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发表于 2018-9-29 20:56:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)
  Part A (5 points)
  1. 1876 2. 1981 3. textiles 4. 19,137 5. concerts
  Part B (5 points)
  6. (the couple) themselves
  7. constructively
  8. a qualified psychologist
  9. good intentions
  10. absence
  Part C (10 points)
  11. [D] 12. [A] 13. [D] 14. [B] 15. [C]
  16. [B] 17. [B] 18. [C] 19. [A] 20. [D]
  Section II: Use of English (10 points)
  21. [A] 22. [B] 23. [C] 24. [D] 25. [C]
  26. [B] 27. [D] 28. [C] 29. [A] 30. [D]
  31. [A] 32. [D] 33. [B] 34. [D] 35. [C]
  36. [D] 37. [B] 38. [A] 39. [C] 40. [A]
  Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points)
  Part A (40 points)
  41. [B] 42. [A] 43. [C] 44. [D] 45. [B]
  46. [A] 47. [B] 48. [B] 49. [A] 50. [D]
  51. [C] 52. [D] 53. [C] 54. [B] 55. [A]
  56. [C] 57. [A] 58. [B] 59. [D] 60. [C]
  Part B (10 points)
  61. 而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而是让所有其它形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。
  62. 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图象自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。
  63. 强调收集第一手资料,加上在分析过去和现在文化形态时采用跨文化视角,使得这一研究成为一门独特并且非常重要的社会科学。
  64. 泰勒把文化定义为"......一个复合整体,它包括人作为社会成员所获得的信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其它能力和习惯"。
  65. 因此,人类学中"文化"概念就像数学中"集"的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和认识成为可能。
  Section IV: Writing (20 points)
  66. 参考范文
  As is shown in the two pictures, the same flower has different fate when put in different situations. When there is protection, the flower blooms beautifully. However, when exposed directly to rain and storm, the flower quickly withers. We can safely come to the conclusion that greenhouse flowers cannot withstand rain and storm.
  The same is true with our children. As the one-child policy is adopted in China, more and more parents overprotect their children. With everything done for them and every need satisfied by their parents or grandparents, these only children seem to be healthy, happy and high-spirited. But when they leave home, they become disappointed and frustrated. Facing harsh things they have never experienced before, such as competition from peers, criticism from supervisors, pressure for deadlines and restriction for discipline, they will be at a loss, miserable or even desperate. In fact, the more protection they get from their parents, the less ability they acquire. Parents' love for their children turns out to be a disaster.
  Children, like flowers, should be treated with care, but reasonable and sensible ways of doing things will help to bring about more fruitful results, if we not only love our children but also teach them how to love, our love will be passed down from generation to generation; if we not only solve problems for our children but also encourage them to solve problems, our diligence and ingenuity will make our life more meaningful and worthwhile.

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