商务翻译译者需遵循商务专业用语,灵活运用译入语,使得译文语义信息、风格信息和文体信息实现和原文最 大程度的对等。因此,译员平时一定要多积累商务语境下的一些专业术语。下文继续给大家总结一些常见的商务词汇: Chinese to English 礼仪致辞
坦诚交流 candid exchange of ideas
集思广益 pool the wisdom of the masses
以……的名义 in the name of
论 坛 forum
时代华纳集团 Time Warner Tnc.
源远流长 of long standing
博大精深 greatness and profound richness
自强不息 to strive continuously to make new progress
顽强奋进 pioneering spirit
壮阔历程 great history
丧权辱国 humiliate the nation and forfreit its sovereignty; humiliating defeat
民不聊生 the people languished in poverty and starvation
内忧外患 be faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad
小康社会 moderately prosperous society
资源节约型 resource-effective
环境友好型 environment-friendly
值此……之际 on the occasion of
欢迎宴会 welcome banquet
便宴 informal dinner
午宴 luncheon
便餐 refection
工作午餐 work lunch
自助餐 buffet dinner
答谢宴会 thank-you banquet
庆功宴 celebration banquet
招待会 reception
鸡尾酒会 cocktail lounge
茶话会 tea party
欢聚一堂 enjoy a happy get-together
分论 坛 parallel session
赞助人 sponsor
主办人 organizer
承办 organized by
协办 supported by
主持人 moderator
和谐社会 harmonious society
科学发展观 the scientific approach in achieving development/the scientific outlook on development
国信办 State Council Informatization Office
信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry
发改委 National Development and Reform Commission
商务部 Ministry of Commerce
国家信息化专家咨询委员会 Advisory Committee for State Informatization
信息和知识相对密集 relatively information and knowledge intensive
客户关系管理 customer relations management
先天优势 inborn advantage
第三方电子商务服务 third-party e-commerce service
中国国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics
教育部 Ministry of Education
高交会 China Hi-tech Fair
网上产品博览会 Online Fair
网上投资贸易洽谈会 Online Investment & Trade Symposium
网上消费品博览会 Online Consumer Goods Fair
新农村商网 New Rural Business Network
农副产品网上购销对接会 online fairs for agricultural by-products
亚太经合组织 APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
亚欧会议 ASEM(Asia-Europe Meeting)
上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) English to Chinese 交通与物流
logistical infrastructure 物流基础设施
distribution center 配送中心
third-party 中国中小城市
cost minimization 成本最小化
Canadian transportation Agency 加拿大运输局
CILTNA(the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in North America)国际物流与运输协会
quasi-judicial tribunal 准司法法庭
federal jurisdiction 联邦法律体制
ministerial advisory committee 部长级顾问委员会
deliver on our mandate 履行职责
hybrid organization model 混合组织模式
caseload management efficiency 个案管理效率
Modern Logistics and Freeport Development 现代物流与自由港发展
Bo’ao Forum for Asia 博鳌亚洲论 坛