Statistics released on certain academic journals have shown that 78% of teenagers have their own role models in China.
Surveys conducted by certain career-related websites have shown that roughly 98% of white-collar workers are more inclined to work with colleagues they trust. They hold that with mutual-trust they can finish the work more smoothly and efficiently.
Studies conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Science have shown that 78% of people who raise pets, such as dogs and cats, are more likely to gain happiness and relieve their loneliness.
There is much evidence to show that the number of people smoking has increased at an alarming rate, roughly by an annual average of 12 %, in China.
以上我们通过五节,来具体讲解作文第二段"论述段"的写作论证手段,包括:意义阐述、对比论证、原因分析、弊端分析和举例论证。考生应该熟悉各种论证手段的使用题型、使用环境、模型结构等,考前进行大量的研读、模仿和背诵,争取在考场上可以灵活应用出来。作文的第二段,需要在论证手段这个大的框架和思路的引导下,用具体的文字内容将论据书写出来。 |