quitting or, in Labour’s case, not-quite-quitting, the single market,
A or B 这个结构中:A= B
所以这里的:quitting the single market = not-quite-quitting the single market
加上in one’s case 的用法
One hundred million RMB, or in Wangjianlin’s case, a small aim, is an impossible dream for most of us.(一个亿,按的说法就是个小目标,对于大多数的我们就是一个不可能的梦。)
美国中期选举就快要来了,俄亥俄州的州长是个强硬的保守派,在他的领导下,州政府采取了很激进的手段将那些他们认为不合格的选民从投票人名单上直接去掉。这种做法和联邦选举法的某些条款看起来是有冲突的,于是就需要最高法院作出裁决。最后最高法院以5比4的投票结果同意了俄亥俄州的这种做法。美国是判例法(case law),一个案子的判决结果可以推广到各同类型的判决中去的。其他州也可以采取这种手段确定选民资格了。直接受到影响的就是少数族裔的选民。他们很有可能被剥夺选举资格。大家都知道特朗普和少数族裔之间的关系很紧张,尤其是那些边缘的少数族裔人群更是水火不容。这个判决明显就是最高法院的保守派在帮助共和党的中期选举。把那些可能的反对者直接剥去选举资格。套路很深啊。
A 5–4 decision gives the green light for states to use aggressive methods to remove voters from the rolls, a process that disproportionately affects minority communities.
Alito, writing for a five-justice majority, resolved a seeming conflict among provisions of federal voting law by concluding that the aggressive procedure Ohio adopted to remove supposedly ineligible voters from its voter rolls, does not violate federal statutes.
There used to be a conflict among provisions of federal voting law
Ohio adopted the aggressive procedure to take away some voters away from its voter rolls.
The author does not agree with Court’s decision in terms of minority communities.
Alito opposes the aggressive procedure Ohio adopted.
词汇突破:(好好看, 我写的很详细!)
1. 5–4 decision 5比4 的决定 (最高法院是9位大法官,所以他们都投票了。)
2.A gives the green light for B: A为B开绿灯
3. aggressive method 激进的方法
4. the rolls 名册= voter rolls 选民的名册
5. disproportionately 不成比例的;不相称;(贬义词,负面评价)
6. Alito 九个大法官之一(我长难句书后面有他们九个人的介绍,大家可以了解一些,这都 是文化素养,比你知道Nine percent要重要,当然蔡徐坤确实可爱,9个小朋友都不错。)
7. minority communities 少数族裔社区
8. resolve 解决
9. writing for a five-justice majority (投了5票多数票中的一票)
Kevin, writing for a four-justice minority (凯文投四票少数票中的的)
10. seeming conflict 貌似的冲突
11. provisions 条款
12. federal voting law 联邦选举法=federal statutes 联邦成文法
13. supposedly ineligible voters 被认为是没有资格的选民
14.remove A away from B: 把A从B中去除;
(原文的表达是:Purge B of A(把A从B中去除) ; 这个词的用法还挺有意思的,只不过的超纲词,我就替换了。大家可以了解一下。)
15. violate 破坏
A 5–4 decision gives the green light for states to use aggressive methods to remove voters from the rolls, a process that disproportionately affects minority communities.
1.A 5–4 decision gives the green light for states to use aggressive methods to remove voters from the rolls.
2. a process that disproportionately affects minority communities.(前面整个句子的同位语。)
= 1. This is a process
2. The process disproportionately affects minority communities
Alito, writing for a five-justice majority, resolved a seeming conflict among provisions of federal voting law by concluding that the aggressive procedure Ohio adopted to remove supposedly ineligible voters from its voter rolls, does not violate federal statutes.
1. Alito, writing for a five-justice majority, resolved a seeming conflict among provisions of federal voting law
阿利托投了五票多数票中的一票,解决了联邦选举法条款之间似乎存在的冲突。2. by 2. 2.concluding that the aggressive procedure/ Ohio adopted(定语一)/ to remove supposedly ineligible voters from its voter rolls(定语二), does not violate federal statutes.
the aggressive procedure does not violate federal statutes
There used to be a conflict among provisions of federal voting law
根据原文:a seeming conflict among provisions of federal voting law
Ohio adopted the aggressive procedure to take away some voters away from its voter rolls.
根据原文:the aggressive procedure/ Ohio adopted(定语一)/ to remove supposedly ineligible voters from its voter rolls(定语二)
The author does not agree with Court’s decision in terms of minority communities.
根据原文:The process disproportionately affects minority communities
这里的disproportionately 就是一个负面评价
Alito opposes the aggressive procedure Ohio adopted.
根据原文:the aggressive procedure does not violate federal statutes
Alito 不反对!
A deeply flawed assumption underlies the discipline of entrepreneurship as taught in many business schools. It is that a uniform logic can be applied to the process of starting a business—a logic that can be described and, if followed, will increase the likelihood of success for the start-up. But that assumption has never been properly tested: Although business historians have described the early years of a number of today’s large companies, business academics never developed longitudinal data regarding how new ones come into being, detailed the common characteristics of start-ups, or described entrepreneurial behavior that could be replicated. Only recently have economists started to build such records.
1. The discipline of entrepreneurship is based on the assumption that____
A. successful start-ups share the same traits.
B. students have easy access of start-up records.
C. entrepreneurs succeed by taking MBA lessons.
D. business plans can be created in classrooms.
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