquiry. 这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内。(S1)
    attorney /E5t\:nI/ n 律师:an attorney for the plaintiff 原告律师(S3)

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 11:37:44

    controversy /5kCntrEv\:sI/ n 公开辩论;论战:a bitter controversy about/over
the sitting of the new airport 对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论 (I26)
    comply /kEm5plaI/ v 遵守;服从:Candidates must comply strictly with these
instructions. 候选人必须严格遵守这些指示。(I27)
    dismiss /dIs5mIs/ v 驳回;不受理:The judge dismissed the case for lack of
evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而驳回此案。(I27)
    enhancement /In5hB:nsmEnt/ n 增强;提高;美化:signal enhancement 信号增强(I28)
    immune /I5mju:n/ adj 不受……影响:immune to criticism不为批评所动摇(I29)
    esteem /I5sti:m/ n 尊敬; 敬重:He was held in high esteem by colleagues.
    loom /lu:m/ v (未知、可怕之事)即将发生:There is a crisis looming. 危机正步步逼近。(I30)
    prevailing /prI5veIl/ adj 普遍的;盛行的;流行的:conditions prevailing in the region
该地区的普遍状况 (I30)
    ①Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back
    主语 谓语
    business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were
    宾语 定语从句
    authorized 10 years ago.(P2S1)
      [分析]本句的主干部分为the nation’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale
back on business-method patents,该句的谓语是由appears ready to + scale back on
构成的复合谓语。逗号后是由which引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词business-method patents,定语从句中的ever since they
were first authorized...为从句中的时间状语,其中they指代定语从句先行词business-method patents。
    ②In a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for
    状语 定语从句 主语
    the Federal Circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad
review of
    谓语 宾语从句
    business-method patents.(P2S2)
      [分析]句子的主干成分为the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said...,
句首的In a move...为全句的状语, 交代出具体背景。其后的that has intellectual-property lawyers
abuzz为定语从句, 修饰move(举措)。该定语从句的结构为: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 补语, 主语为that, 指代 a move, 谓语为has,
表示“使处于(某状态); 使作出(某种反应)”, 宾语为intellectual-property lawyers, 补语为形容词abuzz,
表示“议论纷纷的”状态。 said后的it would use...为宾语从句, it指代主语the U.S. Court of Appeals for
Federal Circuit, 动词不定式to conduct a broad review of business?鄄method
    ③Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it
    主语 谓语 表语
    the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998
decision in the
    so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling
      [分析]本句的主干部分为Curbs...would be a dramatic about-face, because...,介词短语on
was...that的强调句式,强调的是the federal circuit itself,而其非强调形式为:the federal circuit
itself introduced such patents...。现在分词短语approving a patent on...充当decision的同位语,
    ④The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be
    主语 谓语 宾语 后置定语 宾语从句1
    by all 12 of the court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and
that one issue it
    宾语从句1 连词 宾语从句2
    wants to evaluate is whether it should "reconsider" its State Street Bank
      [分析]本句的主干部分为The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order...。The Federal
Circuit为主语,谓语为issued,an unusual order为宾语,其后现在分词短语stating that...and
that...为order的后置定语, 该后置定语中包含两个并列的宾语从句,分别为that the case would be heard by...和
that one issue it wants to evaluate is...,两个宾语从句由and连接。第二个宾语从句的主干结构为one issue is
whether...,句中it wants to evaluate为省略了that的定语从句,修饰主语one
    ⑤The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent
decisions by the
    主语 谓语 时间状语
    Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent
    定语 定语从句
      [分析]句子的主干成分为The Federal Circuit’s action comes...。The Federal Circuit’s
action为主语,comes为谓语,介词短语in the wake of...引导时间状语,a series of recent
decisions则为介词短语的宾语,that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent
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