The two chartsshow that the increase in theU.S.populationhas beenaccompanied by a corresponding
decline in the number ofwildlife species. Far too many specieshave been lost already. This poses a danger to
the ecological balance.
As the humanpopulation expands, wild animals in mountingnumbers are hunted for food, or because they
are thought to present a threat to man. Butstudiesshow that one oftheprimary causes of the disappearance
of wildlife is pollution, which is one of the consequences of population growth and economic development.
This makes uswonder if men areable to share this planet in harmonywith other life forms.
In my opinion, itis imperative for us totake steps to reverse thedisturbing trend illustrated in the charts.
One measure wouldbe to forbid the building of cities inareas where wild life is threatened withextinction.
But, more importantly, men must learn to stop polluting the environment, or he himself will be extinct. (167)
From these graphs,we can draw a conclusion that, with the growth of human population, the number of
species has decreased rapidly inAmerica, and some species have evenvanished from our planet.
Why does thisphenomenon take place? There are several possible reasons accounting for this. To begin
with, as the human population expands, people in growing numbers came to livewhere some wild species
have been living. Then these species have tomove to other places. Some of them probably cannot adapt to the
new environment and die. In addition, although many people look on the wildlife as their friends, some people
may look on them as living meet and walking fur. They catch alot of wild animals and sell them in order to get
more money. Even worse, owing to the development of the industry, the natural balance and the ecological
environment are destroyed. The clear cutting has become increasingly serious. So some of the wildlife becomes
homeless and extinct.
In order toprotect the wildlife, I have some suggestions. On the one hand, strict laws must make to prevent
them from being caught and killed. On the other hand, the governments should educate people to love the
nature and protect it. Last but not least, as for ourselves, we should take practicalactions to protect our living
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