值得关注的是,今年考题再次考察了考研大作文六大必考话题中已经考察过的“两代关系”问题, 2003年 “温室的花朵禁不起风雨”考察父母对字母的溺爱问题,2005年 “养老足球赛”考察子女赡养老人的问题,2014年“相携 ”考察父母与子女之间理想的和谐关系。今年“与其只是提要求,不如做个榜样”的话题,是要考察父母如何教育子女的问题。那么此话题中很多表达方式,写作方式都与过去的真题如出一辙。所以真题是最宝贵的复习资源!2014年跨考各类考研写作课程均对真题进行过详细讲解,相信今年英语一的同学面对此作文应会从容不迫。
我们简单来看看如何审这两副图,左边的图片中,儿子在写作业,父亲则一边看电视,一边对儿子说“儿子,快给我好好学习!”;右边的图片中,父亲和儿子各占据一张书桌,都在学习。 图表的下方有一行字“与其只提要求,不如做个榜样”。图表描述参考如下:What is symbolically depicted in the caricatures, there emerge two circumstances, carrying sharp contrast implications. In the first drawing, a father is watching a football match on the sofa who is at the same time supervising his son to finish homework. It is not difficult to observe that his son wears frowned expression on his face. On the contrary, the second portrayal depicts a father is working just besides his son, who is doing his assignment.
第二段可以从两方面来论证,一方面父母有义务教育好子女,另一方面教育子女最好的方式不是严格要求,而是以身作则,毕竟“言传不如身教。”参考如下:The objective of the drawer is to demonstrate that utmost significance should be attached to the phenomenon that setting proper examples has exerted great impact on the growth of the younger generation in China at present. Previously, it is widely acknowledged that it is the compelling obligation for the parents to help their kids to form an appropriate value about the world and the life, which carries overwhelmingly precious connotation to the sound development on the younger generation. Simultaneously, there is no denying that the most rational method for adults to educate their adolescents is to set themselves a good example to their teenagers rather than making perpetual requirements, which is less persuasive compared with the actions.
第三段给出结论,简单提两条建议即可。比如:Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implication from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten the parents to be more advisable in educate their children. On the other hand, parents should attach more emphasis on setting excellent models for their juveniles. Only by doing so, can we effectively ensure a promising prospect for the adolescents.
总体来说,今年的大作文写作难度适中。虽然有些考生由于考场紧张、可能论述无逻辑,有些同学将关键词拼写错误。其实无需过于焦虑,阅卷教师主要考察整体语言水平,不会因为个别错误完全降为低分。只要语言基本正确、结构比较清晰,均可取得不错的成绩。 |