考研英语的作文部分一直都是大家复习备考的重点,而小作文相对于大作文来讲,只要能掌握一定的技巧,拿分会容易一些。今天,跨考教育小编为大家总结2019考研英语小作文写作技巧之道歉信: ①表达歉意
►I sincerely apologize to you for…
►I am indeed very sorry for …, but believe I had no intention to…
► I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to… ② 解释苦衷
► …due to my toothache/traffic accident/traffic jam
►… as the things is quite beyond my power to do
► …because I have to deal with the urgent business assigned by my boss ③ 提出补偿建议+再次道歉
►I want to know if we could…
►I wonder whether it is possible that I make up the loss by…
►Please forgive me for/accept my deepest apology for …
►I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.
2018考研初试已经开始,跨考网将会为大家以最快的速度带来各科考研真题,并会聘请跨考教研室老师在每场公共课考试过后及时为大家带来考题解析,请大家及时关注跨考考研出品的2018年考研真题答案及解析专题,所有新鲜信息全部汇聚于此!传送门: 2018考研真题答案及解析