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发表于 2018-6-25 17:07:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    61. The fact that they loved each other was merely proof that the fault lay
not in themselves, in their behavior or inconstancy of feeling, but rather in
their incompatibility; he was strong and she was weak.
    【译文】 他们彼此相爱,这个事实只能证明他们本身没有问题,他们的行为或情感的摇摆也没问题。问题在于他们彼此不相容:他很坚强,而她太脆弱。
    62. They were no longer occasional practitioners of art, as the cave
painters had been, but full professionals — i.e., men skilled in a specialized
occupation, practicing it full-time and probably earning all of their livelihood
from it.
    【译文】 他们不再像洞穴壁画的创作者一样是艺术品的偶然创作者,而是全职的职业创作者,即:他们擅长于某个特定行业,全职从事之,也许还以此为生。
    63. But even the relatively simple definition of a professional as a person
receiving pay for carrying out a specialized occupation on a full-time basis is
difficult to apply to the arts.
    【译文】 但是,即使将职业者相对简单地定义为全职从事某个特定行业并从中取得报酬的人,这个定义也很难适用于艺术。
    64. Nearly everywhere and always, music, architecture, and poetry have been
regarded as professions, while pottery making has been regarded as an art and
granted the dignity of a profession only in some nonWestern cultures.
    【译文】 几乎在每个地方,音乐、建筑和诗歌总是被看做是专业,而制陶只在某些西方以外的国家被看做艺术,并被冠以专业的名誉。
    65. The attempt to gain for some of the arts the status of learned or
quasi-learned professions resulted in a distinction between “the fine arts" and
“the applied arts", a distinction that has done harm to both.
    【译文】 人们赋予某些艺术以有学问或半学问的专业地位,区分出“高雅艺术”和“应用艺术”,这种做法对彼此都有害无益。
    66. The gradual breakdown of the attitude that permitted such exclusive
categories to be created and the general rejection of the false distinctions
between art and utility are encouraging developments in the arts in recent
    【译文】 这种彼此排斥的分类态度正在逐渐改变,人们普遍拒绝对艺术和实用做人为的区分,态度的改变目前正在促进艺术的发展。
    67. Michelson’s work is valuable, as a reflection of the day to day
responsibilities of Mesquakie women, yet as is often the case with lifepassage
studies, it presents little of the central character’s psychological
    【译文】 迈克逊的著作是有价值的,反映了Mesquakie妇女的日常职责,但是,像其他生活过程研究一样,它对主人翁心理动机的描述甚少。
    68. For example, in Maria Campbell’s account of growing up as a Canadian
Metis who was influenced strongly by the nonnative American world around her,
one learns a great deal about the life of native American women, but Campbell’s
individual story, which is told to us directly, is always the center of her
    69. As anthropologist Ralph Lonton said, “The last thing a fish would ever
notice would be water." So it is with people: except in unusual circumstances,
the effects of our own culture generally remain imperceptible to us.
    【译文】 人类学家拉尔夫?兰顿说:“鱼根本注意不到水的存在。”人也是这样:除非在不同寻常的情况下,文化对我们的影响通常不为我们所注意。
    70. No longer could I count on people to stare only surreptitiously, to
take precautions against invisible microbes, or to stand in an orderly way one
behind the other on the basis of time of arrival to obtain a service.
    【译文】 我再也不能指望人们仅仅偷偷地看,不能再担心看不见的细菌,或井然有序地按先来后到顺序一个个排队来获得某项服务。

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