Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do
you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Here’s the problem. I’m sloppy. That’s why I like to use machines to do my
work rather than do things by hand. Machines can be creative, precise, and
Most people think that you can only be creative if you do things by hand.
However, it takes creativity to set the machine up. Once it’s set up, it can
repeat the same task over and over and over perfectly. If you want to write ten
letters, you can set up your word processor to do it, press a button, and ten
letters will be printed. It would take me forever by hand, and I would make a
lot of mistakes. By hand, each letter would be different. By machine, each one
is perfect.
Machines are very precise. They don’t get tired and cut the wrong way. They
don’t get distracted and drop some mustard on the paper. As I said, I’m sloppy,
but like neatness. That’s why I prefer to use machines.
Machines are also more efficient. I’m too tired to pick up the phone and
see who is calling me. My answering machine isn’t tired. It’s always on duty. It
doesn’t get tired, upset, or moody.
I can depend on my machines, but I can’t always depend on my hand to be
creative, precise, or efficient.
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