一. 企业社会责任
1. Chinese to English
① 企业社会责任 corporate social responsibility(CSR)
② 非政府组织 non-governmental organization
③ 认证 certification
④ 技术标准 technical standard
⑤ 消费者群体 consumer community
⑥ 利益相关人 stakeholder
⑦ 投资者 investor
⑧ 重要法宝 a vital source of
⑨ 赠人玫瑰,手有余香 The rose in her hand and the fragrance in mine。
⑩ 《劳动合同法》 Labor Contract Law
⑪ 增长方式 growth mode
⑫ 贯穿“一条主线” follow through “one main thread”
⑬ 突出“三个结合” focus on “three alignment”
⑭ 实现“四个和谐” achieve “four harmonies”
⑮ 以点带面,循序渐进 start with small steps,build on existing experience,and gradually enhance the overall performance
2、English to Chinese
① sound-bite 言简意赅地说
② corporate strategy 企业战略
③ World Business Council for Sustainable Development 世界可持续发展工商理事会
④ International Labour organization 国际劳工组织
⑤ occupation health and safety 职业健康与安全
⑥ buyer 采购商
⑦ contractor 承包商
⑧ local community 当地社区
⑨ labor right 劳工权利
⑩ ethical issue 伦理问题
⑪ animal testing 动物试验
⑫ annual report 年度报告
⑬ labor standard 劳工标准
⑭ anti-corruption effort 反腐败努力
⑮ supply chain 供应链
⑯ global sourcing 全球采购
⑰ conflict prevention 防止冲突
⑱ International Standard Organization 国际标准组织