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发表于 2016-7-14 16:03:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  When he died in April of 1993, Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand was 101 years old, had been married for seventy years, and had taught freshmen chemistry to over 40,000 students. In addition, he had published a popular textbook and dozens of articles, had managed the U. S. Olympic ski team, and had discovered a way to allow deep-sea divers to stay underwater longer. In his own way, Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand was certainly a genius.
  Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s interest in chemistry began at an early age. In an interview, he once said that his interest formed because he was fortunate enough to be born before there was a television, so he had to make his own decisions about what to pay attention to. Even as a student in high school, Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand had the reputation as the one who learned more chemistry than his teacher knew. As a result he was given the keys to the high school chemistry lab, and there he discovered that the correct formula for a certain chemical compound was not the one given in his chemistry book but a totally different one. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand went on to teach at the University of California at Berkeley and remained there for almost forty years.
  During that time, Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand discovered that the gas helium could be combined with oxygen for use as diving gas to allow divers to dive deeper and take the great pressure of the water without the physical discomforts that had been experienced when they used another gas, nitrogen. The use of helium for deep-sea diving is now standard practice.
  Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand was also valuable to his country during both World Wars. In World War I he analyzed the poisonous gases used on the battlefield and helped develop a truck that could clean and treat soldiers’ clothes which had been contaminated by poisonous gases during fighting. In World War II, he helped develop a type of the snowmobile, a vehicle used to carry soldiers through the snow in northern countries.
  Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s retirement from teaching at the age of seventy was required by state law in California. He objected to this, joking that he thought a teacher’s time of retirement ought to be determined not by age but by how many of that teacher’s students were still awake after the first fifteen minutes of class! Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s career continued, however, and was still going strong at the age of 100, when he published an article on the theory of chemical solutions. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s love of life and his interest in it were an inspiration to all who knew him. When asked once how he could have such ageless energy and vigor, he said, “I chose my ancestors carefully. ” (466 words)
  6. Which of the followings is the main idea of the passage?
  A. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s discoveries and inventions.
  B. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s contributions to education.
  C. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s contributions to the world.
  D. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand, a versatile with ageless energy and vigor.
  7.What’s the reason for Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s interest in chemistry?
  A. His chemistry teacher was a great teacher.
  B. His parents taught him chemistry when he was very young.
  C. He was born in a time young people had greater freedom to decide what they wanted to do.
  D. His talents were greater than his chemistry teacher.
  8. What distinguished Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand from others as early as in high school?
  A. He was given the key to the chemistry lab
  B. His discovery of the correct formula for some chemical compound.
  C. He learned more chemistry from his teacher
  D. His excellent score in chemistry learning.
  9. The use of helium for deep-sea diving_________________.
  A. helped to overcome the physical discomforts the divers experienced when nitrogen was used
  B. was found by Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand
  C. is still universally acknowledged as standard practice up to now
  D. All that is included in A, B, and C
  10. According to Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand what accounts for his ageless energy?
  A. His ancestors
  B. His parents
  C. Heredity
  D. Hard working.
  6. D. 这篇短文主要介绍了美国一位将毕生奉献给科学和教育的人Jeol Hiderbrand博士。答案可以从第一段看出:当Jeol Hiderbrand博士101岁去世时,他已经结婚七十五年了,In his own way, Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand was certainly a genius,最后一段也提供了这方面的线索:he could have such ageless energy and vigor。选项A. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s discoveries and inventions, C. contributions to the world.太泛,太宽; B. Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand’s contributions to education他对教育的贡献,太窄;均不是正确答案。
  7. C. 是什么原因使Jeol Hiderbrand博士对化学产生兴趣呢?答案可以在第二段的陈述中找到。Jeol Hiderbrand博士对化学的兴趣始于早年,上中学时就因其化学知识超过老师而闻名,并因此得到学校化学实验室的钥匙。在学校化学实验室里他有了新的发现。文中引用Jeol Hiderbrand博士的话说,他对化学的兴趣的形成是因为他很幸运地出生在电视还未问世的时代,所以他得自己决定应该关注什么。言外之意,当今时代少儿沉湎于电视节目,实际上限制了个人兴趣的发展。
  8. B. 是什么使 Dr. Jeol Hiderbrand 早在高中阶段就与众不同呢? 他在中学时就发现了某种化合物的正确的分子式,这使他与众不同。C. 无从谈起,D. 原文未提及,显然应排除。剩下的A. 和B. 需仔细斟酌。A.几乎就是照抄原文,但有一字之差(key 而非keys),故不合题意。
  9. D.这是一道填充题。句子主语是“深海潜水中氦气的使用”,所提供的几个选项谓语A: “有助于克服潜水员使用氮气潜水时身体的不适。” 此陈述与原文第三段第一句话意义相符;B: “是由Jeol Hiderbrand博士发现的”,也是正确陈述。再看C.,与原文第三段最后一句含义一致; 因此可见三项陈述都对。因此,正确D. All that is included in A, B, and C。
  10.D.遗传。此题可根据 Jeol Hiderbrand博士的幽默回答得出答案“I chose my ancestors carefully.”(我细心地选择了自己的祖先)—-这就是他对自己长寿不老,精力过人的见解。

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