1. 巨大的胜利 huge victory
2. 充满信心 full of confidence in
3. 各阶层人民 all walks of life
4. 团结一致 be united as one
5. 互相冲突 in conflict with each other
6. 极其复杂的工作 extremely complicated work
7. 权衡利弊 weigh up the pros and cons
8. 从正反两方面来辩论 debate the matter pro and con
9. 流行,普遍存在 prevalence
10. 暴利的,利润丰厚的 lucrative
11. 没收 confiscate
12. 前景光明的 promising
13. 消耗精力的 energy-consuming
14. 威胁 intimidate
15. 抓住机遇 seize the opportunity
16. 鉴定 identify
17. 劳动强度 labor intensity
18. 就业培训 vocational training
19. 跟上时代的步伐 keep pace with the times
20. 获 取 知 识 的 重 要 渠 道 an important channel to acquire
21. 造成损失 cause a loss to
22. 被列为 be listed as
23. 承担风险 bear the risk of
24. 估算 estimate
25. 指示,说明 instruction, direction
26. 原料 raw materials
27. 大型,中型,小型 large-size, medium-size, small-size
28. 合理的发展 rationally developed
29. 长处,短处 strong point, week point
30. 各级政府 government of all levels
31. 各行各业的人们 people from all trades and professions
32. 祖先 ancestors
33. 连续十年 for ten years running
34. 衡量 measure, evaluate
35. 财政资助 financial support
36. 主张 hold, state
37. 牟取任何暴利 seek excessive profits
38. 普遍规律 general law
39. 巩固 back up, consolidate
40. 苦难经历 hard experience, sufferings
41. 改造 transformation
42. 认真执行 faithfully implement
43. 自力更生 self-reliance
44. 对……有利 beneficial to
45. 加强 strengthen
46. 实行 implement, carry out
47. 自信心 confidence
48. 战略目标 strategic goal
49. 吃饭穿衣 food and clothing
50. 得传染病 contract infections
51. 达到目标 attain our goals
52. 良好的沟通技巧 good communication skill
53. 可以毫不夸张的说 it would be no exaggeration to say
54. 危害 harm----endanger/damage/threaten
55. 获得 get -----obtain/acquire/derive from
56. 解决 solve----settle/resolve/tackle
57. 问题/危机/灾难 problem---difficulty/crisis/disaster
58. 著名的 famous ----distinguished/prestigious
59. 充足的 enough----sufficient/adequate/abundant
60. 出色的 good/great-----remarkable/marvelous/impressive
61. 严重的 bad -----serious/severe/grave
62. 快乐的 happy-----delighted/in good mood/in high spirits
63. 很多的 many----innumerable/countless/a large number of
64. 表明,揭示:Show ----indicate reveal reflect, demonstrate,
imply, suggest, illustrate
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