以下是中公考研小编为大家整理的“2019考研:MTI翻译硕士考研英语词汇复习笔记lesson3(5)”的相关内容,希望对考研的同学有所帮助,一起来看看吧! 1、asset(n) ~ to sb/sth 有价值或有用的特性或技能;有价值的或有用的人
Good health is a great asset。
His assets included shares in the company and a house in Landon。他的财产包括公司 的股票和位于伦敦的房子。
★ property(n) 所有物,财产,资产
The jewels were her personal property。那些首饰是她的私人财产。
Property brings duties and responsibilities。有了财产也就有了权利和义务。
Certain plants have medicinal properties。有些植物具有药效效用。 2、chasm(n)deep opening in the grounds;abyss;gorge (地上的)深坑;深渊;峡谷;
There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly let to a war。两国间的政治冲突几乎导致战争。
★ gap(n)opening or break in sth or between tow things 缺口,裂口,豁口、
The road goes through a gap in the hills。公路从山间峡谷穿过。
a gap of five miles between towns 镇与镇之间相隔五公里
a wide gap between the two people 两人意见的巨大分歧 3、despoil(vt) ~ sth of sth 从(某处)抢劫有价值之物,掠夺某物
Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures。博物馆里有许多从印度掠夺来的无价之宝。
★ depredation(n) (由攻击、事故等造成的)损坏、破坏
The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs。这个城镇经受住了打家劫舍的匪徒造成的 破坏。
a facetious young man 耍贫嘴的小伙子
★ humorous(adj)幽默的,滑稽的,诙谐的 5、hurtle(vi)猛力的或飞快的朝某方向运动
The van hurtled round the corner。货车飞快的转过街角。
★ dash(vi) ~ for sth 突进,猛冲
He dashed off with the money。他带着钱逃跑了。
◎ larcenous(adj)
★ robbery(n)抢劫、盗窃、偷窃、失窃 7、pervade(vt)弥漫、渗遍、遍布、充满
The smell of baked apples pervaded the house。房子里弥漫着烤苹果的香味。
◎ pervasion(n)
★ spread(vt)(pt,pp spread) ~ sth out on/over sth 展开、铺开、摊开
The bird spread out its wings 那只鸟张开了翅膀 8、recant(v)宣布放弃(以前的意见、信仰等);(因不正确)撤回,撤销(意见、声明等)
recant one’s former beliefs 宣布放弃以前的信仰
★ retract(v)撤回或撤销(声明、指控的);拒绝遵守或执行协议
The accused refused to retract his statement 那被告拒不撤销其供述。 9、shamble(vi)笨拙的走或跑(拖着脚)
That old tramp shambled up to me。那个老流浪汉拖着脚向我走来。
◎ shambles(n)混乱的场面、凌乱、杂乱
★ confusion(n)迷惑,慌乱;混乱,杂乱
Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion。她来得很突然,使我们完全不知所措。 10、taboo(n)(某些文化的)禁忌、忌讳;不涉及某事物的一致做法
There is a taboo on smoking in this office。这个办公室里一向都不吸烟的。
★ prohibition(n)禁止、阻止 11、trappings(n)(威望、财富等的)外在标志
He had trappings of high office but no real power。他空有高官的派头却无实权。
★ decorations(n)装饰品,装饰物