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发表于 2017-8-5 22:09:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Scientists and members of the public are becoming increasingly concerned about the effects on mental, emotional and physical health of electro-magnetic fields emanating from power lines, mobile phones, computers and sub-stations, to name but a few devices that use and channel electricity.
    Electro-magnetic fields are invisible to the naked eye. However, their presence in homes, offices and factories, in strong forms, is increasingly being shown to be harmful to our health. American and Scandinavian research shows how electro-magnetic stress can contribute to insomnia, lethargy, depression, allergies, headaches, learning problems, aches and pains in the joints and more serious illnesses such as cancer and me.
    It is our contention that not enough emphasis has been placed on the interaction between man made frequencies such as radio, microwave and electro-magnetic and the earth's natural magnetic and electric fields and the effects of this interaction on health.
    There are simple measures that can be taken in the home to reduce the electro-magnetic fields. It is advisable to remove all plugs from their sockets when electric machines are not in use. Our measuring instruments show that this is far more effective in reducing electro-magnetic fields than just turning off the socket switch on the wall. The bedroom is the most important area to be free of electro-magnetic bombardments. At night the body repairs its cells. However, if the body is being bombarded by electro-magnetic fields this function can be impaired.
    It is therefore important not to use any plug sockets immediately behind the bed during the night owing to electro-magnetic fields being emitted. Electric blankets when not unplugged at the wall still emit a high level of electro-magnetic radiation even when the switch is in the off position. This means that the body is constantly getting a dose of electro-magnetic radiation all night which can impair sleep, cause a feeling of lethargy the next morning and can eventually affect the immune system and hormones in the body. Electric alarm clocks can also cause a wide band of electro-magnetic stress in the head area. These clocks are best moved to about four feet away from the bed or replaced by a battery only alarm clock. Similarly the bedroom television also needs to be about 6 feet away from the bed. Electrical installations on the wall immediately behind or next to the bed are also relevant here. Where there is a computer, for example, in the next room close to the bedroom wall this may well cause electro-magnetic fields to radiate through the wall to the bed area. Computers can also link with televisions and electrical kitchen equipment to cause distorted fields.
    1. It can be inferred from the text that electric devices are
    [A] perfect modern inventions.
    [B] all invisible health killers.
    [C] almost all mixed blessings.
    [D] all directed magnetically.
    2. The text indicates that electro-magnetic fields
    [A] exist everywhere on the globe.
    [B] seem inescapable to modern people.
    [C] can be eliminated intentionally.
    [D] may be adjusted to the survival of life.
    3. The author appeals for sufficient awareness of the
    [A] mutual interference from household electric appliances.
    [B] interaction between radio frequency and earth magnetism.
    [C] harmful results of man-made and natural electric fields.
    [D] joint effects of artificial and natural electro-magnetic fields.
    4. The proposed measures to reduce the harmful effects include
    [A] unplugging the machine when it goes out of use.
    [B] freeing the bedroom of electric appliances at night.
    [C] switching off the apparatus when it quiets working.
    [D] disconnect electric devices immediately after working.
    5. The bedroom needs protection from man-made fields because
    [A] our health is more readily harmed during our sleep
    [B] its walls can hardly hamper the radiation of the fields.
    [C] electric installations on the wall are hard to be shielded.
    [D] our head is liable to be affected by electricity at rest.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-8-5 23:37:26 | 显示全部楼层
    1. substation 变电站
    2. insomnia 失眠症
    3. lethargy 无精打彩
    4. contention 论点
    5. socket 插座
    6. repose 休眠
    7. distorted 不正常的
    1. Scientists and members of the public are becoming increasingly concerned about the effects on mental, emotional and physical health of electro-magnetic fields coming from power lines, mobile phones, computers and sub-stations, to name but a few devices that use and channel electricity.
    [简析] 本句话的主干是“Scientists and members of the public are becoming concerned about…”。on mental…短语修饰effects;coming from…短语修饰electro-magnetic fields;to name…短语作状语,其中的that引导的定语从句修饰devices.
    2. It is our contention that not enough emphasis has been placed on the interaction between man made frequencies such as radio, microwave and electro-magnetic and the earth's natural magnetic and electric fields and the effects of this interaction on health.
    [简析] 本句话的主干是“It is our contention…”。that引导的是contention的同位语从句;microwave and electro-magnetic and…是前面短语的并列成分。
    3. Electric blankets when not unplugged at the wall still emit a high level of electro-magnetic fields which can damage sleep, cause a feeling of lethargy the next morning and can eventually affect the immune system and hormones in the body.
