改良土壤 soil improvement
耕地保护制度 system for protecting arable land
耕作设施 farming equipment
灌溉面积 irrigated area
国家收购粮 grain purchased by the state
旱地 arid/non-irrigated land
洪涝灾害 flood and waterlogging
集体林权制度改革 reform of the system of collective forest rights
集约/粗放型农业 intensive/extensive agriculture
加强农产品市场调控 strengthen regulation of the farm products market
减免农业税 reduce and exempt the agricultural tax
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants
建设高标准农田 develop farm plots that meet high standards
节约用地制度 system for economizing on the use of land
经济作物 cash crops