Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible
on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think
that this money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions
do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
I realize that it’s important to stay up to date with our technology. So
much, like our space and defense programs, depends on it. I’ve also read that we
shouldn’t let other governments get ahead of ours in the race for better
technology. This could eventually put us at a disadvantage and our whole economy
could suffer. Despite all this, I think our government should spend our tax
dollars on more basic items before it gets into the business of developing
computer technology.
We have so many problems in our society, and it seems every solution needs
money. For instance, we talk about getting people off welfare. To do that we
need money to give them jobs until they can support themselves. That means
support training, day care for their children, and probably a monthly rent
subsidy. All of those things can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. However,
if we could solve a major problem like, wouldn’t it improve our society even
more than new technology?
Another problem is that our transportation system is falling apart. Bridges
have cracks in them. Highways buckle. Accidents happen because of these
problems. We shouldn’t put money into improving a computer chip when we have
basic needs like these.
Besides, Why should the government be in the business of developing
technology? Aren’t there several very successful corporations doing just that?
Yes, it’s probably less the expensive in the long run for the government to
develop the technology. Nevertheless, in the short run, there are basic needs in
our society that aren’t being met. I think that’s where the money should go.
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