    [简析] 本句话的主干是“Electric blankets still emit a high level of electro-magnetic…”。when not unplugged at the wall是一个省略的时间状语从句;which引导的定语从句修饰electro-magnetic fields;cause a feeling of…是前面谓语的并列成分。
    1. C推论题。本题的问题是“根据本文,可以推知,电子设备是 ”。第一段提到,人们越来越关注电磁场对人的智力、心理以及身体健康产生的影响,并指出这些电磁场来自于电线、移动电话、电脑以及变电站,随后的段落具体说明了这些电器对人产生的不利影响。由此可知,电子设备虽然可以给人类带来好处,但也会产生有害影响。[C]“差不多好坏参半的恩赐”与此意符合,为正确答案。[A]“完美的现代发明”明显与文意不符; [B]“无形的健康杀手”不准确,没有提到它的有害影响;文中的信息表明,电磁场是由电子设备产生的,所以[D]“通过磁场控制”属于本末倒置。
    2. B 推论题。本题的问题是“本文暗示,电磁场 ”。第一段列举了一些常见的电子设备,第二段接着指出,电磁场是肉眼看不见的,它们存在于家庭、办公室以及工厂。由此可知,电磁场非常普遍,人们避免不了。[B]“对于现代人来说似乎不可避免”是对此意的改写,为正确答案。[A]“存在于地球的任何地方”是针对第三段“the earth naturalmagnetic and electric fields……”这句话设置的干扰项,与文意不符;文中只是说“可以采取一些简单措施来降低电磁场”,并没有说可以消除电磁场,所以[C]“可以有目的地消除”与文意不符;[D]“可以调整,以适应生命的幸存”属于无中生有。
    3. D 细节题。本题的问题是“作者呼吁人们充分了解 ”。文章前面两段介绍了电磁场的影响,第三段指出,人类没有足够重视人造频率以及地球自身磁场和电磁场之间的交互作用,没有足够重视这种交互作用对人类健康产生的影响。这说明,作者希望公众了解人造频率和电磁场之间的交互作用。[D]“人造电磁场与自然电磁场之间的交互作用”与此意符合,为正确答案。[A]“家用电器的相互干扰”和[B]“无线电频率与地球磁场之间的交互作用”不准确,没有提到与电磁场的交互作用;[C]“人造电磁场和自然电磁场的有害结果”是针对第三段“…the effects of this interaction 0n health”这句话设置的干扰项,文中说的是交互作用对健康产生的影响,说明C与文意不符。
    4. D 细节题。本题的问题是“提出的降低有害影响的措施包括 ”。第四、五段介绍了应该采取的措施——如果不使用电器,从插座上拔掉所有插头;在床后面不要使用任何插头插座;把电子闹钟移到离床头大约4英尺远的地方,或者用电池闹钟取代这些钟;卧室的电视机移到离床头大约10英尺远的地方。只有[D]“使用后立即关掉电器”属于措施之一。[A]“如果不再使用电器,就拔掉其插头”是针对第四段第二句话“remove auplugs from their sockets when electric machines are not in use”设置的干扰项,是误解了not in use(不使用)的意思,而A中的go out of use意思为“不再使用、废弃”,所以与文意不符;[B]“在晚上,在卧室不使用电器”是针对第五段第一句话设置的干扰项,与文意不符;[C]“如果电器停止工作,就关掉它”中的条件明显与文意不符。
    5. A 细节题。本题的问题是“卧室需要免受人造磁场的影响,因为 ”。题干中的“the bedroom”出自文章第四段第四句话中,表明本题与第四段有关。第四段提到卧室时指出,卧室是降低电磁场影响的最重要区域,随后解释说,人体的细胞在晚上处于休眠状态,如果身体受到电磁场的影响,这种功能就可能受到损害。这说明,原因是在睡眠时人体容易受到影响。[A]“在睡眠时,我们的健康更容易受到损害”与此意符合,为正确答案。[B]“卧室的墙壁难以阻挡磁场的辐射”是针对最后一段倒数第二句话设置的干扰项,文中是在举例说明在墙后或靠近床头安装电器也有影响,与题目的要求不符;[C] “安装在墙上的电器难以受到保护”属于无中生有;[D]“我们的大脑在休息时容易受到电流的影响”是针对最后一段第三句话设置的干扰项,文中说的是“电子闹钟也可能在人脑部位产生很大的电磁压力”,这与题目的要求不符。
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