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发表于 2016-7-14 16:04:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Ten years later, that man was _______ from prison.
  A.shut B. released C. penetrated D. elected
  2.I _______ you’ve decided against taking my advice.
  A.express B. declare C. assume D. exclude
  3.I wrote to my aunt last night. I couldn’t _______ it any longer.
  A.delay B. reply C. rely D. opposite
  4.I imagine I’ll _______ some friends instead of going to the movies.
  A.envy B. interest C. entertain D. courage
  5.A________ thing happened to me last night.
  A. sake B. peculiar C. baggage D. average
  6.It was a terrible _______ and I won’t forget it.
  A. shock B.vessel C.royal D.evidence
  7.Mary is always _______ when she doesn’t get any mail.
  A.affected B.dissed C.plain D.disturbed
  8.Each member has a chance to _______ his argument in the conference.
  A.present B.recall C.stock D.council
  9.I wish you would give me a more detailed _______ of you trip.
  A.account B.advance C.accuse D.count
  10.What time is the mail _______ on Saturday?
  A.objected B.outlet C.delivered D.starved
  11.What’s the price of that _______ of potatoes?
  A.beg B.pig C.pint D.sack
  12.You don’t have to pay any _______ on personal belongings.
  A.price B.duty C.expense D.elevator
  13.Mary is too weak to _______ the piano across the room.
  A.apply B.appeal C.attract D.drag
  14.I was crossing the street and was almost _______ by car.
  A.attacked B.dicked C.hit D.held
  15.Do you have anything to _______ for customs?
  A.show B.declare C.exam D.check
  16.He worked hard this week, but _______ very little.
  A.presented B.obeyed C.composed D.accomplished
  17.Will you accept my _______?
  A.sympathy B.synthetic C.satellite D.saddle
  18.In general, my reaction is that we should _______ carefully.
  A.proceed B.pace C.pale D.pan
  19.Along the northern coast there are many deep _______.
  A.divers B.harbors C.bats D.bars
  20.Nobody knows who will be the _______ of this city.
  A.mayor B.inhabitant C.dash D.bow
  21.Food _______ is a big industry in this area.
  A.projecting B.promising C.processing D.president
  22.We never _______ that John would become a doctor.
  A.respected B.wondered C.suspected D.estimated
  23.Don’t be too _______ on your children. They are still too young.
  A.shine B.internal C.copper D.severe
  24.Greater efforts are needed before we can _______ our goal.
  A.dozen B.attain C.avenue D.reward
  25.Eggs are _______ according to size.
  A.passed B.judged C.graded D.chained
  26.He worked in our university as a football _______ for nearly five years.
  A.clerk B.grain C.coach D.couch
  27.The _______ in the river has to be rebuilt.
  A.court B.cousin C.dam D.damp
  28.He designed an experiment in order to _______ his theory.
  A.demonstrate B.proof C.defense D.grasp
  29.Heavy taxed are _______ on wines imported from the other countries.
  A. imposed B.trgistered C.splashed D.thundered
  30.I would like to visit you and _______ our friendship but in fact I can not come.
  A.rent B.renew C.mouse D.spot
  31.This factory is planning to build a new _______ line this year.
  A.resemble B.assembly C.productive D.assess
  32.Meat _______ much more easily than vegetables.
  A. loses B.numerous C.weaves D.decays
  33.Dr. Smith is _______ in his research and does not know anything about politics.
  A.shut B.typed C.defeated D.absorbed
  34. He said he would _______ me to Mr. Li but he didn’t .
  A.comment B.suggest C.command D.recommend
  35.A magnificent monument has been _______ in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.
  A.envied B.erected C.created D.curved
  36.In this kind of hotel, there are no _______ rooms.
  A. luxury B.marvelous C.occasional D.sulphur
  37.Nothing can _______ me to leave my own country.
  A.verse B.hay C.tempt D.attempt
  38.Nobody in the class can _______ him of his mistake.
  A.believe B.admit C.thirst D.convince
  39.This tree is _______ for its beautiful flowers.
  A.hooked B.stemmed C.cultivated D.parceled
  40.He _______ his success to the good education he has received.
  A.distributes B.contributes C.attributes D.owns
  41.Professor Smith seldom _______ the class on time.
  A.dismisses B.nervous C.misleads D.regrets
  42.Mr. Wang _______ his wife and children when he went to the United States.
  A.prescribed B.delayed C.decreased D.deserted
  43.He _______ a lot of time in trying to develop the education system in this area.
  A. involved B.investigated C.invested D.interfered
  44.They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.
  A.exploring B.exploding C.exposing D.exploiting
  45.We can’t _______ the fact that we are still a developing country.
  A. ignore B.neglect C.imagine D.impress
  46.Can you _______ the man who robbed you of your watch?
  A. illustrate B.exhibit C.damage D.identify
  47.Many children in developing countries can not go to school,because of _______
  A.property B.sword C.trace D.poverty
  48.What is your _______ to his coming?
  A.altitude B.attitude C.attribute D.aspect
  49.He _______ into the water and rescued the little girl.
  A. inserted B.sloped C.heaped D.dived
  50.You may _______ of the extra books in our department library.
  A.deposit B.enclose C.fade D.dispose
  1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.A30.B 31.B 32.D 33.D 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.C 40.C 41.A 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.A 46.D 47.D 48.B 49.D 50.D

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